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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Hi guys,

New version 5.0.2 has been released! It basically solves the two issues rised by @Cinephile (post #848) and @HeresJohnny (post #880). Thanks a lot guys for using the add-on and helping me to find bugs!  Nod

Have a great weekend!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2021-09-25, 18:08)axlt2002 Wrote: New version 5.0.2 has been released!

Thank you.
(2021-09-25, 18:08)axlt2002 Wrote: Hi guys,

New version 5.0.2 has been released! It basically solves the two issues rised by @Cinephile (post #848) and @HeresJohnny (post #880). Thanks a lot guys for using the add-on and helping me to find bugs!  Nod

Have a great weekend!
You legend, thank you!
First off thanks for this awesome addon Smile

I have a (stupid) question:
I would like to use the option in the context menu of my video database to just update a single movie, season or episode. However in the context menu (where I can mark watched/unwatched, open the information, etc) I dont find anything regarding this addon. Could you please help me out? Do I have to make some changes to have the entries in the context menu or am I looking in the wrong location?

(2021-11-07, 18:31)bash0r Wrote: Do I have to make some changes to have the entries in the context menu or am I looking in the wrong location?
It is the correct location. When installing addons that use the Context menu, you need to exit and restart Kodi for the context menu entry to appear.
Have you done that?
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(2021-11-07, 20:24)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-11-07, 18:31)bash0r Wrote: Do I have to make some changes to have the entries in the context menu or am I looking in the wrong location?
It is the correct location. When installing addons that use the Context menu, you need to exit and restart Kodi for the context menu entry to appear.
Have you done that?

My bad! I have totally forgot about that.
Thank you for your help and this great addon!
(2021-11-07, 20:34)bash0r Wrote: My bad! I have totally forgot about that.
No problems Smile
It's a little "gotcha" in Kodi. Not sure why it happens, but users get caught out by it.
Maybe @howie-f might know why?

Also, an fyi on how this addon works... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3051993
so ensure you have a properly scraped library for hassle free use.
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So a weird issue

Addon updates all ratings correctly…but few shows after kodi restart would revert back to tmdb rating instead of the imdb rating used by this addon. Not surr why. Happens always without fail for few shows

Then when addon update. Shows will show imdb rating until kodi restart
(2021-11-20, 06:30)Lomar2 Wrote: Addon updates all ratings correctly…but few shows after kodi restart would revert back to tmdb rating instead of the imdb rating used by this addon. Not surr why. Happens always without fail for few shows
I don't see how that can happen. Have you set IMDB as the default rating in the settings for this addon?
Are you using local SQL or MySQL/MariaDB setup?
How did you initially add these tv shows to your library- scraper or nfo files?

Can you provide enable logging in the addon settings, then run your ratings update, and provide the LightIMDB log which is located in addon_data folder in your Userdata (wiki) folder.
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(2021-11-20, 07:36)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-11-20, 06:30)Lomar2 Wrote: Addon updates all ratings correctly…but few shows after kodi restart would revert back to tmdb rating instead of the imdb rating used by this addon. Not surr why. Happens always without fail for few shows
I don't see how that can happen. Have you set IMDB as the default rating in the settings for this addon?
Are you using local SQL or MySQL/MariaDB setup?
How did you initially add these tv shows to your library- scraper or nfo files?

Can you provide enable logging in the addon settings, then run your ratings update, and provide the LightIMDB log which is located in addon_data folder in your Userdata (wiki) folder.

I hve imdb set yes. And im 99% sure its because of pkc since the rating in plex is using tmdb. But i dont know why it happens with the same few shows and not others

I changed it to season method and it seems consistent so far without reset after restarting kodi
(2021-11-20, 07:36)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-11-20, 06:30)Lomar2 Wrote: Addon updates all ratings correctly…but few shows after kodi restart would revert back to tmdb rating instead of the imdb rating used by this addon. Not surr why. Happens always without fail for few shows
I don't see how that can happen. Have you set IMDB as the default rating in the settings for this addon?
Are you using local SQL or MySQL/MariaDB setup?
How did you initially add these tv shows to your library- scraper or nfo files?

Can you provide enable logging in the addon settings, then run your ratings update, and provide the LightIMDB log which is located in addon_data folder in your Userdata (wiki) folder.

heres a quick log, yellowstone is one of the shows constantly changing on its own
I am just trying to find out if anyone else has a problem with the speed of the updating process. I was using Matrix, and now I am back on Leia, so it's not a KODI issue. When I run an update on all my TV Shows, it takes forever, but never really finishes. For example, it always gets stuck on Supernatural (15 Seasons). It can take up to 4 hours on just that. Any other large series, I have the same problem. Isn't there a way for the addon to see that those shows have a rating, and this way just update those that have absolutely no rating? Maybe by adding a switch for that option? As it is now, I have to go thorough the entire library from A to Z manually, and it's really pain staking. Even if I let it run from 5am to 6pm, it is still stuck at 27% completion. I also don't see errors in the log.


Just curious, are there any plans to maybe add scraping of other ratings sites into the addon, like tmdb/rt.. Personally I don't bother with any of the other addons or kodi scrapers. Unless I assume wrong the included scrapers would rescrape everything...?
(2021-12-12, 21:16)shedrock Wrote: I am just trying to find out if anyone else has a problem with the speed of the updating process. I was using Matrix, and now I am back on Leia, so it's not a KODI issue. When I run an update on all my TV Shows, it takes forever, but never really finishes. For example, it always gets stuck on Supernatural (15 Seasons). It can take up to 4 hours on just that. Any other large series, I have the same problem. Isn't there a way for the addon to see that those shows have a rating, and this way just update those that have absolutely no rating? Maybe by adding a switch for that option? As it is now, I have to go thorough the entire library from A to Z manually, and it's really pain staking. Even if I let it run from 5am to 6pm, it is still stuck at 27% completion. I also don't see errors in the log.


Hi @shedrock, thanks a lot for you post.

I don't have such a huge library as yours, anyway I can assume that the update should take quite a long time to complete but I don't see how it can stay stuck. How many parallel threads have you set in the add-on settings? Can I candly ask you to perform an update and send me the related log? Even if you didn't notice something strange, I would take a look to it anyway.

Let me know.

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2021-12-14, 00:59)Wills944 Wrote: Just curious, are there any plans to maybe add scraping of other ratings sites into the addon, like tmdb/rt.. Personally I don't bother with any of the other addons or kodi scrapers. Unless I assume wrong the included scrapers would rescrape everything...?

Hi @Wills944, welcome!

To be honest I don't have such a plan since IMDb is the only reference for ratings I consider valid (of course this is a personal view). Did you take a look over the other add-on if there is something that can update the ratings from TMDB or RT?

Have a great day!

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
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