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Release TIDAL music (former WiMP)
Hallo everybody,

bad news !!! Some of the TIDAL login tokens doesn't work anymore. New login sessions are not able to stream FLAC and MQA anymore, because the Android and Audirvana tokens doesn't work anymore.
There are some new tokens which work for login but the losless streams are encrypted and can't be played with my TIDAL2 addon.

If you still have a valid Login session in the Settings.xml of the addon, you can play FLAC and MQA streams as long as the session ID is valid.
Please make a backup of your Settings.xml file !!!

The ALAC method still works, so if the login doesn't work for you anymore, try to change the playback quality to ALAC.

Sorry for this bad news, but I think that TIDAL changes the playback method to encrypted streams step by step.

Maybe something pertaining to the new version of the app to let us receive (and decode properly) the Dolby Atmos playlists? Not all of them enjoyable, but why not ....!
Thanks for your work, Arneson!
Hi, I'm running Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 4 w/ LibreElec. I'm having trouble logging in at all, regardless of the audio quality I choose (Low, High, Lossless). Could it be because I am using a 30 day free trial? I have attached a link to my log below. Let me know if I didn't provide the relevant information, I'm pretty new to this.

(2020-06-11, 15:33)arneson Wrote: Hallo everybody,

bad news !!! Some of the TIDAL login tokens doesn't work anymore. New login sessions are not able to stream FLAC and MQA anymore, because the Android and Audirvana tokens doesn't work anymore.
There are some new tokens which work for login but the losless streams are encrypted and can't be played with my TIDAL2 addon.

If you still have a valid Login session in the Settings.xml of the addon, you can play FLAC and MQA streams as long as the session ID is valid.
Please make a backup of your Settings.xml file !!!

The ALAC method still works, so if the login doesn't work for you anymore, try to change the playback quality to ALAC.

Sorry for this bad news, but I think that TIDAL changes the playback method to encrypted streams step by step.


Hi Arneson, this is really sad. I had a issue with Tidal. So I deinstalled the app and I was too quick and deleted my settings... now I have exactly this problem. Max I can reach is ALAC 16/44. Do you think you will find a solution in the near future?

(2020-07-11, 18:08)SmoothR Wrote:
(2020-06-11, 15:33)arneson Wrote: Hallo everybody,

bad news !!! Some of the TIDAL login tokens doesn't work anymore. New login sessions are not able to stream FLAC and MQA anymore, because the Android and Audirvana tokens doesn't work anymore.
There are some new tokens which work for login but the losless streams are encrypted and can't be played with my TIDAL2 addon.

If you still have a valid Login session in the Settings.xml of the addon, you can play FLAC and MQA streams as long as the session ID is valid.
Please make a backup of your Settings.xml file !!!

The ALAC method still works, so if the login doesn't work for you anymore, try to change the playback quality to ALAC.

Sorry for this bad news, but I think that TIDAL changes the playback method to encrypted streams step by step.


Hi Arneson, this is really sad. I had a issue with Tidal. So I deinstalled the app and I was too quick and deleted my settings... now I have exactly this problem. Max I can reach is ALAC 16/44. Do you think you will find a solution in the near future?


Hi Arneson, thanks a lot for this info. Was a bit lazy with backups, but your post triggered me to make a proper backup on a USB-stick. I hope that I can install (restore) Tidal2 on a rasp that still has no Tidal2 add-in
Hi @arneson,
for quite some time now i've got the problem that the fanart for albums doesn't show up anymore.
I've got errors like this in the log file:

ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://images.tidalhifi.com/im/im?w=1080...tistid=945

Is it because they changed something on the server side?
Manjaro Linux @ minisforum UM780XTX / KODI 'Omega' (Flatpak)
Hi @arneson 

Do you plan to implement the newly introduced Tidal Connect functionality into this add-on?

