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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2020-03-09, 00:00)MickBim Wrote:
(2020-03-08, 23:36)MickBim Wrote: Hello,

I'd like to modify the progress bar to invert the position of the current time with the position of the timecode of the video because it's not logical for me


Do you know in what xml file I can modify this, and where ?

Thank you in advance Smile
Nevermind, found it...
In DialogSeekBar.xml

Invert $VAR[OSDRightLabelVar] with $VAR[SeekLabelVar] 
Thanks man...very  helpful find it more logical as well ! Great tips.
So I want to setup a new box in my house and make it look exactly like my currently configured Aeon Nox box. I thought that I could just copy over the userdata/addon_data/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/settings.xml and reboot the machine but no dice. Didn't change a thing. Anyway to do it without having to go through and reconfigure my whole menu and such?
(2020-03-09, 23:11)pletopia Wrote: So I want to setup a new box in my house and make it look exactly like my currently configured Aeon Nox box. I thought that I could just copy over the userdata/addon_data/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/settings.xml and reboot the machine but no dice. Didn't change a thing. Anyway to do it without having to go through and reconfigure my whole menu and such?
Copy the whole .kodi on android or, Kodi on windows folder from current to new box
That will be okay despite box #1 being configured for 4k TV and box #2 will only be on an older HD TV? guisettings.xml won't have issues with that?
I have an issue with the home panel. I have replaced all the Home Panel lists with icons and for some reason there is a crop or overscan at the top of the panel. The icons themselves are only 96x96px PNG files so I'm not sure what controls this.
(2020-03-04, 17:06)DizzyDaft Wrote: I've used your skin since day 1, I'v watched the progress grow
I've never posted till now so let me just say 'Thank You for your hard work'

there are a few tiny very tiny things that i would like to mention,

when you introduced colored icons you added the correct mpaa bbfc certificates
but still no luck for default white as you can see,
they realy look awful, after so long waiting i decided to do my own,

also i have alot of web-dl's and i seen the logo change so many times last time it was stuck on itunes logo and short while it changed to this:-
my reaction was 'wtf' is that thats just awful that has gotta go 'lol'
so yet again i made a clean slick design
i was wundering if its possible for you to add them in if so thats brilliant
heres the link for ya if you want them >Download<

I can add the ratings classifications but the other web-dl images are the wrong dimensions.

(2020-03-06, 02:03)flhthemi Wrote: I'm playing with Kodi 19 nightly and I see that script.skin.helper.widgets won't install from the skin's help menu. I assume that means it's not ready for Kodi 19? Is there a substitute?

Embuary Info I believe has most of the widgets. I will add them to the options but you can add them yourself before then by going to widget customizer > addons > video addons > Embuary Info.

(2020-03-06, 15:58)JiRo Wrote: Hi mikeSiLVO!

Just added one problem regarding sorting widgets, see Github issues. This causes a malfunction of sorting in the widget sort function when sorting by date added is selected.

Many thanks for Your work.

I will change that. Thanks Smile

(2020-03-06, 22:44)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Maybe more views?

I think there's enough views but what kind of view were you thinking about?

(2020-03-06, 22:46)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Is there a way when e.g. switching from TV Shows to Movies, to auto select the first title? At the moment it seems to select the top . . . entry. The same when deleting a movie from the list, it selects the . . . at the top.

I don't think a skin can control that. I remove the "..." using the Kodi setting.
Perhaps the select first unwatched setting is what you want:

(2020-03-07, 05:15)tinnyskillz Wrote: Love the skin. IDK why but it always remind me of cablevision`s ui for their app, and tv box. Not sure if it would be too much work, but a revamped, sleeker, more stylish home menu (at least for vertical mode) would be awesome. Not sure how it would look (maybe netflix like widgets with the plot description of what`s selected), but i would love if it was something new.

Also, i love low list view with smaller menu. I would like to see an option to make the poster on the left smaller. That way it wont block some of the fanart. I`d like to be able to change the color of the whole menu as well. Maybe a transparent black.


You can change the menu to be whatever color you want including adding opacity. Just use the color customizer.


Top right is opacity adjustment and top left is for different color palettes. You can also enter in any color manually if you know the color code.


(2020-03-09, 23:11)pletopia Wrote: So I want to setup a new box in my house and make it look exactly like my currently configured Aeon Nox box. I thought that I could just copy over the userdata/addon_data/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/settings.xml and reboot the machine but no dice. Didn't change a thing. Anyway to do it without having to go through and reconfigure my whole menu and such?

Skin settings and menu settings are split between the skins settings.xml file and the script.skinshortcuts addon_data folder. What you have chosen for the menu is in the shortcuts folder and things like menu colors are in the skin's settings.

(2020-03-10, 13:20)mookieman Wrote: I have an issue with the home panel. I have replaced all the Home Panel lists with icons and for some reason there is a crop or overscan at the top of the panel. The icons themselves are only 96x96px PNG files so I'm not sure what controls this.

