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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
(2023-04-03, 13:11)Lessram Wrote: Is there a way to add a button to the music player, which sets the display/TV off, while continueing the audio passthrough to my AV/aplifier?

It's possible to add a black image overlay and switch the visibility with a button in music OSD.
I assume through settings in the (music) OSD? Visualisation? Would that add an extra button?
And would that work without loosing the FanArt background options, when display is on again (Can I enable/disable this)?


(Thank you for your always quick replies)

Please remember that the screen will not be turned off, but only a black image will be displayed. This will not save any energy.
After then NEXT button I get the "STAR" button, so I am missing this specific DIM button.....
Howe to add it?
It's not public yet. Wait until next update...
(2023-04-03, 11:19)_BJ1 Wrote: This is the "premiered" or "new" status flag generated by your TV/EPG provider. Normally this should not overlap, so it's a bug. Will be fixed at next update.

Thanks for the quick reply and fix.  I grabbed the new xml files from source and confirmed they fix the issue.
Hi all
How can I change flags to colors ,I find nowhere to setting, thanks
(2023-04-04, 03:12)startv Wrote: Hi all
How can I change flags to colors ,I find nowhere to setting, thanks

Settings - Interface - Skin - Theme - Color
OK, Thanks
### 4.1.1+nexus.9 ###
  • fix display of PVR status icon (Record, Timer, Scheduler, Premiered, ...) on EPG grid
  • fix addon activation of lrclyrics in Music OSD settings
  • add a "Black Screen" button to music OSD: show a black screen while playing music
  • fix live TV video OSD flickering on channel/window changes on some devices
  • smaller improvements in PVR section

Note that the Kodinerds forum server is busy/unreachable due a maintenance service today. The Nerdsrepo server is independent from that so you can update the usual way.
(2023-04-01, 18:02)psbguy Wrote: The latest updated causes Kodi to crash every time I try to go to a movie or tv show, I think it has something to do with Embuary Helper errors, and I can't find the previous release in github

The Embuary Helper errors are linked to changes in the Python PIL. I reported them to the EH author, but it seems the addon is abandoned.

It there a chance that the skin can use another addon for the same functionality?
Wow..... THANK YOU for the DIM button in the Music OSD!!!!
To me it was not to save energy, but a 55inch TV displaying images distracts when people are visiting us, and I just want to have some background music.
You are really working hard and fast on this skin....
(2023-04-05, 22:02)TheJezstarr Wrote: The Embuary Helper errors are linked to changes in the Python PIL. I reported them to the EH author, but it seems the addon is abandoned.

Du you have a link? I can make a PR directly to the Kodi Repo. I am surprised that the author does not react, after all he is Team Kodi member.

I wonder how do you change the background image of the main menu?  I can change the background for different category like Video or movie, but just can't change the background for Main menu.
It's Palmweek now. Just go to Skin Settings, Extras and disable "Special Themes".
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