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3D tags and MKV

I'm a little confused what surpasses 3D.

I've edited a file with mkvtoolnix and checked the entries in XBMC. The following results when the 3D mode in MKV is changed:


Everything works without problems...

But if in the MKV no stereo mode is specified and I add the tag <stereomode>right_left</stereomode> in the NFO, XBMC does not show me the dialog box to select a stereomode. But in the database the value "right_left" is set to the "strStereoMode" field. I tested this with the TMDB and LocalInfo scraper.

The other thing i do not understand is the handling with 3D video filenames flags. If I rename a file to Avatar.3D.SBS.mkv, XBMC shows me the dialog box to select the mode, but i can't see any stereomode information in the streamdetails table (or any other table like "settings"). If this detected "on-the-fly" by file name during playback/start?

My last questions:
What are the correct 3D Flags for the above list?
Differs XBMC only between SBS and TAB?
How should the files be named for Anaglyph Red/Cyan and Anaglyph Green/Magenta?

Thank you and best regards!

Excuse my English. I hope it is understandable Big Grin
Try have a look at what 3D (wiki) wiki page says about filenames etc.
The wiki says "no" ;-)

The wiki has no specific informations about mkv info -> filenames, only SBS or TAB. Also no information about the internal handling of 3D informations inside the NFO files.
Yea, idk, but what I can say is the wiki is open to improvement, and ou are welcome to add information to it.

On the other hand I find the info there is fairly clear even if not as complete as it should be and afaik applied to any container like iso or mkv etc, so you add the flags to the filename and it should be fine. Where nfos are concerned idk.
the Lot but goes back to my point above, when you find out consider adding it to wiki, so info is all under one place and not all over the place.

maybe this can start you in your quest but a quick scan doesnt show any info about the info your looking for, maybe Im looking at the wrong source file.
Bringing this topic back up. With my 3D ISO's and 3D MVC MKV's, having .3D in the filename never shows the 3D flag in Kodi. Only SBS and TAB work. Seeing what I can put for full-res 3D rips in NFO that might work? Any idea what value should go inside <stereomode></stereomode>?

The Kodi wiki isn't helpful in terms of which exact values would work...
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
(2019-07-26, 17:05)hdmkv Wrote: Bringing this topic back up. With my 3D ISO's and 3D MVC MKV's, having .3D in the filename never shows the 3D flag in Kodi. Only SBS and TAB work. Seeing what I can put for full-res 3D rips in NFO that might work? Any idea what value should go inside <stereomode></stereomode>?

The Kodi wiki isn't helpful in terms of which exact values would work...
Add this to your nfo and refresh the title selecting NOT to refresh from internet but local instead:

HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Great, thanks @brazen1. I only use local NFO's.

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3D tags and MKV0