Someone want to tackle a Philo addon???
The new Philo service (Discovery, Viacom, A&E, Scripps) has just launched!

Hoping someone will want to tackle making an addon for this service!!
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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I just live chatted with them and they said it wasn't on their road map, although they'd pass my feedback along. I think it would be nice if they built and maintained an add-on themselves, but someone else could clearly also do it. Send them a note to let them know you want it, numbers speak to these start up companies.
(2018-06-14, 21:36)Rizyak Wrote: I just live chatted with them and they said it wasn't on their road map, although they'd pass my feedback along. I think it would be nice if they built and maintained an add-on themselves, but someone else could clearly also do it. Send them a note to let them know you want it, numbers speak to these start up companies.

I spoke with a representative shortly after their service came online, they did not seem receptive to the idea... IMO it's foolish for any pay service to ignore the large Kodi user base...
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(2018-06-14, 22:10)Lunatixz Wrote: IMO it's foolish for any pay service to ignore the large Kodi user base... 
 I 100% agree. Perhaps Amazon, Roku, Apple etc. are paying them or running joint advertising which is more appealing to a cash strapped company. I just found out about their service today and would definitely pay for it if I could watch within Kodi! Oh, well. I'll stay tuned to the forum to see if anything moves.
Great, another quality tv-service.

Hope the ‘watch anywhere’ statement holds up and they wise-up and enable this through Kodi Wink
Guessing one still doesn't exist ? At least not that I've seen, and Philo touts the tire and true line of, we'll pass it a long.

ie. It'll never happen from them.
With PS Vue gone, I would think something like Philo would be a must-have on Kodi. Is no one working on it?

Philo was the best choice for us after PS Vue went down, because it was extremely affordable for the number of great channels you get with it, and specifically that it had exactly the channels we want to watch. For now we're having to switch between our RPi and Fire Stick to use it, so it's a bit of a pain to have to do that (lots of remote gymnastics just to watch TV). It would be so amazing to get a Kodi addon for it, especially if it were a PVR addon so we could mix it in with our local antenna channels, like we did with PS Vue!

I hope this is on some developer's radar!
(2020-02-17, 17:33)mikefreeman Wrote: With PS Vue gone, I would think something like Philo would be a must-have on Kodi. Is no one working on it?

Philo was the best choice for us after PS Vue went down, because it was extremely affordable for the number of great channels you get with it, and specifically that it had exactly the channels we want to watch. For now we're having to switch between our RPi and Fire Stick to use it, so it's a bit of a pain to have to do that (lots of remote gymnastics just to watch TV). It would be so amazing to get a Kodi addon for it, especially if it were a PVR addon so we could mix it in with our local antenna channels, like we did with PS Vue!

I hope this is on some developer's radar!
Maybe the guy that does the sling addon, d21spike I think his name is.
@d21spike Any chance you'd be interested in taking on a Philo addon similar to Sling?
(2020-03-27, 21:31)mikefreeman Wrote: @d21spike Any chance you'd be interested in taking on a Philo addon similar to Sling?

Eventually it may be a possibility. Currently continuing work on Sling and looking into YTV.
Geez, I wish I could code this stuff. I so need a Philo addon!!! Sling is ok, but is sorely lacking. Philo has more channels (and the channels my family wants that Sling doesn't have), better DVR, and it's 1/3 less money.
No takers yet?
Nothing happening with this yet?! Philo currently has a deal for T-Mobile customers (which I am one of) for one year at $10/month! And I don't have a Kodi addon to watch it with!!! Ack! I REALLY hope someone jumps on this REALLY soon! Please?!?!
(2021-05-11, 00:41)mikefreeman Wrote: Nothing happening with this yet?! Philo currently has a deal for T-Mobile customers (which I am one of) for one year at $10/month! And I don't have a Kodi addon to watch it with!!! Ack! I REALLY hope someone jumps on this REALLY soon! Please?!?!

Looks like there's a 7 day trial, I may take a look.

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Someone want to tackle a Philo addon???0