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Ok, well since you asked....

I did figure out a way to start trouble in the now-playing playlist.

I can share a video if needed but I think you will see for yourself with ease based on a quick description.


- Start by playing a movie, then queue up another movie. 
- Go to the now playing playlist.
- Tap edit.

You can see a red dot next to the second entry indicating that it can be deleted from the queue, but the first one cannot. 

-Tap the burger button next to the second entry.

You can see misbehavior starting.  You now have a red dot next to both items.  Of course, tapping that red dot on the first entry does not delete the item.  So really it should not appear.  The first item also gains its own burger button which is not visible initially until you glitch the list.

Tapping the burger button on the glitched entry (the currently playing item) will cause it to disappear as well as removing the red dot.

I'd say this is a edge case for sure.  Smile
Thanks, confirmed. Nothing to fix quickly.
1.10 build 3288
Release Notes

One bugfix (reading MAC address during "Find Kodi") and new languages (Finnish and Korean) as the translations recently made a huge progress.

Edit: Can you please test, if MAC address is resolved and shown (text color becomes blue) when you select "Find Kodi" to search for a running Kodi server instance? On my simulators this works as expected. With the TF build on my iPhone this does not work.
I don’t believe this question was directed at me but I’d like to chime in on the “Find Kodi” button. Quite simply it has never worked for me.

Do any settings need to be configured on the Kodi server in order for it to be searchable?

-Select a movie with the app remote control and start play back.
-Navigate to Now Playing
-Switch to queue view.

The entry does not have graphics like the banner art.

If you start a movie from the movie view in the app - even the same movie - it will display the banner art in the Now Playing list.

This is a little nasty.


If you are in the Now Playing list view (queue view) and you use another remote to start playing content and queue up additional content the queue list does not refresh on the app.  Once you trigger this glitch, you need to navigate to another sub-menu and then back to Now Playing in order for it to refresh.

This one is relatively minor.
@amasephy, you will not like to hear that.

1. Seems to be an issue of Kodi 19.4. I can see the same issue when starting a movie or a music video from Kodi UI (same as your other remote, the Kodi Remote buttons or the keyboard on the Kodi server). This dies not happen when kicking off the playback via the JSON API (e.g. via Chorus API using a browser, or another Kodi Remote App instance). The response to "Playlist.GetItems" is simply nearly empty in the error case.
2. Not reproducible here. Do you see a "green light" for the connection?

Edit: Problem 1 only happens for me when starting a movie or music video from the movie / music video's main screen from the Kodi UI (clicking one of the movie thumbs). If I start playback from a Kodi UI list (e.g. via first going to "Recently Added" or "Genre"), all works as expected. I also quickly checked against Kodi 20.0 Alpha -- same behaviour. Not sure if someone still has 19.3 for testing available?
Buschel I am a little confused as to your references of bugs. 🙂

Did you reference my response on the “Find Kodi” thing by saying I won’t like to hear it? I’m happy to help test it if you like. I just need instructions as to how to actually set it up.

Which issue were you not able to reproduce - the playlist not updating? If so I will retest this. I was thinking this seems like it could be a tcp yellow dot issue but I’m fairly confident it was green.

As for testing with 19.3 you’re in luck. My windows box has 19.3 still. I will test it there. 🙂

Funny you say it only happens from the main page. I found that you can’t queue up items from the home view on the Kodi server. Only from inside the main movies category. The option is absent from the context menu.
(2022-03-20, 00:39)amasephy Wrote: Buschel I am a little confused as to your references of bugs. 🙂
Oh, didn't want to confuse you.
(2022-03-20, 00:39)amasephy Wrote: Did you reference my response on the “Find Kodi” thing by saying I won’t like to hear it?
No, I was referring to the last two issues you brought up (1 = no banner for movies when started from Kodi UI, 2 = queue in App not updating when changed from Kodi UI or other remote). My comment on "you might not like to hear this" referred to your already bad first impression on Kodi 19.4, as I am finding the next behavior issue with Kodi server. I hope this is clearer now, and I promise to be more verbose in future.
(2022-03-20, 00:39)amasephy Wrote: Which issue were you not able to reproduce - the playlist not updating? If so I will retest this. I was thinking this seems like it could be a tcp yellow dot issue but I’m fairly confident it was green.
Excacty, this was what I referred to under point 2. For me this works flawlessly. But maybe I am using a different way of triggering playback or queue playlist updates as you do. I know from past discussions that Kodi is very heterogeneous if it comes to handle playback internally.
(2022-03-20, 00:39)amasephy Wrote: As for testing with 19.3 you’re in luck. My windows box has 19.3 still. I will text it there. 🙂
Perfect. I just spent 2 hours to try older and newer Kodi versions, messed up my test system and needed to clean it up again...
(2022-03-20, 00:39)amasephy Wrote: Funny you say it only happens from the main page. I found that you can’t queue up items from the home view on the Kodi server. Only from inside the main movies category. The option is absent from the context menu.
Yes, I just played (not queued) them from there. They then show up as kind of "unknown" item in the App's playlist.
1.10 is waiting for appstore review, release mode is manual
Hi @Buschel
I can report that for all my regular use cases everything I tested worked very well with TestFlight release 3288. @amasephy seems to follow a completely different way of using the iOS Remote App. I even sometimes don’t understand what he is talking about Smile Maybe since I am using an iPad and he is using an iPhone? Nevertheless, by this both platforms were throughly tested, I think.
Go for release!
Thanks to everyone for checking the release candidate! It looks like the App is in a decent state and can be released. We found one more runtime warning, but we can fix this as part of a next version. So, from my side ready to go as soon as the review passed.
version is already pending release. Should I press the button? Smile
(2022-03-20, 21:11)kambala Wrote: version is already pending release. Should I press the button? Smile
Do it! Smile
1.10 just became available on AppStore. Thanks, @kambala

I can confirm same “unknown label” issue is in 19.3 as well. As you say it only appears to be an issue when using the “widgets” on the main screen of Estuary. When adding the movies from within the Movies subcategory on Kodi server there is no issue.

As for the playlist not being updated, it’s really perplexing me. Now it works fine on my Xbox but it doesn’t update while using Windows. I’ve confirmed tcp is working. I simply can’t explain it.


I can understand why it seems like I use the app in bizarre ways. Really I am just spending a few minutes looking for edge case issues to help improve the app. As I am not a skilled programmer the most help I can be is writing up detailed bug reports. I guess it’s my way of paying back the efforts of people like Buschel. I hope they don’t come across as a nuisance though. 🙂

Really I use the Remote Control portion 95% of the time in actual use.


So now that I’ve given the playlist so much testing I did just notice something I’m not sure is a great experience.

Let’s say you queue up some content. The playlist has let’s say 3 items.

Now if you use the remote and play something that is not on the playlist it will discard the queued items. Would it not be better to insert this to the top of the current playlist?

Edit 2:

Now that audio pass through is working on Xbox I am noticing a new quirk.

With pass through the remote (app or physical) is not able to adjust the volume. This is expected and intended.

However there is a quirk with the app. It actually lets you attempt to change the volume, raising and lowering displays the usual overlay on my tv.

With the physical remote it actually doesn’t let you do this with pass through active.

Is there a way for the app to detect when passthough is enabled and disable the volume control on the app since it doesn’t actually do anything?
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