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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
When OSD has disappeared while playing music, press "i" on a connected keyboard or "info" on a remote control. That should do the trick. You can use also "yatse" or "kore" application on your smartphone.
Could you please add in the informations at the bottom of the page the size of the file?
### 4.1.1+nexus.5 ###
  • fix missing thumb/icon on extended list view for some plugins
  • disable/enable addon 'CU LrcLyrics' (song text) via script
  • improved Music OSD settings
  • fix missing artists pictures on actors category for music videos (extended list view)
  • add artist pictures to video info dialog (music videos)
### 4.1.1+nexus.6 ###
  • fix overlapping genre/plotline in Flix View
  • extend option play/info for home widgets to music video widgets
  • add dependencies for estuary helper/info to widget selection menu entries (tvshows)
  • smaller improvements and updates on several files
  • introducing 'Arial Unicode MS' as a new font style supporting more languages (mainly asian region)
Really happy with the asian fonts from ArialUni  Love
Please modify skin to show time in the upper right hand corner while in Movies, TV shows, etc.  The standard Estuary skin displays this.  Also, if you can, display the weather with this too.
(2023-03-17, 16:05)oliviergregoire Wrote: Could you please add in the informations at the bottom of the page the size of the file?

It's not possible since movies are in separate folders (shows always 0.00 B). This issue exists since over 10 years now: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=159513
(2023-03-26, 20:28)MagicPinball Wrote: Also, if you can, display the weather with this too.

You have to enable this in skin settings.
As mentioned  before, my Kodi is mainly my music Jukebox, so I am working on it to get those options as optimal as possible.
And to start; Estuary MOD V2 is the so far perfect skin for my needs, where first Titan was my favorite, but this one gets more and more "bugs" or problems.

Now my question;
When I play my music it shows background fanart and Extra fanart (also in random sizes). But somehow it downloads 5-10 (?) images and after that I never get new images.
Is there a way/setting to get it in such a way that I get to see (a) new image(s) once in a while? Randomly....

I.e. When I play music by Prince (huge fan)..... There excists 100,000s pictures of him, but I always get the same 5-10-15 (?) images in the background.
Background images are downloaded and organized by the addon "Artist Slideshow". This addon has a variety of settings and gets its images from fanart.tv and theaudiodb.com. The skin itself does not have an option to download artist images.
That's what I already suspected..... So now I'm sure it's a fact I am depending on that "Artist Slideshow" addon.
Thank you for your reply anyway.
I've searched for the answer to this but with no luck: when I pause a video, a large part of the screen is obscured (apologies for the poor quality image):


Is this a switchable option?  I'd prefer to have the screen as uncluttered as possible.

Many thanks.
Yes. All options konfigurable in skin settings, video OSD 

1. Normal view (like yours)

2. minimized OSD

3. Hide Info on Pause
(2023-03-31, 13:13)_BJ1 Wrote: Yes. All options konfigurable in skin settings, video OSD...

Thanks for that; much appreciated.
### 4.1.1+nexus.7 ###
  • calculate/display size of a file object by helper script (video info)
  • remove horizontal EPG grid layout, smaller modification on vertical layout
  • add EPG quick navigation entry to side blade (PVR EPG only)
  • add progress indicator to recording widget (PVR)
  • smaller modifications on several views
The latest updated causes Kodi to crash every time I try to go to a movie or tv show, I think it has something to do with Embuary Helper errors, and I can't find the previous release in github
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