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Release Aura

Yep, definitely using Leia branch. Just updated both Kodi nightly and Aura to latest Git as I do every week.
I see "Alphabet Strip" In misc settings Wink

This is a strange request because I don't know if it can be done.
As you already know I use my own fanart-krypton.jpg, fanart.jpg, icon.png. would it be possible when I update Aura it will keep all my fanart-krypton, fanart, icon settings?



Setup: LG OLED65B7 | Onkyo TX-RZ50 | OPPO UDP-203 4K Blu-Ray player | Nvidia Shield TV | Dune HD Homatics Box R 4K Plus | KEF T205
My Favourite Skin: Arctic Fuse mod
(2018-03-27, 11:55)Blurayx Wrote: @jurialmunkey 

This is a strange request because I don't know if it can be done.
As you already know I use my own fanart-krypton.jpg, fanart.jpg, icon.png. would it be possible when I update Aura it will keep all my fanart-krypton, fanart, icon settings?



Love your logo and splash screen. I actually like it more as the default splash (sorry Jurialmunkey)
(2018-03-27, 02:06)Blurayx Wrote: @jurialmunkey 

Auto close OSD, can you please add this to Music  Smile


 How do i get this view? In my fullscreen music view it looks like this:

  • How do i change the colour of the highlighted lyric?
  • The highlighted and larger lyric gets truncated often at the left and right side
  • Is it possible to synchronise the lyrics with the played track. (auto scroll)?

I have a few requests/suggestions for the TV Guide
  • Can you increase the size of the Timeline above the epg (see image)
  • You have added the option to remove the genre line in the Guide. Would it be also possible to add an option to display the beginning and end time of a programme? And personally i like the placement of the programme and runtime in the programme field (See image 2)
  • Also using lower case for the programme name would increase readability imho

(2018-03-27, 04:21)Guilouz Wrote:
(2018-03-27, 02:51)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2018-03-26, 19:51)Cyku007 Wrote: Is it possible to add a HDR Media Info to the osd ?

Is there another skin that does this? I don't have any devices that support HDR so I need to look at another skin to understand how it is done. 
 Yes my mod do it, I just use 'String.Contains(ListItem.Filenameandpath,HDR)'.

Perfect, so you will add it @jurialmunkey ?
Heh so many requests for jurialmunkey.
The downside of coding such an awesome skin. 

Let him breathe for a sec!! Big Grin

@jurialmunkey: wonderful work and awesome support!
(2018-03-27, 09:24)loggio Wrote: @jurialmunkey

Yep, definitely using Leia branch. Just updated both Kodi nightly and Aura to latest Git as I do every week.
I see "Alphabet Strip" In misc settings Wink

Apologies. You are correct, the setting is there. At some point it crept back in when I was cherry-picking changes from the Krypton master branch.
Either way, it doesn't work in Leia.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
I, too, am a fan of Blurayx's aura icon and fanart. Would love it if Sir will implement it Big Grin
(2018-03-27, 14:10)VikkiXavier Wrote: I, too, am a fan of Blurayx's aura icon and fanart. Would love it if Sir will implement it Big Grin

It's the logo of a volumetric lighting plug-in for unity called "aura". So I can't use it, as it is already the logo for something else.

I have, however, added an option to set a custom splash screen image in Skin Settings > Miscellaneous.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
- The lyric highlight colour is Highlight2 in colors/defaults.xml
- I've expanded the width of the lyrics
- The lyrics add-on controls the sync. It should sync if the downloaded lyric file has synchronisation info (some lyrics don't, however).
- I agree about the font ideas for EPG. The rest of the skin uses lowercase, so why not here too! Changed on git.
- Added start/end time to epg if the genre labels are disabled.

@Arokhaerr - Hahaha. Thanks! I'm using skinning as a distraction from the pile of essays that I'm meant to be grading right now.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
My bad. I didnt know that. Anyways, thank you for giving us the option for custom selection. Big Grin

Thanks for all your additions 👍

One thing though 😁
I can't find a setting for disabling UI sounds.
Settings > System Settings > Audio > Play GUI Sounds
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
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