can thread posts be edited?
i just hit 'post' on a new thread a bit too soon...can posts be edited? i didn't see a way to do it from the thread view after creating. thanks...
(2021-03-11, 10:29)iiigoiii Wrote: can posts be edited?
Yes, but not for new members. New members need to satisfy a minimum post count and membership time for full privileges

Add the extra info into the next post.
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Got it. Just wanted to clarify a couple of sentences in a post asking for help. (Not being able to edit/correct a post seems like an odd restriction for new members, no?)
(2021-03-11, 10:32)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-03-11, 10:29)iiigoiii Wrote: can posts be edited?
Yes, but not for new members. New members need to satisfy a minimum post count and membership time for full privileges

Add the extra info into the next post.
(2021-03-11, 19:16)iiigoiii Wrote: Not being able to edit/correct a post seems like an odd restriction for new members, no?

It's not as we see posts being quoted/edited, and suddenly there are spam URLs added or embedded. Quite childish, I know. We prefer to run a tight ship.

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