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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
thanks. kind of a nit pick but is there any way to get this skin to show the first actor's name that is displayed on the far left like all the other actors? it doesn't show until I click down and put the cursor on it. Image
### 4.1.2+nexus.5 ###

  • added support for PreShow Experience
  • added TV Show count/seen/unseen to settings shortcut widget
  • improved actors list in video info
Its not possible  to seek with a mouse/airmouse by pointing the navbar to scroll trough movies on the right hand side. Normalie it turns blue and i can grap it with the mouse. I only us a mouse and would love to see this working again.

Was this fixed? Are there settings?

Love your skin, thanks in advance for a replie.
Move your mouse pointer to the upper right corner. Now you should be able scrolling the scrollbar.
(2023-08-14, 12:13)_BJ1 Wrote: Move your mouse pointer to the upper right corner. Now you should be able scrolling the scrollbar.

Well that worked once, its far from ideal. Is this hard to adapt and make it usable? Am no skinner. Hope this can be addressed in new version.
I have reverted back the common scrollbars to normal behaviour. Don't know why Guilouz (the initial maintainer) has this implemented in the past. Will be available with the next update.
(2023-08-15, 07:52)_BJ1 Wrote: I have reverted back the common scrollbars to normal behaviour. Don't know why Guilouz (the initial maintainer) has this implemented in the past. Will be available with the next update.

 You made my day sir!
### 4.1.2+nexus.6 ###
  • improved scrollbars
  • add title and year info to wall view items
  • disable autoclose OSD when touchmode is selected
  • improved background image handling (issue #128)
Do this mode allows to set permanent viewtype to "InfoWall"?


1. Don't know if its the skin that is the problem, but in recent times the extended info for actors has disappeared.

- Hitting enter on the actor used to bring up a menu to choose the local database or a full database of the actor
- Hitting enter now just shows the local entries containing that actor

2. When 2 movies have the same name but different year, hitting i while watching the movie will show the actors of the oldest movie, even if you are watching the current one.
1. was removed by mistake. Will be back with next version
2. will look into this (edit: fixed)
(2023-08-22, 13:29)_BJ1 Wrote: 1. was removed by mistake. Will be back with next version
2. will look into this (edit: fixed)

Thanks so much!
### 4.1.2+nexus.7 ###
  • revert back extra info on cast list
  • fix wrong actors list showing on movies with same titles but different year
  • add Internet Connection Status to Home screen
  • Merge PR #130 (disappearing side panel on busy spinner)

I set up my home menu to organize different franchises and I have some custom icons to represent them that work well, but where is the best place to store them?

I had them in a subfolder with the other icons in the skin plug-in directory, but of course that gets wiped/replaced upon updating the skin. When I try to select an icon in the skin customization settings, it only seems to let me browse the skin plug-in directory though. As it is, I'm stuck re-copying my custom icons over after updating, but I wanted to see if there's a better way to handle this.

Thanks for any help. I love the degree of customization with this skin.
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