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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)
MrDVD Wrote:Thx for the fix i will test it right now, but why you think xbmc will dl it from tmdb ? I selected inside xbmc to create the files itself from the movie/show.

This new seach @ imdb sounds also cool.

I never tried having it make it from the source so maybe that's the step i needed so it didn't try to download it.. it slowed the read speed of shows way down when they where missing an image.. let me know how that turns out, be interesting to see how it works now in xbmc
Great app. The new version has improved leaps and bounds--particularly with the speed of TV shows--but I do have a few questions:

* What are these "extras" folders that are suddenly being created, and how can I turn it off it I don't want them?
* Is there a simple way to just scan through to download info for new episodes? I don't really want to have to load hundreds of shows with thousands of episodes just to get nfos and tbns for new episodes.
* Like the last one, can I just scan an individual show or episode for updates? i.e. Select a show or episode and click "update" somehow.
* I have seen shows that were successfully loaded, but new episodes won't appear even when the files are there and correctly named. I can even search TVDB and find the episodes. After creating the NFO myself (and rescanning/updating) the episode was still not listed.
* Is there any way to have a "don't show this again" button for shows or episodes it can't find matches for? Whether it's for any of those popups or per show I don't mind.
thanks again fekker, great program!

one problem i ran into, for movies that are detected incorrectly (eg. movies that have remakes, the star wars series which i have named star wars-I, star wars-II etc, and any other movie that has a 1, 2, 3 in its name). when i go to imdb, copy the correcct IMDB number, put it in MIP, and then hit the lil green button, it just loads the same infor from the incorrect movie. any ideas?


also, movies with a "-" in them don't get parsed correctly in your movie list. eg. u-turn is just u and wall-e is wall.
Hey, dumb question. Is the HD video flagging out in the wild now?

As in...should I get off my butt and fully implement it in Serenity now?
Nice program! Just tried it for the first time.... couple of things, Is there anyway to have a one click, scan everything button? even if you hit the precache button it still doesnt pull all the info back? (running on Win Home Server)

Always wondered why you and Billyad dont get together? two genius's one path? Huh
bob_loblaw Wrote:* Is there a simple way to just scan through to download info for new episodes? I don't really want to have to load hundreds of shows with thousands of episodes just to get nfos and tbns for new episodes.

* Like the last one, can I just scan an individual show or episode for updates? i.e. Select a show or episode and click "update" somehow.

* I have seen shows that were successfully loaded, but new episodes won't appear even when the files are there and correctly named. I can even search TVDB and find the episodes. After creating the NFO myself (and rescanning/updating) the episode was still not listed.

I agree with these 3 points. I agree speed has dramatically increased, but even so sometimes I just download a new episode for a single show...why load all the shows to just get 1 ep. updated?

For the 3rd point, I have also run into that problem with a series...the ep and info is on tvdb, and I even created an nfo for it manually (and with media companion) and it still doesn't show up in the list in MIP.
Points and feedback noted, more details to follow later when test build is done.

Is HD video flagging out in the wild now?
- don't think so, have to check with cptBry to see where it's at

What's the extra's folder?
- extras folder, used for media images for movies, shows and tunes.. should only be created if media images are enabled in the config. if this is not the case, please note what area and post your config.xml to pastebin.

Always wondered why you and Billyad dont get together? two genius's one path?
- one is open source, the other is not, but we do share ideas from time to time

Rescan and show or season level
- this one is trickey and basically would require that I rewrite all of the show handlers and store every possible known show in memory so that new episodes can be added.

I think that the "update shows" function covers this option, it should not take more then a few seconds to complete.. if it's taking
a long time, make sure you don't have "overwrite episode nfo" enabled in the settings. The "how" it's done shouldn't matter, sure it scan's alot of files, MIP in general looks at a ton of things all the time since it's designed to be a dynamic application.

