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Release IPTV Recorder
(2019-02-14, 20:55)primaeval Wrote: I got a reply.

ffmpeg on LibreELEC 9.0.0 is now part of ffmpeg-tools

LibreELEC Addons \ Program Addons \ FFmpeg Tools
and it installs ffmpeg to

Good to know if I ever upgrade. Superb addons from you as always
IPTV recorder and
Addon recorder.
(2019-02-14, 10:30)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-02-14, 02:55)hsh24 Wrote: Hi,

how do I add optional parameters to ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#udp), so that the parameters get added like ffmpeg -i udp://
 You should be able to add the complete url in your m3u file.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="cbbc" tvg-logo="https://server/cbbc.jpg" group-title="Kids",CBBC
The ? query string isn't stripped off in the program.

You can use the | syntax to add extra headers to ffmpeg in the url. eg

You can also add extra ffmpeg arguments in "Settings\Jobs and Rules\Optional extra ffmpeg arguments" 
 Thanks for the input,

I'm having trouble with ffmpeg not quitting when a recording time comes to an end.
for reference I'm using ffmpeg enabled with pthreads since my streams are udp.
I can only quit Kodi once I manually kill ffmpeg process otherwise Kodi hangs when quitting.
And when I kill the ffmpeg process I get the recording has finished prompt.

Any idea why this is happening?
other builds without pthreads works ok.
(2019-02-15, 22:50)hsh24 Wrote:
(2019-02-14, 10:30)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-02-14, 02:55)hsh24 Wrote: Hi,

how do I add optional parameters to ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#udp), so that the parameters get added like ffmpeg -i udp://
 You should be able to add the complete url in your m3u file.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="cbbc" tvg-logo="https://server/cbbc.jpg" group-title="Kids",CBBC
The ? query string isn't stripped off in the program.

You can use the | syntax to add extra headers to ffmpeg in the url. eg

You can also add extra ffmpeg arguments in "Settings\Jobs and Rules\Optional extra ffmpeg arguments"   
 Thanks for the input,

I'm having trouble with ffmpeg not quitting when a recording time comes to an end.
for reference I'm using ffmpeg enabled with pthreads since my streams are udp.
I can only quit Kodi once I manually kill ffmpeg process otherwise Kodi hangs when quitting.
And when I kill the ffmpeg process I get the recording has finished prompt.

Any idea why this is happening?
other builds without pthreads works ok.  
 I would hazard a guess that it is something to do with pthreads. Wink

A quick google for "ffmpeg pthreads hangs" came up with a few suspects.

Is that fifo setting necessary? It might keep it waiting to fill the last buffer if no more packets arrive.

I doubt if udp has been very high on the development list either. Bugs are less likely to be found than in more common protocols.
In fact it might even be impossible to tell when the stream has finished with udp as there is no handshake or disconnection event.
Try googling "ffmpeg udp hangs" too. There are some reports there too.
(2019-02-15, 23:00)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-02-15, 22:50)hsh24 Wrote:
(2019-02-14, 10:30)primaeval Wrote:  You should be able to add the complete url in your m3u file.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="cbbc" tvg-logo="https://server/cbbc.jpg" group-title="Kids",CBBC
The ? query string isn't stripped off in the program.

You can use the | syntax to add extra headers to ffmpeg in the url. eg

You can also add extra ffmpeg arguments in "Settings\Jobs and Rules\Optional extra ffmpeg arguments"   
 Thanks for the input,

I'm having trouble with ffmpeg not quitting when a recording time comes to an end.
for reference I'm using ffmpeg enabled with pthreads since my streams are udp.
I can only quit Kodi once I manually kill ffmpeg process otherwise Kodi hangs when quitting.
And when I kill the ffmpeg process I get the recording has finished prompt.

Any idea why this is happening?
other builds without pthreads works ok.    
 I would hazard a guess that it is something to do with pthreads. Wink

A quick google for "ffmpeg pthreads hangs" came up with a few suspects.

Is that fifo setting necessary? It might keep it waiting to fill the last buffer if no more packets arrive.

I doubt if udp has been very high on the development list either. Bugs are less likely to be found than in more common protocols.
In fact it might even be impossible to tell when the stream has finished with udp as there is no handshake or disconnection event.
Try googling "ffmpeg udp hangs" too. There are some reports there too.  
 same happens without the fifo setting too,
I'll dig around to find something that helps, in the meantime I got another stable build(without pthreads) which is working ok.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Hi Primaeval, is it possible to set the time when your plugin check for new EPG data ?
Thank you
(2019-02-16, 19:20)maiers12 Wrote: Hi Primaeval, is it possible to set the time when your plugin check for new EPG data ?
Thank you
Settings \ Service \ Background Service \ Service Schedule Type \ Time
Restart Kodi.
How do we uninstall/remove the IPTV Recorder after installing the zip file?
(2019-02-17, 15:31)xpax Wrote: How do we uninstall/remove the IPTV Recorder after installing the zip file?
 Same way as you uninstall any other addon.
I wouldn't recommend installing IPTV Recorder directly from a zip file or you'll miss out on bug fixes.
Use my repository.primaeval repo.
Hi Primaeval,

i've using your plugin for a long time now. I already asked you for help here once a while ago and you figure out the issue that i was having. so, first of all, thanks for the plugin and for the support.
In earliers versions of your plugin (using that time the Kodi 17.6 version), i had a option to always record a program or to include a specific name with wild cards and every time that a program matched with the name, it was recorded. Was working like a charm. I installed recently the Kodi Leia (18 R4) and of course, your plugin (last one available) and i couldn't find this option. When i selected a program to record, only how me record once, watch and a few others. none was always record this program or something like that. i also couldn't find any place to create this rules.. I was at maintenance-> rules, but wasn't able to add any, only delete some available.
The function was disabled here or its some issue with the new Kodi Version?

