I did a bit digging to see if I could identify where there is a difference between my current production systems and my test system. I did not find any change in the skin file, DialogVideoInfo.xml. ListItem.Thumb is what is shown on both sytems.
However, when I enter the choose art dialog, music videos on the test system has artwork for poster only. On the production system, Kodi 18.6, music videos have artwork for poster and thumb.
Could this be the reason why I am not getting artwork for widgets and DialogVideoInfo?
def _mapArtwork(embyServer, itemId, itemObj):
artwork = {}
images = itemObj.get(PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS)
if images:
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_PRIMARY, 'poster')
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_LOGO, 'clearlogo')
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_ART, 'clearart')
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_BANNER, 'banner')
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_THUMB, 'landscape')
Api._mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, images, PROPERTY_ITEM_IMAGE_TAGS_DISC, 'discart')
if images:
artwork['fanart'] = embyServer.BuildImageUrl(itemId, 'Backdrop/0', images[0])
return artwork
def _mapSingleArtwork(embyServer, artwork, itemId, imagesObj, embyArtwork, kodiArtwork):
if embyArtwork in imagesObj:
artwork[kodiArtwork] = embyServer.BuildImageUrl(itemId, embyArtwork, imagesObj.get(embyArtwork))
I found this code in kodi.py and it appears that there is no artwork from Emby is mapped to thumb in Kodi. In any case a check of the
wiki for music video artwork does not mention thumb. I guess it is generated somewhere else.
Not sure where else to look.