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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)
Actually I just remembered why I unzipped the skin and added the folder manually, when I try to install from zip file I get a dependency error , "resource images classification" unable to install ?
(2020-05-30, 11:50)ontap Wrote: Actually I just remembered why I unzipped the skin and added the folder manually, when I try to install from zip file I get a dependency error , "resource images classification" unable to install ?

Yep, that is also required and also available on my GitHub. It is used by my new classification images code. The images for the themes is in the skins zip image but not compressed into .xbt files as this is handled by the Kodi submission process. Will check to make sure I have not updated anything that is in these files but using the ones from 1.6.0 will be fine as far as you are concerned.

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
OK so, installed resource classification zip , then the skin zip , then enabled skin and ended up with black home screen again , so went back to  the other way , installing the skin from kodi interface then adding the two zips and it updated the skin to 1.6.2 , so no probs, but- as yet cant get a widget to show on shelf tried various options inc creating a couple of playlists , but am stuck with to movie and tv icon atm. Its not urgent , you crack on with your changes and I will switch to the new skin when sorted , looking forward to it.
(2020-05-30, 12:46)ontap Wrote: OK so, installed resource classification zip , then the skin zip , then enabled skin and ended up with black home screen again , so went back to  the other way , installing the skin from kodi interface then adding the two zips and it updated the skin to 1.6.2 , so no probs, but- as yet cant get a widget to show on shelf tried various options inc creating a couple of playlists , but am stuck with to movie and tv icon atm. Its not urgent , you crack on with your changes and I will switch to the new skin when sorted , looking forward to it.
@ontap ,

And just realised why you are having problems with the widget stuff. I bet you are using the icon home screen, arn't you? Someone forgot to push the icon homescreen code up to github. If you grab the skin from Github now you will be running EXACTLY the same code as me. Honesty. No really, cross my heart...

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
Now we are rocking  Big Grin
Hi mate , downloaded your latest from github yesterday, cant get the lite theme? theme is greyed out, I tried changing the color to lite and even flat lite, but all that does is make all the list panels even darker so you can barely see the text ?
(2020-06-29, 19:30)ontap Wrote: Hi mate , downloaded your latest from github yesterday, cant get the lite theme? theme is greyed out, I tried changing the color to lite and even flat lite, but all that does is make all the list panels even darker so you can barely see the text ?

@ontap ,

sorry sport not sure what is going on there, have not touched themes in quite a while. Will check from my end and see what the story is.

@ontap ,

ok think I know what your issue is. Yes I did make  change to the themes 11 day’s ago as I thought backgrounds where a bit Disney. The themes need to be be compressed into a .xbt file and placed in media directory for skin to be able to use. PM me your e-mail  address and I will will send you the compressed files.

Cheers all sorted.

On homeward stretch on new release, now stomping any bugs I can find.

Found and fixed one in weather screen last night. Have an issue with usability in home customisation to sort and then its a screen by screen hunt to try and catch anything else.

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
Possibly a bug am not sure : 
If I am jumping the gun and you haven't finished integrating EH into the new skin yet my apologies.
TV Shows widgets using Embuary Helper.
For example if I go into Embuary Helper and then TV Shows and select "tv shows and episodes suggestions based on random genre" , save it to favs , then go into skin settings, widgets and set this as the widget. So posters show fine ( individual episodes)when clicking on any of the posters on the top shelf , nothing happens , to explain : I select a poster that has a named episode from one of my series, click on it nothing happens, however if instead of clicking on it I bring up the context menu and select info , the series appears in the info window with the option to "BROWSE" to the desired , series then episode. So obviously I can access the item from there .
Same with "tv show genres" ( from EH addon ), not a problem for me because I don't want "genres" as the widget although the posters that embuary helper generate for genres are "neat",If you set genres as your widget in tv shows, nothing happens when you clk on a poster.
I can set widgets using the basic library options so its no big deal , however I quite liked the option of "suggestion based on random genres" as a widget, because unless am mistaken every time you open kodi, EM will generate a different list of widgets which is better than having the same ones by default using just the library?
Actually trying more options in TV Shows section of EH as widgets, it appears nothing set as a widget works when the item is clicked on .Movie work fine , I can always use library option for tv shows, . Now I look at it , in EH when I select a category like for example "unwatched" or "suggestions based on either  last watched or genre" , I would want to see the series posters  listed, but what you get is individual episodes , so if that is aa that EH offers on TV Shows , then I wouldn't want to use it for that section anyway Smile.
Sorry, wyrm , I think I am being unfair to EH here, just started trying to set a widget from the skin rather than EH addon and am getting the same issues. Any option I use to set TV Show widgets, ( am setting shows not episodes) when I then press up from menu on home screen , the widgets on the shelf are episodes not series and clicking on them nothing happens, so the issue is the skin I think not Embuary Helper.
EDIT :  more on the above, I made a smart playlist of series added to my library after a certain date, set it as my widget, but the skin is showing it as episodes not series and as stated above clicking on them nothing happens.
@ontap ,

bit to digest there, will take a look tomorrow and see what is going on. Also to be clear, only some of the widgets are supplied by Embuary helper. Some are Kodi filesystem direct links as that is faster.

BTW, thanks for report. Better to find out now that after new release is out.

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
@ontap ,

well sport you opened a can of worms there. I would like to say its the fault of Embuary helper script, but does not seem quite that simple.  Trying to find a solution, but it might take a while.

The playlists and favourites widgets are highly customisable and very powerful, BUT it is possible for a user to give the system some crazy stuff to deal with. For example, I managed to have a widget that had pictures, videos and .nfo files displayed (the .nfo's did nothing). Will have to try to come up with a way to filter the widgets so that only video and music files are shown. Think the issue with episodes relates to this as I think Embuary helper is agragating multiple episodes together if there are multiples for each show shown in the widget. 

Will investigate further
If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
(2020-07-04, 17:39)wyrm Wrote: @ontap ,

well sport you opened a can of worms there. I would like to say its the fault of Embuary helper script, but does not seem quite that simple.  Trying to find a solution, but it might take a while.

The playlists and favourites widgets are highly customisable and very powerful, BUT it is possible for a user to give the system some crazy stuff to deal with. For example, I managed to have a widget that had pictures, videos and .nfo files displayed (the .nfo's did nothing). Will have to try to come up with a way to filter the widgets so that only video and music files are shown. Think the issue with episodes relates to this as I think Embuary helper is agragating multiple episodes together if there are multiples for each show shown in the widget. 

Will investigate further

Good luck mate.
Well. that didn't appear to take you long , all working. Blush
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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)1
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