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Beta Testflight access to beta version

Please feel free to install beta version, provide feedback, report bugs etc. Always post build number you tested with!

Testflight builds history: https://github.com/xbmc/Official-Kodi-Re...S/releases
Thanks for your work !!! 😊

Some feedback :
  • the app crashes when trying to access library, clicking on Movies or TV Shows
  • the app crashes when trying to add custom buttons to remote, clicking on the button to access the list of system commands ( button “...altro” in italian)
  • can’t change the default language of the app in IOS settings 
  • in dark mode : the color font of the keyboard is white on white background, can’t see what you’re typing
(crashes already submitted via testflight app)

Version 1.6 (1885)
(2021-01-10, 01:37)z3rodivide Wrote: Some feedback :
  • the app crashes when trying to access library, clicking on Movies or TV Shows
  • the app crashes when trying to add custom buttons to remote, clicking on the button to access the list of system commands ( button “...altro” in italian)
  • can’t change the default language of the app in IOS settings 
  • in dark mode : the color font of the keyboard is white on white background, can’t see what you’re typing
Thanks for your feedback.
1. The app crashes are confirmed and expected to be fixed with an existing open PR.
2. I cannot reproduce the language issues. if I set the language from "Automatic" to the desired language, this works for me (iPhone Xs, iOS 13.4, with build 1885)
3. Keyboard text issue in Dark Mode confirmed, fix already provided via PR.
(2021-01-10, 15:59)Buschel Wrote: 2. I cannot reproduce the language issues. if I set the language from "Automatic" to the desired language, this works for me (iPhone Xs, iOS 13.4, with build 1885)

I just noticed that in IOS Settings there are two different settings for the language selection


You have to set the second one

Just an idea, in IPhone X larger screen ( and iPad) the zone below remote buttons could be used as “gesture zone”

the first Language is OS-level setting, the second one is app's custom one. I think we should get rid of the latter at some point.
new build that doesn't crash any more is available
(2021-01-11, 18:55)kambala Wrote: new build that doesn't crash any more is available

Nice! Confirm it doesn’t crash anymore.
On iPad I notice that dragging list of tvshows down for a refresh doesn’t trigger a refresh. Same with movies.
@kambala, I confirm build 1919 does not crash anymore on iPhone Xs, iOS 13.4.

@Saens, which iPad you´re using? And do you see the same happening with synchronizing Music?
(2021-01-11, 19:45)Buschel Wrote: @kambala, I confirm build 1919 does not crash anymore on iPhone Xs, iOS 13.4.

@Saens, which iPad you´re using? And do you see the same happening with synchronizing Music?

iPad (5th generation)
MP2G2NF/A A1822
 Yes, with music aswell
(2021-01-11, 20:08)Saens Wrote: iPad (5th generation)
MP2G2NF/A A1822
 Yes, with music aswell

Just installed the iPad 5G simulator here (iOS14.3). This works. Can you share a few more details: 
- Which iOS version?
- Is the text "Release to sync with Kodi..." with the arrow pointing upwards shown after you pulled down the list and before you release the list?
- You try to sync from list view or collection view?
- The sync animation (iOS activity animation) is started?
(2021-01-11, 20:42)Buschel Wrote:
(2021-01-11, 20:08)Saens Wrote: iPad (5th generation)
MP2G2NF/A A1822
 Yes, with music aswell

Just installed the iPad 5G simulator here (iOS14.3). This works. Can you share a few more details: 
- Which iOS version?
- Is the text "Release to sync with Kodi..." with the arrow pointing upwards shown after you pulled down the list and before you release the list?
- You try to sync from list view or collection view?
- The sync animation (iOS activity animation) is started?

iOS 14.3
what is either list or coll view?
no, but the search bar appears (and stays)

let me know when i can delete the link. It shows my full name
Downloaded the video, thanks for sharing. Looks like in your case the PullToRefresh menu is not even showing up. Does this look the same when you pull down slowly until you reach the black area above the searchbar?

List view = a list of albums showing (thumb left, text right)
Coll view = a set of album covers is showing
Seems to make no difference if I do it slow or fast.
(2021-01-11, 22:38)Saens Wrote: Seems to make no difference if I do it slow or fast.

Hmm, hard to debug as I cannot find a way to reproduce this yet. Did you delete the App and cleanly re-installed it? Any other special settings you use which are different to the default?
(2021-01-11, 18:55)kambala Wrote: new build that doesn't crash any more is available

1926 working on both iPad Pro 9.7” 14.2 and iPhone 12 Pro 14.3
- no crashing on movie syncing
- scaling much better on iPhone (width) - plenty of space at the bottom.

We have just submitted feedback from both iPhone12Pro and iPad. Scaling definitely better. Also shared the old layout that was on the iPhone 12Pro. Excellent work.
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