XBOX Unable to find Inputstream Adaptive, after update 18.5 on XBox One
Hello, my Kodi automatically updated today to version 18.5 on my XBox One, now I'm unable to find the Inputsream Adaptive Plugin on the Official Kodi repository, I reinstalled Kodi , but still, I can't find it, I looked it up, and it should be on the VideoPlayer category, but I can only see the RMTP one.
Is there any way to correct this issue?
There was an issue with building the Inputsream.Adaptive addon into the binarries for UWP (Xbox), in the end the plugin author suggested we go ahead with publishing 18.5 on Windows Store without it because a short-term solution was unlikely.

I am sorry but it is an example of the problems the team currently faces with a lack of skilled devs having an interest or skills relating to the Windows platforms, and UWP in particular. Read about that here We had hoped that we could get by without impact on the v18 series of releases, but that has proven not to be the case.
Thank you for the information! I've also been having troubles with the new 18.5 release. It's sad to know that there is currently no solution for this new version of kodi...

Is there a way to downgrade to the 18.4 release that has the "working version" of the Inputsream Adaptive Plugin? Or maybe some other workaround?
Sorry I don't have any answers to that @arkadeus21 . I can say that an 18.6 release is likely in the new year and that we will try to restore Inputsream.Adaptive to that release.

Meanwhile generally we need the wider community to step up and support each other in using Kodi on XBox. Perhaps someone else has advice on downgrading or working around the issue, or maybe knows their stuff in depth and fancies contributing to the project.
Can you guys like rollback to 18.4 on xbox store? Many random closes, issues now, addons not working since automatic upgrade no option to downgrade, widgets take longer to load. I think most on xbox would be very much appreciative. Or at least a fix of some sort would be really nice here so we don't feel so thrown under the bus. All the tv addons breaking for two weeks was stoked they were finally working again then now this :/
(2019-12-10, 20:48)UserXXX Wrote: All the tv addons

That name (tv addons) does not sit well with Team Kodi, as it refers to many banned add-ons that facilitate video piracy.
Should this not be applicable to your system, then kindly provide the full debug log (wiki) file from your Kodi setup via a pastebin website after playing some troublesome videos and/or add-ons.
Thanks for the heads up. I've been actively trying to find a work around. Will report back, if I discover anything.
(2019-12-10, 21:33)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-12-10, 20:48)UserXXX Wrote: All the tv addons

That name (tv addons) does not sit well with Team Kodi, as it refers to many banned add-ons that facilitate video piracy.
Should this not be applicable to your system, then kindly provide the full debug log (wiki) file from your Kodi setup via a pastebin website after playing some troublesome videos and/or add-ons. 

You've taken his comment out of context. TV Add-ons is the group you're referring to. He was referring to "tv addons" in general, as part of a sentence referring to Kodi add-ons that are related to TV.
(2019-12-11, 05:16)drinfernoo Wrote:
(2019-12-10, 21:33)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-12-10, 20:48)UserXXX Wrote: All the tv addons

That name (tv addons) does not sit well with Team Kodi, as it refers to many banned add-ons that facilitate video piracy.
Should this not be applicable to your system, then kindly provide the full debug log (wiki) file from your Kodi setup via a pastebin website after playing some troublesome videos and/or add-ons.  

You've taken his comment out of context. TV Add-ons is the group you're referring to. He was referring to "tv addons" in general, as part of a sentence referring to Kodi add-ons that are related to TV.  

Nah it's ok appreciate spirit of it tho, pretty much meant the tv side of addons based on xdus that stopped working right for a bit week back there but kinda as a broader term. I will admit the strong-fist assumption was kinda right(I think?) (misfit+xan repos) didn't realize there was such heavy anti-pyrate sentiment around these parts new here so used to telegram/reddit recently

-Same here I'll update you if I can find a fix(or reddit if I'm ousted warning 100) going to cast 18.5 from windows to xbox wireless display app for now as workaround, inputstream adapter 2.4.2 works on 10 after being installed, maybe it is possible edit some of the manifests for it, something can be worked through from a computer kodi backup or the linux inputstream utilities can be pushed to it
(2019-12-10, 14:00)DaveBlake Wrote: Sorry I don't have any answers to that @arkadeus21 . I can say that an 18.6 release is likely in the new year and that we will try to restore Inputsream.Adaptive to that release.

