Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
File shortcuts don't work with Kodi on my network
File shortcuts don't work with Kodi on my network. So I have a small HP Media Server and I store all my movies on it. I am trying to organize all the movies so rather than have 2 copies of the same file in separate folders I wanted to use shortcuts in several folders to direct Kodi to 1 file. Every time I create a shortcut and click on it through Kodi nothing happens.
A shortcut... Which OS is on your HP server, Windows? Shortcuts as such will not work for Kodi, only direct paths to videos themselves.
(2019-12-07, 17:58)Shane711 Wrote: File shortcuts don't work with Kodi on my network. So I have a small HP Media Server and I store all my movies on it. I am trying to organize all the movies so rather than have 2 copies of the same file in separate folders I wanted to use shortcuts in several folders to direct Kodi to 1 file. Every time I create a shortcut and click on it through Kodi nothing happens.

That's correct. A shortcut is a special file that windows uses to point to something else, but kodi just sees it as a non-video file and ignores it.

There are some options for you to consider though...

1. Instead of shortcuts, use symbolic links. These essentially do make the Filesystem behave as though the linked file is in two places (or more) without actually having multiple copies. Kodi should be able to read them just fine.


2. Use tags or custom genres and build custom smart playlists or nodes to access them. As a quick example, let's say you have a video that has been scraped as "Comedy" which is fine, but you also want it to appear in another group called, say, "kittens". You could create a tag called "kittens", apply that tag to the video file and then create a smart playlist to show any files with that tag.

Search the kodi wiki for tags, smart play lists, nodes etc for the details.

I haven't tested this but either should work.
Thanks for this old topic but still relevant the hard links worked for me
Thread moved to OS independent, as even if it is old it's still a support request and not for discussions.
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File shortcuts don't work with Kodi on my network0