It would be a killer feature, and could completely replace my Librespot setup  Wink

Thanks for your reply!
Hi everybody,

I pushed a new version V2.0.0-beta21 of my TIDAL2 addon into my repository with following modifications:
- Removed Album Cache because it isn't necessary anymore
- Code cleanup in TIDAL api classes
- Fixed problem with videos in album playlists
- Now using an internal HTTP server to retrieve Artist Fanart from TIDAL server

You can download it here.
The corresponding ContextMenu Addon 'TIDAL2 Search' is also updated to V0.1.14.
In the next versions I will work on the Python3 compatibility Smile

@fera27 : I think TIDAL Connect can't work with a Kodi addon.
Thanks arneson!
Manjaro Linux @ minisforum UM780XTX / KODI 'Omega' (Flatpak)
(2020-06-11, 15:33)arneson Wrote: Hallo everybody,

bad news !!! Some of the TIDAL login tokens doesn't work anymore. New login sessions are not able to stream FLAC and MQA anymore, because the Android and Audirvana tokens doesn't work anymore.
There are some new tokens which work for login but the losless streams are encrypted and can't be played with my TIDAL2 addon.

If you still have a valid Login session in the Settings.xml of the addon, you can play FLAC and MQA streams as long as the session ID is valid.
Please make a backup of your Settings.xml file !!!

The ALAC method still works, so if the login doesn't work for you anymore, try to change the playback quality to ALAC.

Sorry for this bad news, but I think that TIDAL changes the playback method to encrypted streams step by step.

Now it happens to me: my login session ID is not valid anymore and I can't login again to play FLAC/MQA.
At this time, FLAC is not usable anymore, because the login tokens for Android and Audirvana are now invalid.
Even the Web-Browser token is invalid.

So following things don't work anymore if you try to login again:
- FLAC playback and FLAC/MQA playback
- RTMP playback of music (please disable it in the TIDAL2 addon settings if you used this.)
- HTTP playback of music videos (please disable it in the TIDAL2 addon settings if you used this.)

But there are also good news:
- the IOS token still works. So if you want to play lossless audio, choose ALAC 16-Bit in the TIDAL2 addon.
- If you enable ALAC playback, the ALAC streams can be used to play MQA/Master quality !!

Now I will try to find other working login tokens and rewrite the login procedure to play FLAC streams, too.

Hi arneson,

Do you have any news about the fix login procedure?
I'm a new user of Tidal and I haven't been able to use it on Kodi yet.

Many thanks for your work.

Is there any progression with a new version, support for Python 3 / Kodi 19, etc?
My Brooklyn DAC broke a while ago, and now I have the successor, Brooklyn DAC+. I just had forgotten all this MQA-hassle, so I use Tidal2, logged in, and noticed that MQA did not work any-more. First, I 'blamed' Mytek for it, but apparently it's a Tidal2 issue. I sincerely hope that MQA will work with FLAC in the near future, in the mean time I will try to get ALAC working.

i posted a fixed version V2.0.0-beta22 of my TIDAL2 addon into my repository. You can download it here.
My ContextMenu Addon 'TIDAL2 Search' is also updated to V0.1.15
This is the first step to convert the code to Python 3 / Kodi 19.

  • Removed unusable login tokens
  • Removed RTMP music playback and HTTP video playback
  • Modified the login process to use up to three login session simultanously
    (for browsing, music playback and video playback)
  • A Bug in Kodi causes a crash if the player tries to resolve the next playback URL while playing the current track. And the parameter "succeeded=False" semms not to work properly.
         xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(plugin.handle, succeeded=False, li)
    Some tracks in TIDAL are not marked correctly as "unplayable" and a HTTP error occurs if the Addon wants to retrieve the playback URL.
    Workaround: The Addon plays a short "unplayable.m4a" file from the addon resources folder which contains 1.5 seconds of silence.
  • First modifications to move to Python3:
    - Removed internal m3u8 library
    - Now using script.module.m3u8 addon as dependency
    - Addon script.module.iso8601 is installed automatically
The addon now uses 2 additional addons: script.module.m3u8 and script.module.iso8601. This modules should be installed automatically.

The next step ist to create a Kodi 19 and Kodi 18 compatible version.

Thanks for all of your effort Arneson. If you need any test subjects for the Python 3 based Kodi 19 code, let me know. I listen to Tidal every day, through your app, but the recently auto-upgrade of Kodi 18 to 19, through the Microsoft app store, has put a damper on things!
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