Next test build will have
- htbackdrops music fanart support
- option to rescan episode added (code complete)
- option to ingore folder (add file named "noscan" (with no extension) to the tv show folder and MIP will ignore everything there.
- episode media info doesn't always update, fixed so to speak.. issue is in filename of show, check for -1 x1 e1 (or - and a number, x and a number, or e and a number after the real information for the show.. ie. bones.s1e01.helloworld-2short.avi will fail. -2 (before short.avi) tells it's a multipart episode.
- fix - in movie name messing up on movie selection screen... this may fix the other issue thats noted, please retest.
Nevermind on the question I had posted, i figured it out. (question removed)

And to answer the question of why MIP doesn't always get the latest data from thetvdb .. there's a setting for how many days before it grabs the show pack file from tvdb.. default is 5, this can be changed in the settings.

build 2806 - fixes download issue for episode images and tmdb data .. I have the keys swapped.

- htbackdrops music fanart support (you will need to enable it in the configuration under the music tab)
- option to rescan episode added (code complete)
- option to ingore folder (add file named "noscan" (with no extension) to the tv show folder and MIP will ignore everything there.
- episode media info doesn't always update, fixed so to speak.. issue is in filename of show, check for -1 x1 e1 (or - and a number, x and a number, or e and a number after the real information for the show.. ie. bones.s1e01.helloworld-2short.avi will fail. -2 (before short.avi) tells it's a multipart episode.
- fix - in movie name messing up on movie selection screen... this may fix the other issue thats noted, please retest.
- added cancel option to download dialog
- changed download dialog to pop center screen
Is it just me or does no images seem to pull down from TheTVdb tonight?
Any chance of getting a resize music fanart option for us xbox users?
Yep... looks like the last version doesn't download anything from TMDB...
build 2806 - fixes download issue for episode images and tmdb data .. I have the keys swapped.


kizer Wrote:Is it just me or does no images seem to pull down from TheTVdb tonight?

episode images where still being transfered to the mirror server as far as there forum info says.. guess they went over some file limit and it went south.

should be working for the most part by now

Quote:joebrady Any chance of getting a resize music fanart option for us xbox users?
what size works the best? .. easy enough to resize it to pretty much anything on the fly Big Grin
960X540 works good for xbox users
I have my music set up like this:

-A (A-Z alphabetically)
--Artist (Names starting with A)

I have singles for artists with only one or two songs in the A-Z folders, I have singles for bigger artists in the Artist folder, complete albums are stored in their own folders with year at end. I have some 60,000 mp3s in the collection and the alphabet helps sort it out.The problem I'm having is MIP wants to store fanart one directory up from where the mp3 is and the singles cause this to be wrong, the music folder will get fanart from the singles in A-Z, the A-Z folders will get fanart from the singles in the artist folders and the artist folders won't get fanart if there is singles in them. How are others handling singles in their collections? Is there a way to ignore singles? my files are all tagged completely so the singles have no album name in the tag.

Are there plans for artist.nfo and album.nfo files to be made by MIP? how about the ability to search the internet for missing artist and album images? Right now the artist fanart is spotty at best with many incorrect images, can the fanart that is downloaded have the artist name displayed in MIP to make sure it's the right artist? Also the ability to have the artist image also resized and stored as a folder.jpg would be nice. I know I'm asking a lot and if it's not possible then so be it. Many thanks for all your hard work.

If I have been of help, please add to my reputation as a way of saying thanks, it's free.
Hallo, i found some "cosmetic" bugs Smile

1. under Setup -> Shows
when you set the TV Show Language to something diff to "en" it is back to "en" after an restart. (think its correct inside the config.xml)

2. Mousewheel support inside Posters and Backgrounds would be nice Smile

Than i have an generell question, which scraper you setup inside xbmc for tv-shows to move the infos inside the db ? When i use tvdb most it crash while reading the *.nfo files from the Show directory. When i remove all .nfo files from the dirs it works and tvdb still use the *.tbn and *.jpg from the folder.

Edit: Under Movie you called the first field "Editable Title" so i edited it to have the german one but when i reload the infos it overwrite with the one from themoviedb again Sad
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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)7