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Resource Images Studios Coloured
Greetings to all the Kodi community ...

This is an UNOFFICIAL update to the Colored Studios Images package. It contains about 800 new studio logos plus some edits to existing ones to homogenize the size they are displayed at and resized some very old, rule non-conforming logos. If you like to try it>

1. Download Textures.zip from link.
2. Navigate to your addon directory: usually: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.studios.coloured\resources
2. Rename or delete "Textures.xbt"
3. Unzip the downloaded file (Textures.xbt) and place it in your addon directory.
4. Run Kodi.

Resource Images Studios Coloured

ALTERNATIVE METHOD (Method by @Fuchs2468)


1. Note that if you scrap your library with "nfo" files there is a chance that your system behaves like mine and do not recognize special characters in the logo file name (accents, etc). Just remove the special character from your nfo file name so it can be properly displayed.

2. You can check all the logo name alternatives downloading Decompiled.rar, decompressing the zip file, and making a "search" for the logo name. All the naming alternatives will be displayed.

3. As for the requested logos, I try to include both names> the official and the edited ones, i.e:
Official name: France 2 Cinéma
Edited name: France 2 Cinema

Link please.
(2022-05-22, 17:50)lynxstrike Wrote: Greetings to all the Kodi community ...

From what I can tell, is that the preview listing given by Github is still containing plenty of icons of 3-7 years old...
If this only about 40 new studio logos, then we'll await the updated URL.
(2022-05-23, 13:22)roidy Wrote: Link please.


I am sorry for the delay in posting the link. I tried different options until I came across GITLAB. It was the best for our purposes so here I leave the link>    Studio Icons Coloured.  ​​​​​​

1. Navigate to your addon directory: usually: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.studios.coloured\resources
2. Rename or delete "Textures.xbt"
3. Unzip the downloaded file (Textures.xbt) and place it in your addon directory.
4. Run Kodi.

If you want some studio included, just send me the logo and I'll do my best to include it in the next update.
I'm working with some icons to resize them bc on my tv and skin (Aeon Nox Silvo, rightlist) they are displayed a little oversized.
All changes and suggestions are welcomed.

PS. If you want to revert changes, you can always reinstall the addon from Kodi official repository: Settings> Addons> Install from repository (choose Kodi if you have more than one installed)> Look and feel> Image collections> Studio Icons - Coloured

Greetings all...

I have uploaded a new version of Resource Images Studios Coloured.
and I have included a Changelog, so you can easily check the new logos and the reworked ones.

Have a nice day...

 Big Grin
I'm taking a poll to know which logo is liked better, if you have time, please let me know:

1. original:  White
2. Blue
3. new:  Blue/Purple
31 05 2022 - New upload

Highlights: mostly australian logos. Rework for HBO and HBO Max. New movie logo> Rapid Heart Pictures.

Links remain the same.

01 06 2022 - New upload

New and reworked logos.

Resource Images Studios Coloured


For making the update with a few clicks, follow the next steps:

1. Navigate to your addon directory: usually: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\resource.images.studios.coloured\resources
2. Make a "shortcut" to the folder "resources" (optional: you can customize the shortcut with an icon to your liking and, rename it also to your liking> i.e: Studio Logos")
3. Place the shortcut in an accessible place.
4. Download "Textures.zip" and unzip
5. Copy "Textures.xbt"
6. Click the shortcut you just made and delete and/or replace Textures.xbt

From now on, you just download, unzip, copy and replace... all in a few seconds.


Hi @lynxstrike

Curious to know why you don't submit the new icons to the existing addon in the repo?
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Last year I submitted 40 new logos, but the addon hasn't been updated. I do not know why.
In a way I am glad, bc I hadn't been able to run the Kodi_Texture.Tool (until I came across some post explaining to install both vcredist_x64 and x32). Since I installed it I, I was able to check the logos I submitted and they were not all that good Big Grin

Now, I can check them out till I am satisfy with the results.

I gladly re-submit them to the repository for a later update.

11 06 2022 - New upload

New and reworked logos.
(updated logos for BBC and Sky)

Resource Images Studios Coloured
12 06 2022 - New upload

New and reworked logos.
(A few new LGBT & Indie film logos)

Resource Images Studios Coloured
18 06 2022 - New upload

New film logos.
Finetuning some logo sizes.

Resource Images Studios Coloured

For some of you who have been updating the addon and have the time:
I have been updating the logos based on local nfo files (nfo scrapper) and the Aeon Nox Silvo skin (that's how I check the size, quality of the logo). If you use other method (online scraping) and other skin, drop a line here if some change is needed. Also, if you see that the logo name appears in the changelog and it is not displayed in your library.

This so all of us benefit from the work, and not just a few (I will be pushing the changes to Kodi official addon in Github)
24 06 2022 - New upload

1. New logos.
2. Updated old logos to reflect actual corporate image: BBC, Sky and ITV from UK; ABC from Australia.
3. Re-sized some old logos to homologate how they are displayed onscreen (keep differences to a minimum).
4. Maintenance of old logos.
5. Committing changes to Master branch in Github.

Resource Images Studios Coloured
02 07 2022 - New upload

Logos requested by @Fuchs2468 (already included in last official addon update)
A few more Nordic logos.

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