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v18 QUARTZ - Leia
Went ahead and added small poster image to the video info dialog. Notice also the new button for those that insist on improperly configuring the skin. Wink

Re-skinned video OSD bookmarks to be easier to navigate and less invasive of screen real estate.


(2018-07-12, 11:24)nonJon Wrote: Went ahead and added small poster image to the video info dialog. Notice also the new button for those that insist on improperly configuring the skin. Wink

Thanks for this.

I've used this version for a while now and only small things stand out. For instance, when watching live TV, the image up/down centring for channel logos is fine in channels and EPG, but in the info top third when you press the up and down buttons to channel switch, the channel logo is not centred, but on the top. In the same screen, the end time is given as the same time as the regular time, as with streams the system doesn't know.
There are three bits of info just to the right of the channel logo:
1- Channel name/program name
2- Next program name
3- program info

It might be nice to have the next program name als have the start time and to move it to the bottom of that top third. It's a bit confusing to first see what show is next, and then show info about the current program. It would also be nice to get info about the end time of the current program.

It's getting hard to come up with other suggestions (other than changing the order of the home page items Tongue ), you're doing amazing work!
(2018-07-15, 22:43)mediumdry Wrote: when you press the up and down buttons to channel switch, the channel logo is not centred, but on the top.
Looking into a couple places where channel logos aren't quite right. This is one of them

(2018-07-15, 22:43)mediumdry Wrote: In the same screen, the end time is given as the same time as the regular time, as with streams the system doesn't know.
The end time is actually the player cache end time because the behavior of a particular infolabel changed in v18. Been waiting for some direction on this and it finally appears to work correctly in the default skin with alpha 3 builds. The fix will be included in the next set of changes.

(2018-07-15, 22:43)mediumdry Wrote: It's getting hard to come up with other suggestions
Funny I have the opposite problem. The more refined the skin becomes, the more little things stand out. Like the fact that options dialogs use larger buttons/font than do context menus so of course I'm reworking all of them. The last thing we need is over-sized menus covering up our glorious fanart, right? Wink
Seems custom backgrounds for the home page is a popular feature. Gauging interest in a multi-image (slideshow) capability as well. Is this a feature Quartzians would like to see added to the skin? Let me know...
I’m pleased to announce that Quartz has been added to the official repository for KODI 18 / Leia. Cool
that's excellent news!

I was surprised that there wasn't more feedback about the custom backgrounds. You still up for feedback on niggles? Saw that you were even going into the pictures part.. Are you also working on Plex for Kodi integration? Wink
(2018-08-10, 12:47)mediumdry Wrote: that's excellent news!
Might never have happened without your participation. Thanks mate!

(2018-08-10, 12:47)mediumdry Wrote: You still up for feedback on niggles?
Go for it.

(2018-08-10, 12:47)mediumdry Wrote: Saw that you were even going into the pictures part.. Are you also working on Plex for Kodi integration? Wink
No plans for plex. Pictures part? Don't know what that means...
Hello. Is it possible when you press pause, the video plot shows up? Or when you press the "I" button while playing, the video pauses?
Thanks in advance. Great skin btw
Not feasible. The seekbar you see when pausing is separate from the OSD that contains the plot info code. Is it too much trouble to just press ok twice to pause and get the plot info that way? Yeah it's two extra button presses but the functionality is there.
(2018-08-12, 19:19)nonJon Wrote: Not feasible. The seekbar you see when pausing is separate from the OSD that contains the plot info code. Is it too much trouble to just press ok twice to pause and get the plot info that way? Yeah it's two extra button presses but the functionality is there.
 I'm so sorry. It was just a question. Of course it's not a problem to press twice the ok button to see the plot. It was not criticism, only a question. So I guess that's a no. Oke, no problem.
It was not my intention to offend. Sorry if it came out that way.
(2018-08-12, 20:05)nonJon Wrote: It was not my intention to offend. Sorry if it came out that way.
 Oké thanks.  Again no problem.
Working on a skin theme named:

(of an object, outline, or shape) having angles or sharp corners.

If you would like to preview and help test this, just drop this file in the skin's media folder and head on over to: Settings>Interface>Skin>Theme

In the TVShow menu, (In skin settings in homemade shelf customiser) when you choose Auto populate, then you see the recent added episodes as a widget. Is it possible to change that in TVshows instead of Episodes? Or maybe on option to choose between episodes and TVshows?
In know you can add favorites as a widget, but in that case you see no posters or miniatures. Only an icon.
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