2020-03-16, 02:38
2020-03-16, 03:03
(2020-03-16, 02:38)shedrock Wrote:Great, I will give it another try. what's Sonarr?(2020-03-16, 02:33)Blurayx Wrote:It appears to be working for me now. I usually compare my Next Aired widget with Sonarr. The data was incomplete today, but after 6pm it worked fine, and all the airing times and episodes are correct, until TheTVDB breaks again every other day.

2020-03-16, 03:10
(2020-03-16, 03:03)Blurayx Wrote:Update:(2020-03-16, 02:38)shedrock Wrote:Great, I will give it another try(2020-03-16, 02:33)Blurayx Wrote:It appears to be working for me now. I usually compare my Next Aired widget with Sonarr. The data was incomplete today, but after 6pm it worked fine, and all the airing times and episodes are correct, until TheTVDB breaks again every other day.
It's working again!!

2020-03-16, 03:36
2020-03-16, 15:01
@thezoggy or anyone who might have a clue:
Is there a current idea, how the country.db issue should behave in 6.0.17 / 6.0.17 test?
With 6.0.15 I could not update existing data. Only full reset and then update was possible.
This deleted the country.db each time.
Now with the background update working, the country.db also gets deleted with each update run.
Is this how it is expected to behave? Could the deletion probably be disabled (directory/file/line would suffice as an info)?
Is there a current idea, how the country.db issue should behave in 6.0.17 / 6.0.17 test?
With 6.0.15 I could not update existing data. Only full reset and then update was possible.
This deleted the country.db each time.
Now with the background update working, the country.db also gets deleted with each update run.
Is this how it is expected to behave? Could the deletion probably be disabled (directory/file/line would suffice as an info)?
2020-03-18, 03:59
(2020-03-15, 11:54)skippr Wrote: @thezoggy You are my hero! I just installed the "6.0.17 test" version and it runs very fast and without errors in the logfile (though the update run ends with an "update failed error" displayed in the gui, but this seems to be cosmetic).
One problem still remains for me: not all shows are presented with their clearart logo. Although they have a clearlogo.png, some shows are "blank" in my overview.
Any ideas why this is the case? Anything I can do?
P.S.: A new country.db is not created either. But I lost the thread if this was already / can be fixed...
country.db is included now, rather than trying to have it generate it for each user.
the clearart not showing would be most likely due to your textures db not having the image cached.. you should probably clear that
2020-03-18, 18:53
(2020-03-18, 03:59)thezoggy Wrote: country.db is included now, rather than trying to have it generate it for each user.
the clearart not showing would be most likely due to your textures db not having the image cached.. you should probably clear that
First of all thanks for your reply! Unfortunately I cannot quite grasp the information provided, yet.
Just to make sure I understand it right: the country.db is no longer a single/visible file in the addons-folder, like it was before, but now is incorporated otherwise?
So I won't find it anymore in the addon-folder, right?
And where might I find the textures.db? Should I delete it or clear the contents or what exactly should I do with it to solve the clearlogo-issue?
2020-03-18, 21:35
(2020-03-18, 18:53)skippr Wrote:(2020-03-18, 03:59)thezoggy Wrote: country.db is included now, rather than trying to have it generate it for each user.
the clearart not showing would be most likely due to your textures db not having the image cached.. you should probably clear that
First of all thanks for your reply! Unfortunately I cannot quite grasp the information provided, yet.
Just to make sure I understand it right: the country.db is no longer a single/visible file in the addons-folder, like it was before, but now is incorporated otherwise?
So I won't find it anymore in the addon-folder, right?
And where might I find the textures.db? Should I delete it or clear the contents or what exactly should I do with it to solve the clearlogo-issue?
the script used to generate a country.db in the users userdata/addon_data/script.tv.show.next.aired (this sat next to the next.aired.db) and this has not worked in years.
that is why the version of the file people have pretty old (for those that have been using the script for awhile and never 'reset' to delete it).
for example my country.db was last updated back when tvrage was still a thing.. before netflix had marvel shows?
I updated the script and got the country.db generation to work again but as tvdb has been having problems and since the script would have to scrape a webpage (which is easily subject to break.. sadly they dont have an api call to use) and also better for scale, I just had it generate a new .db and then included it within the script (sits in the lib folder) as this data is pretty static. new shows come all the time, networks not so much.
and yes, on startup the script will delete the outdated userdata country.db file, as it is outdated and waste of space.
about kodi texture cache
2020-03-19, 15:53
@thezoggy FYI: the deletion of textures13.db and thumbnails directory did not solve the clearlogo issue. It's still the same shows where the addon does not display the clearlogo in "full view (when the addon is run)".
my skin widget is set to displays banners.
banners do work in "full view", too, for all shows that have one.
I do not know if some special circumstances in my setup might be responsible: I scrape local information only, which was gathered with tinymediamanager, and on my FireTV I outsourced all artwork of kodis library to a usb stick (using advancedsettings.xml). Both solutions work without any problems, I cannot evaluate wether they might conflict with TV Show Next Aired (for just a few shows).
my skin widget is set to displays banners.
banners do work in "full view", too, for all shows that have one.
I do not know if some special circumstances in my setup might be responsible: I scrape local information only, which was gathered with tinymediamanager, and on my FireTV I outsourced all artwork of kodis library to a usb stick (using advancedsettings.xml). Both solutions work without any problems, I cannot evaluate wether they might conflict with TV Show Next Aired (for just a few shows).
2020-03-19, 16:01
Are the clear logos displayed when you select choose art work from the show information in Kodi?
2020-03-19, 16:16
(2020-03-19, 16:01)Hitcher Wrote: Are the clear logos displayed when you select choose art work from the show information in Kodi?I will check the setting as soon as I find it.
Right now I realized that I deleted the wrong thumbnail directory (the local one, not the outsourced where my thumbnails actually are).

2020-03-19, 19:37
@Hitcher Sorry, but I just can't find a setting like the one you described as "choose art work from the show information". Where exactly can I find it?
Since I use Rapier Skin with Expert Settings I should be able to find it once you can limit the search area for me. ;-)
Since I use Rapier Skin with Expert Settings I should be able to find it once you can limit the search area for me. ;-)
2020-03-19, 22:08
In you TV shows press 'i' for the information dialog, then select 'Choose art', from here you should see a list of the art types stored for your shows, check there's one for clear logo and it has an image.