2020-02-29, 10:58
I had a tv show (WU assassins) on kodi, but decided to delete it.
For some reason it wont stay dead.
sqlite> select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
430|Wu Assassins
sqlite> select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';
1204|/TV/WU Assassins/|||||||||2020-01-18 00:39:30|786
sqlite> select * from episode where idShow = 430;
deleted the show from kodi (selected in tv show hit del then choose yes)
Ran black_eagle's database cleaner using the path parameter to remove from database
derek@kodi:~/.kodi/temp$ cat database-cleaner.old.log
Video Database Cleaner V0.6.0 - Running at Saturday, 29 February 2020 19:47:40
There are 1 paths in the database that meet your criteria
The following file paths would be removed from your database
/TV/WU Assassins/
sqlite> select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
sqlite> select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';
But in a few days it will be back.
I do not know where it is getting this info /TV/WU Assassins/ does not exist (but will also come back).
The previous time it was idShow 428
For some reason it wont stay dead.
sqlite> select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
430|Wu Assassins
sqlite> select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';
1204|/TV/WU Assassins/|||||||||2020-01-18 00:39:30|786
sqlite> select * from episode where idShow = 430;
deleted the show from kodi (selected in tv show hit del then choose yes)
Ran black_eagle's database cleaner using the path parameter to remove from database
derek@kodi:~/.kodi/temp$ cat database-cleaner.old.log
Video Database Cleaner V0.6.0 - Running at Saturday, 29 February 2020 19:47:40
There are 1 paths in the database that meet your criteria
The following file paths would be removed from your database
/TV/WU Assassins/
sqlite> select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
sqlite> select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';
But in a few days it will be back.
I do not know where it is getting this info /TV/WU Assassins/ does not exist (but will also come back).
The previous time it was idShow 428