Thanks again for the help.
(2019-02-17, 22:01)kt666 Wrote: Hi Primaeval,

i've using your plugin for a long time now. I already asked you for help here once a while ago and you figure out the issue that i was having. so, first of all, thanks for the plugin and for the support.
In earliers versions of your plugin (using that time the Kodi 17.6 version), i had a option to always record a program or to include a specific name with wild cards and every time that a program matched with the name, it was recorded. Was working like a charm. I installed recently the Kodi Leia (18 R4) and of course, your plugin (last one available) and i couldn't find this option. When i selected a program to record, only how me record once, watch and a few others. none was always record this program or something like that. i also couldn't find any place to create this rules.. I was at maintenance-> rules, but wasn't able to add any, only delete some available.
The function was disabled here or its some issue with the new Kodi Version?

Thanks again for the help.
 Hi. Thanks.

When you enter the Program list with Record Once etc choose Record Always then edit the title to include the wildcard %.
eg To record all News programs in that channel put in

Check the "Mainantance \ Jobs" list to make sure it found what you wanted.

If you are trying to find something try the Search at the top level.
eg put in "news" in Title search to find all news programs. There is no need for a % in this case.

[EDIT] Post a screenshot if the Record Always is missing. I haven't seen it do that.
Hi Primaeval

The Screenshot as mentioned:

(2019-02-17, 23:20)kt666 Wrote: Hi Primaeval

The Screenshot as mentioned:

Go into the program by normal left click or enter and you should see all the options to record.
The context menu is just a convenience for the *Once options and to start Browsing by Channel, Title or Category.
IPTV Recorder version 0.0.88
- NEW! Create Estuary (IPTV Recorder) Skin

Record directly from the IPTV Simple Client PVR EPG grid!

This is the big change that lots of you have been asking for.

It adds a button to the Program Information dialog in the Kodi TV PVR to Record.
It takes you to the IPTV Recorder page with the options to Record Once, Always, Daily etc.

Make sure IPTV Recorder has the default settings to grab the xmltv and m3u from IPTV Simple Client.

Press the "NEW! Create Estuary (IPTV Recorder) Skin" at the top of the IPTV Recorder index page.
That should copy skin.estuary to skin.estuary.iptv.recorder in your user addons folder.
The new skin is called "Estuary (IPTV Recorder)" and it will try to enable it and take you to the Skins folder where you can Enable and Use it.

That should now give you an extra button in the PVR Program Information dialog box like this:

Press the "IPTV Recorder" and it should take you to the IPTV Recorder program recording options page.

If you want to add it to another skin you can manually edit the skin's xml.
In Estuary:
Edit "addons\skin.estuary\xml\DialogPVRInfo.xml"
Add this extra button to
<control type="grouplist" id="9000">

                    <include content="InfoDialogButton">
                        <param name="width" value="275" />
                        <param name="id" value="666" />
                        <param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/record.png" />
                        <param name="label" value="IPTV Recorder" />
                        <param name="onclick_1" value="Action(close)" />
                        <param name="onclick_2" value="RunScript(plugin.video.iptv.recorder,$ESCINFO[ListItem.ChannelName],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Title],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Date],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Duration],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Plot])" />
                        <param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(plugin.video.iptv.recorder)" />
(2019-02-18, 12:01)primaeval Wrote: IPTV Recorder version 0.0.88
- NEW! Create Estuary (IPTV Recorder) Skin

Record directly from the IPTV Simple Client PVR EPG grid!

This is the big change that lots of you have been asking for.

It adds a button to the Program Information dialog in the Kodi TV PVR to Record.
It takes you to the IPTV Recorder page with the options to Record Once, Always, Daily etc.

Make sure IPTV Recorder has the default settings to grab the xmltv and m3u from IPTV Simple Client.

Press the "NEW! Create Estuary (IPTV Recorder) Skin" at the top of the IPTV Recorder index page.
That should copy skin.estuary to skin.estuary.iptv.recorder in your user addons folder.
The new skin is called "Estuary (IPTV Recorder)" and it will try to enable it and take you to the Skins folder where you can Enable and Use it.

That should now give you an extra button in the PVR Program Information dialog box like this:

Press the "IPTV Recorder" and it should take you to the IPTV Recorder program recording options page.

If you want to add it to another skin you can manually edit the skin's xml.
In Estuary:
Edit "addons\skin.estuary\xml\DialogPVRInfo.xml"
Add this extra button to
<control type="grouplist" id="9000">

                    <include content="InfoDialogButton">
                        <param name="width" value="275" />
                        <param name="id" value="666" />
                        <param name="icon" value="icons/infodialogs/record.png" />
                        <param name="label" value="IPTV Recorder" />
                        <param name="onclick_1" value="Action(close)" />
                        <param name="onclick_2" value="RunScript(plugin.video.iptv.recorder,$ESCINFO[ListItem.ChannelName],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Title],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Date],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Duration],$ESCINFO[ListItem.Plot])" />
                        <param name="visible" value="System.hasAddon(plugin.video.iptv.recorder)" />
Wow, good job! Is it works with kodi 18?
(2019-02-18, 12:22)km4lin Wrote:
(2019-02-18, 12:01)primaeval Wrote:  
Wow, good job! Is it works with kodi 18? 
 Thanks. Yes.
I've only tested it on Kodi 18 on Windows but it should work on all platforms.
It only uses python and xml.
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