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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon
Is this skin still being worked on? My get-to-go solution for an easy rpi radio solution in my bathroom.
Thanks for creating!
(2020-09-22, 14:08)idorel77 Wrote: Hi, I'm happy for you.
The problem with icons is not from my skin, the same problem is in official skin also.

thank you, sorry if I answer late but I have been busy at work. I will try the skin on kodi 19 and let you know in case there is any bugs. Thanks for your work and your availability.
Hi, on Android, when Kodi upgraded itself from v18 to v19, the car carbon skin vanished. I don't know where to find it anymore. So I went back to this thread but in the first post, when I click the link, I don't find any zip file to download. Please help me find the zip file.
Anybody got this skin working in v19?
(2021-03-04, 16:18)grendizer Wrote: Ciao, su Android, quando Kodi si è aggiornato dalla v18 alla v19, la pelle in carbonio dell'auto è scomparsa. Non so più dove trovarlo. Quindi sono tornato su questo thread ma nel primo post, quando clicco sul collegamento, non trovo alcun file zip da scaricare. Per favore aiutami a trovare il file zip.
Qualcuno ha questa skin funzionante nella v19?

for kodi 19 change gui vers. Line 4: https://github.com/idorel77/CarPc-Carbon.../addon.xml
5.14.0 to 5.15.0
Thanks! I repacked it david.saber.free.fr/bazaar/temp/CarPc-Carbon-K19-dcdc.zip
New Branches for kodi 19: https://github.com/idorel77/CarPc-Carbon...Carbon-K19
(2021-03-21, 10:23)idorel77 Wrote: Nuovi rami per kodi 19: https://github.com/idorel77/CarPc-Carbon...Carbon-K19
I'm not good at programming but I can propose to test the Skin if needed. I would like to have two functions if it were possible to insert them, I hope to explain myself well, since I use google translate:
1) in the home connections it would be useful to have the possibility to insert an internal connection of the main addon (e.g. plugin.audio.radio_de) internal connection (e.g. the folder with the radio stations Italy) so that once the connection is opened from the home I find directly the radio stations of the chosen nation (Italy) without having to navigate within it.
2) For those who do not use TV or Radio, if it were possible to start a music playlist when opening.
Hi , you can setup one button to do that.

Search on my youtube to see how to setup a button.
(2021-03-22, 07:50)idorel77 Wrote: Hi , you can setup one button to do that.

Search on my youtube to see how to setup a button.

ok, i will watch youtube. The button is for the hyper playlists to set the addon link?
I don't know what is hyper playlists or how to setup to open direct ...

But you can setup from kodi to open music at startup.
From my skin you can add addon shortcut at home page and you can also setup all 6 buttons from home page.

You can also setup a button to open some windows like - ActivateWindow(MusicPlaylist) ...
(2021-03-24, 11:22)idorel77 Wrote: I don't know what is hyper playlists or how to setup to open direct ...

But you can setup from kodi to open music at startup.
From my skin you can add addon shortcut at home page and you can also setup all 6 buttons from home page.

You can also setup a button to open some windows like - ActivateWindow(MusicPlaylist) ...

I'm sorry only now I realized the error in the translation with google translator.
I was referring to the ability to start a playlist when kodi starts with your skin.
I tried in every way to configure kodi to be able to start a playlist at startup but I couldn't. I am not very practical and I have not found any guidance on the internet for configuration.
I would be grateful if you have any information to give me I direct me to some links where I can find a guide.
(2021-03-24, 11:22)idorel77 Wrote: I don't know what is hyper playlists or how to setup to open direct ...

But you can setup from kodi to open music at startup.
From my skin you can add addon shortcut at home page and you can also setup all 6 buttons from home page.

You can also setup a button to open some windows like - ActivateWindow(MusicPlaylist) ...
I found the needed service addon "PARTYMODE" which allows any playlist to start when kodi starts.
Except that the Partymode addon works on the estouchy (base) skin at startup, while the PartyMode addon does not work on the carbon skin, the music does not start automatically, while the TV playback works if enabled in the skin menu.
Could you fix this bug? I love your skin and I would not want to change it, not being a programmer I would not know where to intervene to fix the bug su kodi 18.9. i went back to kodi version 18.9 because in kodi 19 not many addons work which for me are fundamental.THANKS
(2017-12-14, 18:25)idorel77 Wrote: I added animated lyrics - Thanks to @manfeed  for help.
Download link: https://github.com/idorel77/skin.CarPc-C...ith_lyrics
Info : For lyrics you have to install Cu LRC Lyrics addon from repository. Settings - add-ons - Install from repository - Lyrics - CU LRC  Lyrics.


I noticed that in the version for kodi 19 the animated texts are missing which in my opinion were beautiful, is it possible to insert the animated texts again?Thanks
Hello. Does anyone have a tea5767 plugin for Kodi 18 leila with Carbon skin? I need a simple plugin with searching FM local stations.
I do not know if the slow motion of the music videos has happened to you too (I verified that it is obtained even if it is playing a film) after receiving a call or a directions from the navigator, the slow motion is canceled if I insert mute (from the button physical stereo or steering wheel controls) obviously the video flows well but without audio and when I restore the audio the sound returns but slow motion returns.
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[MOD] CarPC-Carbon2
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