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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2020-03-12, 02:59)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-03-11, 18:24)heula Wrote: All have multiple fanart that has been added by Emby.
There are some incompatibilities with Emby and Kodi artwork. Check your Choose Art screen and see if the artwork has been loaded into cache.

Artwork (wiki)
Okay, I will post the issue on the Emby forum.
Maybe I'm stupid, but my extra fanart is not showing anymore. It used to rotate every 7sec (set in the skin settings).
Could it be because i recently switched to a external
database (mysql)?

Or am I doing something wrong?
(2020-02-27, 00:16)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Starting to work on the skin again.

Any issues or suggestions from anybody?

First of all - thanks for all your hard work and thanks for supporting all of us.

I just switched from Phenomenal skin to this one so maybe I’m doing something wrong - but I can’t seem to be able to “lock” a display for pages.
When I go to my library I like to watch it in the “lower list” display form because it has info and stuff I like.
It always switches back to regular list view..
Just saying thanks. I've been through a number of skins and each time I think I've found "the one" then of course I find another one lol. What I like about this skin is that is seems to incorporate useful features from the other Aeons including the Mod.

Thanks Smile
Can one have Submenus for main items? Let's say I create playlists for Movies, e.g. Thriller, Romance, etc. Now when I select Movies, the various playlists appear. Or can playlists only be main menu items?
(2020-03-14, 12:22)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Can one have Submenus for main items? Let's say I create playlists for Movies, e.g. Thriller, Romance, etc. Now when I select Movies, the various playlists appear. Or can playlists only be main menu items?
If you look at the images at the bottom of this wiki page, you will see it is possible... https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Movie_universe#Main_Menu
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(2020-03-14, 12:25)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-03-14, 12:22)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Can one have Submenus for main items? Let's say I create playlists for Movies, e.g. Thriller, Romance, etc. Now when I select Movies, the various playlists appear. Or can playlists only be main menu items?
If you look at the images at the bottom of this wiki page, you will see it is possible... https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Movie_universe#Main_Menu 
Ah, thank you.
Now I don't suppose it's possible to have a vertical instead of horizontal main menu? And maybe the submenus as a flyout Smile
(2020-03-14, 15:39)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Now I don't suppose it's possible to have a vertical instead of horizontal main menu? And maybe the submenus as a flyout Smile

Thats exactly what the "vertical Main menu " option is skin settings gives you.
(2020-03-14, 15:54)ontap Wrote:
(2020-03-14, 15:39)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Now I don't suppose it's possible to have a vertical instead of horizontal main menu? And maybe the submenus as a flyout Smile

Thats exactly what the "vertical Main menu " option is skin settings gives you. 

Thank you. I really need to spend a day with it.
Is there a way to have the music album cover art texture placeholder to be a square aspect ratio in the 'Now Playing' visualization main screen? Currently, all my Folder.jpg files are being cropped on the left side, but only in this view. In all other locations throughout the skin, the album cover art is correct. I posted this question (with pics) a few days ago here, but I don't want it to get lost with the number of posts that have come in since then. This is still an issue for me and I have no idea where to fix this.
Alienware X-51: 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD C drive, 12T RAID, Win 8, XBMC 12.1, Nox
MacPro 1,1, 2 x 2.66GHz Dual-Core Xeon, 12GB RAM, 500GB C drive, 1.5T 2nd HD, OS X 10.6.8, XBMC 12.1, Nox
Precision 7500: 2 x 2GHz, 30GB RAM, 500GB C drive, 2TB 2nd HD, Win 8, XBMC 12.1, Confluence
Arcade Cabinet
Does anyone know if the current Aeon-Nox-SiLVO git still lets you create shortcuts anywhere? I think the option when browsing the filesystem is "Create shortcut here", or something like that.
(2020-03-14, 12:25)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-03-14, 12:22)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Can one have Submenus for main items? Let's say I create playlists for Movies, e.g. Thriller, Romance, etc. Now when I select Movies, the various playlists appear. Or can playlists only be main menu items?
If you look at the images at the bottom of this wiki page, you will see it is possible... https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Movie_universe#Main_Menu   
Got it!. Thanks again.

(2020-03-10, 18:40)mikeSiLVO Wrote:  
(2020-03-06, 22:46)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Is there a way when e.g. switching from TV Shows to Movies, to auto select the first title? At the moment it seems to select the top . . . entry. The same when deleting a movie from the list, it selects the . . . at the top.

I don't think a skin can control that. I remove the "..." using the Kodi setting.
Perhaps the select first unwatched setting is what you want:

Where is that setting? I can't seem to find it. Does it apply to Movies as well, or just TV Shows?
(2020-03-17, 20:21)DoctorJellybean Wrote: Where is that setting? I can't seem to find it. Does it apply to Movies as well, or just TV Shows?
Change your settings level to Advanced or Expert (bottom right corner). TV Shows only.
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