[split] About changing linux scheduler / task struct
How can one get in touch with billing or support?

When the server went down and they reset everything, I was unaware and never logged in during this time to be able to reactivate the account within their time frame, now I have billing statements and not able to watch any of the viewing content. When in the account, it tells me I can not reactivate nor are they accepting new clients.

Need help. This has been going on since February of 2022.
(2022-11-20, 22:18)willy01 Wrote: How can one get in touch with billing or support?

When the server went down and they reset everything, I was unaware and never logged in during this time to be able to reactivate the account within their time frame, now I have billing statements and not able to watch any of the viewing content. When in the account, it tells me I can not reactivate nor are they accepting new clients.

Need help. This has been going on since February of 2022.

We do not provide any media, nor do we charge for anything and the only accounts we have are the ones here to use the community forum.

So you would have to take your question up with whoever you are paying and obtaining your service from. As a hint, it isn't us.

I've also split your question (and this response) off into a new thread, as it is nothing to do with the previous posts.
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[split] About changing linux scheduler / task struct0