Embruary helper error
Thx. Can you upload me your video db file of your userdata folder? that makes it easier for me to test
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage

Haven't checked out your db file yet but your installed version is the old one. Please check my repo again. You can force updating the repo and addons from the sidebar. Or refresh my repo from the context menu.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2019-11-21, 18:50)sualfred Wrote: @Darker 

Haven't checked out your db file yet but your installed version is the old one. Please check my repo again. You can force updating the repo and addons from the sidebar. Or refresh my repo from the context menu.

I did update but it seems I had to restart the interface which I hadn't  do it.

I did it now and all seems to be working fine. Thanks!
Great, thanks.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
Hi, I'm using your skin: it is great!
I use Leila and I have not installed Emby server (i use jellyfin) on raspberry pi 4B
I like you skin because I have liveTV on home page and also configurable hubs.
I have my system up to date and I have installed skin and all dependencies from your repository with zip files.
But I have always error on helper
could you help me?
Issue is caused by the installed numpy package on your system, not by my addon.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2020-02-02, 11:46)sualfred Wrote: Issue is caused by the installed numpy package on your system, not by my addon.
Great, I removed it and now it works fine!
I have only to understand how hubs and tags work.
A really great job.
I get constant errors of 2 scripts
Not script related. U have a faulty numpy package installed on your system.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
(2020-05-21, 19:34)sualfred Wrote: Not script related. U have a faulty numpy package installed on your system.

I'm new to this, tell me which package is faulty and needs to be removed. Thanks you
As I said. Numpy. I can't give you any advice on this because the problem differs on Linux platforms and you als have an Arrow error in the logs.  Try to uninstall PIL/Numpy/Arrow/
backports.functools-lru-cache from your setup and reinstall them. The command PIP and Google is your friend about this.

If you are not familiar with Linux I suggest you to use LibreElec as distribution for the RPi. This includes everything without any hazzle.
Main: Lancool II Mesh  - Ryzen 9 5900x - MSI x570 Unify - Zotac RTX 3080 AMP HOLO - 32GB Trident Z Neo 3600 CL16 -  EVO 960 M.2 250GB / EVO 940 250GB / MX100 512GB /  Crucial P1 2TB / WD Blue 3D Nand 2TB 
Sound: Saxx AS30 DSP - Beyer Dynamic Custom One Pro 
TV: Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro- Adalight 114x LEDs - Sony 65XG9505 - Kodi / Emby - Yamaha RX-V683 - Heco Victa 700/101/251a + Dynavoice Magic FX-4
Server: i3 Skylake - 8GB - OMV4 - 22TB Storage
TL;DR: Proceed to the hack section.

Long story:
From the different threads over the internet discussing the issue, it looks like:
numpy does not like being initialized more than once. (link)
It makes sense because the error says, "RuntimeError: implement_array_function method already has a docstring". the docstring would have got added during the first time it got initialized.

This plugin - script.embuary.helper imports PIL, which imports numpy.
I haven't looked at the code so, I am not sure who is importing numpy twice.
It could also be the case that different plugins within kodi are using numpy. And they are using it in the same process, leading to this issue.

Ugly hack that worked for me:
This may not be the right way. However, this worked for me.
The PIL script that imports numpy has a fallback if numpy is not available.
Now, numpy is required by the system. Hence you cannot remove python-numpy package.
This dummy numpy file helps in raising a ImportError when you try to import numpy as pi user.

echo "raise ImportError('STUB numpy module to disable numpy')" > /home/pi/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py

Note that this would potentially break the other softwares that you would start from your login.
A slightly better way is to add this file at some non-standard path and add that path to PYTHONPATH when launching kodi.
Hi. I ask for help.
What is the reason for this error?
yutepupero.kodi (paste)
(2020-08-04, 13:30)vgmedia Wrote: Hi. I ask for help.
What is the reason for this error?
yutepupero.kodi (paste)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
Try pip install Pillow
Thanks. I installed pillow, but now so:
oxumiwodiv.kodi (paste)

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