JSONRPC.NotifyAll - Help to send Notification via URL
I want to show a popup notification in KODI.

Can anyone help me to build a json request via HTTP.
I want to send via HTTP command a simple Message.

I tried this, but I don't get any feedback back:{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.NotifyAll", "params": {"sender": "homee", "message": "Test"}, "id": 1}

If I try it I get no response back and no notifications inside Kodi.
I have a simple python program that can send a message to Kodi. I think if you do a search you should be able to find a way to do what you want via http, but I found it easier to just use python.
#updated on 3/15/2016 by Harry to pass parameters for title and message
#meassage parameter should be the filename of the file just processed by Comskip
#also utilizing xbmcjson due to easier interface.
import sys
import time
from xbmcjson import XBMC, PLAYER_VIDEO
# constants start
semi_colon = ';'
colon = ':'
comma = ','
slash = "\x5C"
back_slash = "\x2F"
question_mark = "\x3F"
char1 = "\x5E"
char2 = "\x7B"
char3 = "\x7D"
char4 = "\x7E"
# char5 = "\x7F"
char6 = "\x5D"
char7 = "\x5B"
underscore = "_"
dot = "."
dash = "-"
space = " "
quoate = "\x22"
debug_it = False
# Settings
# The IP address for the XBMC instance you want to talk to
ip = 'localhost'
#ip = ''
# The port number XBMC's web interface is listening on
port = '8080'
#port = '80'
# The username on XBMC's web interface (just comment or delete this line if you don't use authentication
username = 'xbmc'
# Same as the username. No password for my system.
password = ''
json_name =  back_slash + "jsonrpc"
full_http = "http:" + back_slash + back_slash + ip + colon + port + json_name
xbmc = XBMC(full_http)
# Here you specify the method and parameters you want to pass to the XBMC JSON API
# For a LOT of info on the kinds of things you can do with the interface go here:
# http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=JSON-RPC_API/v6
# Here's an example of just sending an on-screen notification. This should help you understand the syntax
# method = 'GUI.ShowNotification'
# parameters = {"title":"Hello There!", "message":"This is a notification!", "displaytime":3000}
# This is what I am actually doing with this script, running the Artwork Downloader.
# Note: I am using the "silent" mode to avoid having a pop-up dialog box that would need to be closed.
# Also note: this stuff is very syntax-specific. Boolean and Int values must not be quoted. Strings must be doublequoted.
method = 'GUI.ShowNotification'
method2 = 'VideoLibrary.Clean'
method3 = 'VideoLibrary.Scan'
notify_method = method
libclean_method = method2
libscan_method = method3
# parameters = {'title': "Comskip completed for:",'message': "A recorded program"}
# above is original format. Trying in final version to pass a filename as a parameter
# below line is a test line with variable input
recorded_program = ""
# No Program Name Provided"
# constants start
slash = "\\"
underscore = "_"
dot = "."
iplist_file = 'IPList.txt'
# constants end
arguments = len(sys.argv)
#print ("Parameters received = ",arguments)
#argument [0] is the name of the Python program being executed.
#argument [1] is the parameter being passed to the Python program as the message
#argument [2] is the parameter being passed to the Python program as the title
title_text = "Comskip Completed."
if arguments >= 2 :
         title_text = sys.argv[1]
         if arguments >= 3:
                 recorded_program = sys.argv[2]
                 if arguments >= 4:
                          ip = sys.argv[3]
                          if arguments >= 3:
                                   port = sys.argv[4]
         json_name =  back_slash + "jsonrpc"
         full_http = "http:" + back_slash + back_slash + ip + colon + port + json_name
         xbmc = XBMC(full_http)
if arguments == 1 :
        recorded_program = sys.argv[0]
str1 = recorded_program
str2 = str1.rpartition(slash)[2]
str3 = str2.partition(dot)[0]
if debug_it:
         print "str1=",str1, "str2=",str2, "str3=",str3
str4 = str3.partition(underscore)
if debug_it:
         print "str4= ",str4
recorded_program = str4[0]
if debug_it:
         print "str4 =", str4, "recorded program = ",recorded_program
parameters = {'title': title_text,'message': recorded_program}

# This is a single, reusable method that makes a call to XBMC and gives you back the response

def sendJson(url_in,method,parameters):
        results = 0
        temp_str = url_in
        xbmc = XBMC(temp_str)
        if method == notify_method:
                results = xbmc.GUI.ShowNotification(parameters)
                #title="Library Clean", message = "Initiated")
                if method == libscan_method:
                        if "win" in sys.platform:
                                if ip in url_in:
                                        results = xbmc.VideoLibrary.Scan(parameters)
                                        results = xbmc.VideoLibrary.Scan()
                                results = xbmc.VideoLibrary.Scan()
                        if method == libclean_method:
                                results = xbmc.VideoLibrary.Clean()
        if debug_it:
                print results
        return results['result']

# Here's an example of using the above method and variable values to make XBMC show a Notify
results =sendJson(full_http,method,parameters)
# I just print the results out
print "results= ", results, " from ", full_http
Thanks, but does no one use the Notifications with HTTP?
Thumbs Up 
Works now, so it is solved!
Hey Chris,

would you mind sharing your solution?

Yes of course.

Here is the URL base:

And the parameters are:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ShowNotification", "params": {"title": "HERE ADD THE TITLE", "message": "ADD THE MESSAGE HERE" }, "id": 1}
(2017-09-17, 13:25)chrisonline1205 Wrote: Yes of course.

Here is the URL base:

And the parameters are:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ShowNotification", "params": {"title": "HERE ADD THE TITLE", "message": "ADD THE MESSAGE HERE" }, "id": 1}

This has worked for me to for a long time, but no longer works in Kodi Leia
i get an 
{"error":{"code":-32099,"message":"Bad client permission."},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
cant figure it out on what to change or use next 
any sugestions ?
(2020-11-25, 11:30)Richard6360 Wrote:
(2017-09-17, 13:25)chrisonline1205 Wrote: Yes of course.

Here is the URL base:

And the parameters are:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ShowNotification", "params": {"title": "HERE ADD THE TITLE", "message": "ADD THE MESSAGE HERE" }, "id": 1}

This has worked for me to for a long time, but no longer works in Kodi Leia
i get an 
{"error":{"code":-32099,"message":"Bad client permission."},"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
cant figure it out on what to change or use next 
any sugestions ?

This can be the problem.
Since LEIA the GET does not support actions.

We need to use POST.
I have not tried it yet so can you check if you can set as "protocol" "POST?


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JSONRPC.NotifyAll - Help to send Notification via URL0