Meanwhile generally we need the wider community to step up and support each other in using Kodi on XBox. Perhaps someone else has advice on downgrading or working around the issue, or maybe knows their stuff in depth and fancies contributing to the project.

Is the issue only in building the current version of inputstream for Xbox? Could a possible solution be to simply include the version of inputstream that was packaged with 18.4? Or is the issue that changes in the Kodi base would break previous versions of inputstream that could build for Xbox?

EDIT: The default player still has issues with skipping the first four seconds of some videos on Roosterteeth (not platform-specific, but inputstrem.adaptive doesn't have the issue, so it masks it elseswhere).
I think the reason you can't install after is below.

Inputstream is a binary add-on.
UWP runs in a sandbox & won't run external dll's for security purposes.
So the add-on needs to be included with the build for it to work.

This is also the main reason Widevine DRM won't playback.
That needs to use a widevinecdm.dll which can't be included in kodi due to licensing.
(2019-12-11, 22:00)matthuisman Wrote: I think the reason you can't install after is below.

Inputstream is a binary add-on.
UWP runs in a sandbox & won't run external dll's for security purposes.
So the add-on needs to be included with the build for it to work.

This is also the main reason Widevine DRM won't playback.
That needs to use a widevinecdm.dll which can't be included in kodi due to licensing.

I think I recall installing a test version of it on Xbox... unless I'm mixing that up with my Android TV box.

Regardless, I'm wondering if repackaging 18.5 with version of inputstream.adaptive from 18.4 that did work with UWP rather than not bundling any version is a possibility.
Tried to restore from a backup to the xbox but many addons including inputstream.apaptive were disabled, but this was only one that couldn't be enabled. Is there any 100% backup method? Could changing the .dll extensions and references to dll.a, ocx, or drv or any other extensions potentially avoid this? 

This is a portion of the from main addon I use that is effected. It appears these are only lines that reference it directly, was hoping some one could clue me in if this is possible to change over to the default included rtm input stream or if there was a way to remove the dependency in this case. 

def _DASH_HOOK(item):
    import inputstreamhelper
    is_helper = inputstreamhelper.Helper('mpd')
    if is_helper.check_inputstream():
        item.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', is_helper.inputstream_addon)
        raise Exception("InputStream Adaptive is not supported.")

    return item

def _HLS_HOOK(item):
    import inputstreamhelper
    is_helper = inputstreamhelper.Helper('hls')
    if is_helper.check_inputstream():
        item.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', is_helper.inputstream_addon)
        raise Exception("InputStream Adaptive is not supported.")

    return item
(2019-12-10, 20:48)User 443881 Wrote: Can you guys like rollback to 18.4 on xbox store? Many random closes, issues now, addons not working since automatic upgrade no option to downgrade, widgets take longer to load. I think most on xbox would be very much appreciative. Or at least a fix of some sort would be really nice here so we don't feel so thrown under the bus. All the tv addons breaking for two weeks was stoked they were finally working again then now this :/

+1 for rollback
(2019-12-12, 16:50)Merdique Wrote:
(2019-12-10, 20:48)User 443881 Wrote: Can you guys like rollback to 18.4 on xbox store? Many random closes, issues now, addons not working since automatic upgrade no option to downgrade, widgets take longer to load. I think most on xbox would be very much appreciative. Or at least a fix of some sort would be really nice here so we don't feel so thrown under the bus. All the tv addons breaking for two weeks was stoked they were finally working again then now this :/

+1 for rollback  

Has this already been rolled back? I never saw an 18.5 update in the store on my Xbox one X. Instead, I see 18.4 available for update, even though I verified that I already have 18.4 installed. Is this happening to anyone else? I'd actually like to roll back to 18.3 since that's the last version I had that would allow installing milkdrop. Any way to go back to 18.3 either through the store or by some other means?

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