Are the images centered and padded with empty space on all sides?
(2020-03-10, 18:40)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2020-03-04, 17:06)DizzyDaft Wrote: I've used your skin since day 1, I'v watched the progress grow
I've never posted till now so let me just say 'Thank You for your hard work'

there are a few tiny very tiny things that i would like to mention,

when you introduced colored icons you added the correct mpaa bbfc certificates
but still no luck for default white as you can see,
they realy look awful, after so long waiting i decided to do my own,

also i have alot of web-dl's and i seen the logo change so many times last time it was stuck on itunes logo and short while it changed to this:-
my reaction was 'wtf' is that thats just awful that has gotta go 'lol'
so yet again i made a clean slick design
i was wundering if its possible for you to add them in if so thats brilliant
heres the link for ya if you want them >Download<

I can add the ratings classifications but the other web-dl images are the wrong dimensions.
opps sorry i put my old dimentions in for the web-dl images forgot to switch them heres the correct dimentions for the web-dl    >web-dl images download<
(2020-03-10, 19:44)DizzyDaft Wrote: opps sorry i put my old dimentions in for the web-dl images forgot to switch them heres the correct dimentions for the web-dl    >web-dl images download<

Thanks! Added them to GitHub.

So Ive been trying to add the auto hide osd to the skin and it's quite difficult to get it working the way that I want using only the Kodi skin engine so I am adding it to the skin.info.service script.

Please test it out and report any issues. I have not added it to the music OSD yet.

You need v1.0.8 of script.skin.info.service from my GitHub repo HERE.

How-To for installing add-ons manually from GitHub.

master branch = Kodi v19 Matrix
leia branch = Kodi v18 Leia

Sorry but can't install last git Aeon on Kodi 19 Milhouse nightly

Updated skinshortcuts from GitHub and skininfoservice

Edited addon xml of library data provider for python 3 ABI

But I got plugin routing error due (I presume) old python pliginversion (2.14) but I didn't understand which plugin cause error
(2020-03-11, 01:26)Roby77 Wrote: Sorry but can't install last git Aeon on Kodi 19 Milhouse nightly

Updated skinshortcuts from GitHub and skininfoservice

Edited addon xml of library data provider for python 3 ABI

But I got plugin routing error due (I presume) old python pliginversion (2.14) but I didn't understand which plugin cause error

Check to see if script.module.routing needs you to bump xbmc.python version to 3.0.0 as well.
yes now works thanks
Does Aeon Nox Silvo still need Artwork beef for cycling fanart?
I have series where the fanart does cycle but also a lot that doesn't cycle.
All have multiple fanart that has been added by Emby.
(2020-03-10, 18:40)mikeSiLVO Wrote:  
(2020-03-06, 22:44)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Maybe more views?

I think there's enough views but what kind of view were you thinking about?

I like simple, yet informative. A list of titles on the left, with the description\info on the right for each selected and poster as the background (what I'm using now but I don't need viewed\unwatched checkboxes as I tend to delete after I've watched something.)
(2020-03-11, 18:24)heula Wrote: All have multiple fanart that has been added by Emby.
There are some incompatibilities with Emby and Kodi artwork. Check your Choose Art screen and see if the artwork has been loaded into cache.

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Been a longtime XBMC user (and Aeon Nox skin fan, as evidenced by my ancient signature below -- I also still have a hardware-hacked v1 Xbox running XBMC) and just installed Kodi on a project build machine (a virtual pinball machine where Kodi will be my music jukebox when not playing pinball). Kodi is running on the backglass screen, which has a 16:10 aspect ratio (2560x1200). It automatically launches from the front end and via a third-party add-on, starts in partymode. Everything with this skin looks fine except the album cover art (folder.jpg). The left-hand side of the cover is cut-off and is not square (approx. 10% of the left side of the album covers are missing in the "Now playing" mode). The cover art is fine in the "Up Next" player. Here are two screenshots... This one shows a Cibo Matto cover (Now Playing) with the left part of the face cut off. In the Next Up music player on the right, Hoobastank is on deck... There is text along the left side of the CD cover art. 


This image shows Hoobastank playing and the missing portion of the left side of the image
Is there a way for me to modify this so the placeholder for the cd cover art is correct? Can I make this modification for the skin in MusicVisualisation.xml somewhere? or is there an easier "fix"?
Alienware X-51: 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD C drive, 12T RAID, Win 8, XBMC 12.1, Nox
MacPro 1,1, 2 x 2.66GHz Dual-Core Xeon, 12GB RAM, 500GB C drive, 1.5T 2nd HD, OS X 10.6.8, XBMC 12.1, Nox
Precision 7500: 2 x 2GHz, 30GB RAM, 500GB C drive, 2TB 2nd HD, Win 8, XBMC 12.1, Confluence
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