Reboot or Power Off KODI from the WebInterface
Yesterday the normal (on TV) interface became totally unresponsive to the remote control.  I eventually resorted to power cycling the Pi to get things back.  This is an extreme measure which may (did) result in the SD card having some corrupted files which I have now repaired.

I did not have a device to access the Pi via SSH, I just set up my phone for that - next time.

However, the web interface was working!!  Is there a way to reboot or power cycle KODI from the web interface.  I have looked and did not find anything.  

i suppose you mean the standard webinterface chorus. i don't use it, maybe there is a button i don't know about.
if not, a bit a more complicated way would be:
press the 3 dot's in the bottom right corner > "the lab" > "API browser" > search for "system."
select system.reboot or whatever you need.
add in the text field as arguement "[]".

you also can bookmark the page for easier use.
Check out my plugin yarc, it's a web-remote optimised for all screen sizes (especially touch and small screen).
WOW, the disclaimer on that page make me somewhat afraid to do anything!  If I select "System.reboot" or "System.Shutdown" will that be a clean shutdown, ie similar to what I can do from the main KODI menu "Power-Options" button?

I guess I have the same question if I "shutdown" or "reboot" from the SSH command line.  Thanks....RDK
(2021-02-27, 19:34)rdk45 Wrote: WOW, the disclaimer on that page make me somewhat afraid to do anything!  If I select "System.reboot" or "System.Shutdown" will that be a clean shutdown, ie similar to what I can do from the main KODI menu "Power-Options" button?
Make sure everything is saved. I tried System.reboot while writing the first answer. Had to write it again, since i did not save the post Smile
for your pi. consider using the SD card for boot-loader only and install the system on an external harddrive.
Check out my plugin yarc, it's a web-remote optimised for all screen sizes (especially touch and small screen).
Thanks,  I keep that option in mind.  For now, however, what is the correct way to shutdown KODI and the Pi from an SSH command line?  For the Pi, "shutdown" or "reboot" but that might leave the KODI files in a bad state?. Thanks....RDK
(2021-02-27, 12:27)tuxfuxch Wrote: you also can bookmark the page for easier use.

Yes, you can bookmark this page in the browser. But can you also create a menu item in the interface chorus2 exports to PC?

Skip it, got it. It does not look good (no idea which of the many selectable icons looks like a powerdown button), but it works.
(2021-03-01, 11:06)rdk45 Wrote: Thanks,  I keep that option in mind.  For now, however, what is the correct way to shutdown KODI and the Pi from an SSH command line?  For the Pi, "shutdown" or "reboot" but that might leave the KODI files in a bad state?. Thanks....RDK

you could ask kodi to shutdown the machine via jsonrpc, assuming kodi has permissions to do so -


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Reboot or Power Off KODI from the WebInterface0