2019-06-14, 14:07
@mlaggner ,
OK, lets move the conversation over here.
Thank you will check over both of the links provided. At this stage I have managed to find graphics for 19 different countries (a reasonable number of which overlap with those in tMM). Taking names from ISO tables sounds like a very good idea. Being an Anglophone, English names sound like a fine idea, but open to suggestions on this. As long as string is filesystem legal, does not really matter what we name the countries. I have hand edited most of my video library using my scheme, and the difference in skin speed is fairly obvious on my i5 windows box (direct loading of image instead of loading via long skin variables is so much quicker).
Sorry, don't know about ISO code for Quebec, but here is an example from IMDB. Don't want to start any issues with the Canadians (last thing I want is a mob of them knocking at my door and being excessively 'nice' at me). While wikipedia has that separate certification has been available for Quebec for a while, I have only just noticed it appearing in IMDB. Not really sure I should handle it and how best to do so. I'm open to suggestions on this one.
Definitely think first option would look much better than second. Only thing in its favour for option two is that it keeps the string from getting too long. Yes please on the certs list as looking thru the settings and going back to the edit menu to check each country gets a bit average after a while. Biggest restriction at this stage is finding the actual graphics to add to the resource file, naming the files is just details.
Thanks for your time on following this up. If I thrash out the details at this stage there is a much better chance to get others on board with the advantages of the change.
OK, lets move the conversation over here.
Quote:IIRC we've made our code according of the information of wiki (which should be accurate): https://gitlab.com/tinyMediaManager/api-...ation.java
representation of the countries itself: should we stick to English names (is that good enough for all users?) or iso codes? If we use English names, I'd suggest to take the standards from the iso tables (wiki again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IS...ntry_codes)
Thank you will check over both of the links provided. At this stage I have managed to find graphics for 19 different countries (a reasonable number of which overlap with those in tMM). Taking names from ISO tables sounds like a very good idea. Being an Anglophone, English names sound like a fine idea, but open to suggestions on this. As long as string is filesystem legal, does not really matter what we name the countries. I have hand edited most of my video library using my scheme, and the difference in skin speed is fairly obvious on my i5 windows box (direct loading of image instead of loading via long skin variables is so much quicker).
Quote:scrapers typically return iso codes or their own codes (whereas I've never seen a Canada Quebec certification - dies this have an own iso code or is this Canada in general?)
Sorry, don't know about ISO code for Quebec, but here is an example from IMDB. Don't want to start any issues with the Canadians (last thing I want is a mob of them knocking at my door and being excessively 'nice' at me). While wikipedia has that separate certification has been available for Quebec for a while, I have only just noticed it appearing in IMDB. Not really sure I should handle it and how best to do so. I'm open to suggestions on this one.
Quote:I'd suggest something like:
Germany - FSK16
or (better from a technical view, but worse from the user view )
DE - FSK16
If we find anything which is good _and_ stable, I can write a script there I put out all tmm known certs along with the country (then you don't need to find them yourself)
Definitely think first option would look much better than second. Only thing in its favour for option two is that it keeps the string from getting too long. Yes please on the certs list as looking thru the settings and going back to the edit menu to check each country gets a bit average after a while. Biggest restriction at this stage is finding the actual graphics to add to the resource file, naming the files is just details.
Thanks for your time on following this up. If I thrash out the details at this stage there is a much better chance to get others on board with the advantages of the change.