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Found a public domain icon which looks more like a flashlight (left = on, mid = off, right = not available).

(2023-11-18, 16:21)Buschel Wrote: Found a public domain icon which looks more like a flashlight (left = on, mid = off, right = not available).


These look perfect! Smile
I too noticed awhile back that the flashlight (or Torch as the app labels it) did not work on my iPad. I just figured it wasn’t implemented or my iPad didn’t have an LED light on the back. Never really cared to post about it.

By the way, UlfSchmidt, if you are in the server list pane (but not connected to a server) and you reveal the right hand pane you will see the “Torch” listed there. In fact it is one of the few options available when not connected to a server at all. I think this is how I learned the name of that icon.

Maybe a translation thing but at least here in the States we always use flash light. I’ve never heard it called a torch. 🙂

Just be warned, the bug where if the flashlight is already turned on via iOS itself then Kodi app “Torch” button does nothing is still present. An extreme edge case but still a bug.

To be fair to the app, many of those advanced options you found in the settings pane are also difficult to get to on Kodi server. In fact some are significantly more difficult to get to.

One thing I would love is if you could search the entire settings menu from one search bar. Currently it only searches within the subcontext you are in.

For example, I always add a custom button to toggle DXVA2. Logically you would navigate to the Execute a Specific Action section and search for the option there but it’s not there. You have to navigate to the Player section and add it. A Global Settings Search would be awesome.
(2023-11-18, 17:30)amasephy Wrote: Just be warned, the bug where if the flashlight is already turned on via iOS itself then Kodi app “Torch” button does nothing is still present. An extreme edge case but still a bug.

I love how you discover one edge case after another, @amasephy Smile
Hmm, if I have to the flashlight enabled via iOS, the App shows it as disabled. When then clicking the button, it enables an even brighter flashlight. Hitting the button again, disables it. This is on iPhone and iOS 16.x
Maybe I will look into this again. But it could even be that the behavior changed over different iOS versions. In the meanwhile it seems like I have seen so
many of such behavioral changes…
Bizarre. When I first reported this months back the app it did not behave life this. If it was already on then the app couldn’t interact with the flashlight.

I can confirm today that I have the same experience you just stated. Still on iOS 16.x.

Also, just to report back. My iPad has no flashlight which is why I never reported any issue there. I can’t test it.

The only thing that could be changed is if iOS was interrogated and the app simply disabled the button altogether if no physical flashlight is detected. To me this is an incredibly minor issue though. 🙂
Just researched on this a bit. Apps cannot read the status of iOS/system torch. Therefor the App does always show an inactive torch. As soon as the App enables the torch, the iOS/system setting is overwritten and the App takes control. That's why it is quickly flickering in this case. Btw, even Apple names it "torch" in their API. I will change this to "flashlight" for US language, but keep "torch" for GB.

Edit: In case there is no flashlight I will simply disable the button. In this case the icon still looks same, but there is no visual feedback when pressing it.
(2023-11-17, 21:42)Buschel Wrote: Wasn‘t the flashlight function also taking more clicks to reach in former iOS versions?

iirc in older iOS versions (probably before 11) it was simply impossible to turn on the flashlight outside of camera / specific app
For the time after the current bugfixes I am again looking into next UI updates in NowPlaying to modernize this further.
- Use white color instead of coloring the fonts
- Move the progress slider down to better reach it via your thumb
- Move the repeat/random buttons into NowPlaying to reach this directly
- Re-arrange the bottom toolbar to move the play/pause button to the middle
- Highlight the play/pause button with a different "full circle" siyle
- Make background darker for better contrast.

Impression on iPod Touch: https://postimg.cc/G4gHYCf3

1. Problematic are the different screen sizes. I am thinking of keeping the text/progressbar in the same aspect ratio for each screen type and only scale up the cover to the maximum possible. Currently this is done different. Such new approach would also result in the progress bar not stretching so excessively on iPads.
2. For iPads I am even thinking of having a dedicated skip/seek/playpause button set on the NowPlaying screen itself. This should improve usability as the buttons will be bigger and easier to touch.
3. Repeat/Random icons are hard to read when enabled. Will search for something easier to grasp -- maybe similar to how other apps are doing it (e.g. green color when enabled).
Is it just me or is there a general problem in accessing the images?
returns ERR_FAILED in Chrome Sad
Does the updated link work? I need to go for a different host as the one I used until now is currently down.
(2023-12-10, 13:39)Buschel Wrote: Does the updated link work? I need to go for a different host as the one I used until now is currently down.

No, I tried it on iOS and on now also my desktop PC. With Chrome and Safari. Both complain about "too many redirects".
works fine for me on desktop Safari
1.13.1 build 4127
Release Notes

This build fixes issues reported in this thread or found during testing as well as a crash which was reported via AppStore. It is likely to be released on AppStore in a few days, if no further showstoppers are found.
Back to the NowPlaying rework. I now made further changes which will keep the "control area" (= progress bar, repeat/random buttons, text) in a fixed aspect ratio. It still scales up/down its dimensions and the font sizes as required. On iPad the size is kept same for both landscape and portrait. From my expectation this should improve usability as the progress bar does not spread over the whole width of the NowPlaying view anymore. It also gives me better control over the look on different screen sizes. The repeat / random icons now are using green color when active, the repeat-one icon was changed to make it easier to read.

Video impressions:
iPad: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xr33lc7s1...ht10r&dl=0
iPhone: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ug7it8jg3...eq34p&dl=0

Next step will be to add a "button area" below the progress bar for iPads. This will further improve the usability as the main control buttons are not only accessible in the bottom bar.

Downside of the rework: For layout/look I am changing the order of the buttons ("stop" now moved to the left to allow "play/pause" to be right in the middle). I guess this might cause some hassles for users. But without change there is no progress.
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