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WIP S W A N (alpha , updated April-2022)
Thank you so far. I know it's W.I.P. but so far it's really a very promising skin, which I often use besides Titan.
Been using this as my primary skin for months now, really impressed by the original version and all the improvements since!

One feature I'd love to see is either being able to move the video OSD bar to the top of the screen instead of the bottom, or to collapse it by default so it's small enough that the subtitles are visible. Right now when I download a set of subs, I have to close the OSD completely to see if they're right.
(2022-10-02, 21:29)bobbyzero Wrote: ... being able to move the video OSD bar to the top of the screen instead of the bottom, or to collapse it by default so it's small enough that the subtitles are visible. Right now when I download a set of subs, I have to close the OSD completely to see if they're right.

i'll take a look.
i think it feels 'naturally' that it should autoclose, when choose a subtitle.
so i take a look and fix it in next update ;-)
Great, thanks!

Similar issue when I open the OSD and then close it - the plot display covers any subtitles for a couple of seconds. Is it possible to change (reduce) the delay before that disappears?
Just returned this skin after a few months and still getting to grips with it.
Is there a way to display ratings from RottenTomatoes,IMDB etc on my film and tv selections?
(2022-10-03, 18:10)bobbyzero Wrote: Great, thanks!

Similar issue when I open the OSD and then close it - the plot display covers any subtitles for a couple of seconds. Is it possible to change (reduce) the delay before that disappears?

hm.i take a lool, got an optional osd on to do which resolve it in generell, but still no time to implement.
so or so i will find a way to improve the current behaviour.

(2022-10-03, 21:11)hostile17 Wrote: Just returned this skin after a few months and still getting to grips with it.
Is there a way to display ratings from RottenTomatoes,IMDB etc on my film and tv selections?

There are skinsettings ,navigate to Library - footer Section to toggle them on/off.

You'll need omdb api key to scrape them (universal movie scrapper - note : currently broken in nexus )

or set them in themoviedb.helper addon settings to fetch n cache them ( which is currently a fallback )
NOTE: i recommend install jurialmunkeys kodi repo ( can be installed via my repo, or the common way - install from zip - click will download zip -
, as it comes with its own dependencies, which are currently not synced/pushed to the official kodi repo.
@mardukL : what an amazing Alpha skin. I am enjoying setting it up. However its marked off as not compatible with Nexus now that its stable is out. Could you kindly update it for nexus please. 
And for some reason the amazon VOD widgets dont load and I cannot set any others in place ..
Is there any chance for the video to freeze immediately after pressing the remote control while playing the video. Because now you have to do it 2 times osd + pause. I don't know if I expressed myself correctly, I use google translate
(2023-01-17, 17:33)shaktoo Wrote: @mardukL : what an amazing Alpha skin. I am enjoying setting it up. However its marked off as not compatible with Nexus now that its stable is out. Could you kindly update it for nexus please. 
And for some reason the amazon VOD widgets dont load and I cannot set any others in place ..

i dindt change much in last time, BUT the skin should be fine in nexus stable.

just install it within the repo in kodi ( addons- install from repo - there look up in the 'look and feel' section ) should'nt be a need of deinstall.

i take a look for the amazon issue in a few days.
(2023-01-18, 18:21)Romik2505 Wrote: Is there any chance for the video to freeze immediately after pressing the remote control while playing the video. Because now you have to do it 2 times osd + pause. I don't know if I expressed myself correctly, I use google translate

you can set it up via keymaps or keymap editor adfon within kodi (asign button functions)
as i undertand you want see the paused video frame or is there s new issue atm ?
During playback, I press the remote and an osd appears with a description. I have to press pause to stop playing. I want the image to pause as soon as the image is pressed. As it is, for example, in Netflix or HBO MAX
Additionally, can you add a smaller version of Square and Circle winget. For example, to show genres or film studios. It would be easier to view on a big screen.
Installed and setting the skin up. 
  1. 1st Issue: using the Poster& landscape widget style there isn't proper movement of widget .. the currently focused widget isn't able to fully display and then resizing of the subsequent panels isnt correct. As soon as I get back home I'll take screen shot & share here.
  2. Should there be a global fan art option utilising the local media( skin helper script etc). Fan art does not come up unless one enters the menu  & start scrolling the widget. Maybe I am missing how to set it up. When I do try to change the fan art option its all the predefined pictures only. No way to make it custom or using the skin helper backgrounds ?
  3. the trailer window opens separately besides the widget panel... could it not be done like Netflix where the panel itself becomes bigger to accommodate trailer inside it ? 
More to follow.
(2023-01-19, 20:53)shaktoo Wrote: ...

Thanhs for report.

Will take a look.


1. screenshot would be good, as i dint get issue, especually the meaning of "currently focused widget isn't able to fully display"

2. the artwork is set up via variables, depending on widget style, background and availability of art.
prefering scraped/local art.
if using a addon and it doesn't provide any art type for media then just a fallback img will be used.
( currently i use jm's themoviedb helper as a fallback , may i can enhance the variable )

3. trailer there are "just" 2,5 options - click for viedo - when in home window
- show in widget
- auto detect between 2 big preview windows ( non-netflix layout vs netflix style layout)

when in common media window, the previews are depending on viewtype layout.
(2023-01-19, 13:17)Romik2505 Wrote: Additionally, can you add a smaller version of Square and Circle winget. For example, to show genres or film studios. It would be easier to view on a big screen.

I will not change sizes.
my to do list so big and my time to mange/work on is so less that this is not get a priority.

BUT you may missed the option in the widget editor, you can toggle small vs common size of widgets.

just toogle " use as section / category " widget setting to on ( you can use custom img bg for that kind of layout )
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