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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon
(2018-11-29, 22:31)gp1138 Wrote: Really like this skin, but one thing I can't seem to fix is -- I want the visualization to be in the background on the Now Playing screen behind the album art. Is this possible?  I can't find any settings that address this.

Running on Windows 7 on an Intel NUC in my car. Smile
 Any thoughts on this, anyone?
Hi , 
yes is possible. i will add soon.
Hi Idorel,

Thank you for a fantastic skin and all your fast responses, this is not trivial at all!
I just installed your skin on RPI for my car, LIBREELEC, it works flawlessly but I have a few questions:

1) Yatse support is limited - sometimes I use the arrows and get somehow out of the menu, cant reach all the buttons etc. I guess this is a bug in original Estouchy skin and since this meant for touch this will not be fixed, however one can only hope Wink

2) I plan to use the PI as an IR blaster for my processor, and control the volume with it - is it possible to change activity for the volume buttons or I must sacrifice one of the main buttons?

3) For the above volume control, I guess this will work? - Change activity to: RunScript("special://path to your file /volume_up.py") ?

Thanks again!
(2019-01-01, 13:07)idorel77 Wrote: Hi , 
yes is possible. i will add soon.
 Thank you!
Hi @idorel77 

I have OSMC 2018.10-1 on a RPI 2.  When I try to install the skin downloaded from here: https://github.com/idorel77/skin.CarPc-Carbon I get this error:

"The dependency on xmbc.gui version 5.3.0 could not be satisfied".

Please help, thanks in advance!
Is anyone else having this issue?
Hi , that error is because you don't have the right version.

For kodi 18 : https://github.com/idorel77/CarPc-Carbon-K18
I think you should check the xbmc.gui version in addon.xml.
I tried that version also. I get the same error
Can you please explain more on how to do that ?
(2019-01-05, 13:43)JackTirol Wrote: @idorel77
I think you should check the xbmc.gui version in addon.xml.

I just did and it says

<import addon=“xbmc.gui” version=“5.13.0”/>
(2019-01-05, 12:32)idorel77 Wrote: Hi , that error is because you don't have the right version.

For kodi 18 : https://github.com/idorel77/CarPc-Carbon-K18
 I tried that but I get the same error
@JackTirol  Thanks , xbmc.gui was changed from 5.13 to 5.14...

@antmar904  Try again now and let me know if is ok.
(2019-01-06, 11:40)idorel77 Wrote: @JackTirol  Thanks , xbmc.gui was changed from 5.13 to 5.14...

@antmar904  Try again now and let me know if is ok.
 @idorel77 now it's failing with a different error.  The error goes away when scrolling

"Failed to install addon from zip file.  Installing the add-on from zip file located at /media/file/Carpc-" then the error message disappears.
@antmar904 , ok man, i installed osmc on pi ... do you have kodi V 17.6 . and you have to install this skin: https://github.com/idorel77/skin.CarPc-Carbon

First time you installed a old version and not from the link you give me.... try to download again from above link and have to work.
I try it and working...
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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon2
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