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[RELEASE] Super Favourites AKA Super-Addon Creator
I see version 2.1 for Matrix has been released. Good to see this addon is still being supported.
Hey guys, so I created a ton of Super Favorites, and then exported them to a folder on my Nvidia Shield TV, then took that folder and put it on another separate Nvidia Shield TV device, and then attempted to use the import Super Favorites function on the app to import those I exported. I get no error message, but nothing changes and none of my super favorites I'm importing in on the other Shield device are showing up after I import them. Does anyone know what to do from here? I figured since all of the devices are the same and the sources I've favorited are online, then I could just export them from one device and import them onto the others.
Well, I'm going to try copying the addon foler to the otherand just see if that works. I hope the import function works soon though. Thank you for this addon.
can't you just copy userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.super.favourites to a usb and drop it back to the addon_data folders on your other devices?
Just wondering why this is no longer available for latest windows versions?
update. I was running Kodi 18.5.. when I asked question above. I tried editing question, but for some reason I couldn't.
I am now version running version 18.9. of kodi, on windows 10.
Later versions won't run.
I am using super favourites version 1.0.43.
It's working fine except for one annoyance.
NOTE I have many folders added to it.
The Annoyance. When I click the addon, i get a large black space with written on top "Whats new-super favourites" written on a blue background with a blue arrow above that, and another blue arrow at the bottom. If I press the esc key for instance it goes away.
But if I go to click within the addon, whether it be a folder I created, or something already there, eg "Explore kodi favourites" I have to do the same thing.
If I click on "settings" for the addon, I get a large black blank screen, with a blue bar on top with 0 percent written there and near that a question mark.
Where is link to this please?
Update. Solved the Super favourites by installing older versions. But now other programs such as dailymotion won;t run.
Problem solved. At least for now. ☺
Keyboard "Backspace" and remote "Back/Return" are not working corectly.
I am using Superfavourites only for movies to do things kodi and the scrapers cannot do. Let me explain: kodi can scrap actors, directors and writers but it cannot for example scrape film music composers (people doing the score) or Cameramen though some of them are verry famous and did a lot of movies. Think of Ennio Morricone or Michael Ballhaus. So this is where Superfavourites, nodes (addon nodeeditor) and kodi tags come in handy.  For example i tagged all my movies where Ennio Morricone made the score with "Score  Ennio Morricone" and made a new node in my Userdata/libbrary... with the Name Ennio Morricone with an index.xml and a filmmusik.xml file that says give me a list of all movies that are tagged "Score Ennio Morricone". I then created a Superfavourites Folder called "Composers" and within that i added a Superfavourites Folder called "Ennio Morricone" with a nice thumbnail,fanart and a description with some biographical notes. In that folder i added a Superfavourit (favourites.xml) pointing to the filmmusik.xml file in the library. I than added the SuperFavourites Folder "Composers" to favourtes.

So now the problem: if enter down the folder hierarchy i can always go back to the upper folder with keyboard backspace or remote back/return. But i cannot go back with keyboard backspace or remote back/return when i acivate the SuperFavourites (favourites.xml saying ActivateWindow(10025," and so on) giving me the list of movies tagged "Score Ennio Morricone". Instead of enteringn up i end in Homescreen. Well i found a workarround. In kodi Settings >Media>General i activated show parent folder items and can now go back from active favourites.xml file by pointing/click folder up. But unfortunately this does not work in the top hierachy folder. There i end up in a screen with a list Movies, TV-Shows, Music Videos and so on.
I am experiencing this behaviour on all my systems. 1 Linux and 1 Windows all Matrix 19.3 Superfavourites 2.1.0 and skins estuary and AeonMQ8 mod.
OK this is not a big thing but it is inconsistent and quite  uncomfortable that you always have to remember where you have to use which way to navigate back and I do a lot with SuperFavourites to bring awards (Oscar,Golden Globe,Razzie, AFI Top 10) cameramen and so on to kodi.
So does anyone else have this issue and special to @jmooremcc maybe a clue or solution.
Thank you for your patience and reading this long post i hope i could make clear my issue.
NUC6CAYH 4 GB RAM  Intel® Celeron® CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz Intel HD Graphics 500 Intel Corporation Device [8086:5a85] (rev 0b)
Kodi 19.3 on libreelec 10.0
Aeon MQ 8 multimod v19 for matrix, SuperFavourites, MovieQuiz, ExtendedInfoScript, CinemaVision,
Ok.. i am completely new to kodi but have installed many add ons on kodi 19. 
but i am still unable to get this one install.. 

can someone please provide the link and few simple steps to install this add on ? 

I wonder if it would be possible to have an option to automatically generate a thumbnail for a video that doesn't already have one?  I know you have the option to browse for an image, but I'm talking about generating one from the video itself, as is normally done by Kodi.
Being an absolute beginner to Kodi and now having quite a number of TV shows in Favourites. Can some explain to me in idiot language how I can sort them in alphabetical order.
With Leia while a video was playing a Superfavorites menu could be opened with an option to download.  With Matrix this doesn't seem to work.  No Superfavorites menu can be opened during playback.  Is this feature no longer available or am I doing something wrong?
(2021-12-29, 17:49)Yorkie49 Wrote: Being an absolute beginner to Kodi and now having quite a number of TV shows in Favourites. Can some explain to me in idiot language how I can sort them in alphabetical order.

Are you talking about Kodis Favourites or the SuperFavourites addon?
If you are talking about Kodis Favourites you have to do this by hand by moving the Favourites up or down. In the Main Menue go to Favourites hit Enter on your Keyboard or Remote. Than go to a Favourit and call the context menue by hitting c on your Keyboard and than move the Favourit up or down.
In SuperFavourites addon the alphabetical sort can be done automaticaly in the addon Settings > Display>Sort Favourites Alphabetically.
NUC6CAYH 4 GB RAM  Intel® Celeron® CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz Intel HD Graphics 500 Intel Corporation Device [8086:5a85] (rev 0b)
Kodi 19.3 on libreelec 10.0
Aeon MQ 8 multimod v19 for matrix, SuperFavourites, MovieQuiz, ExtendedInfoScript, CinemaVision,
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[RELEASE] Super Favourites AKA Super-Addon Creator6
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