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[New Feature] Movie version
Love this new feature. I have a lot of films with multiple files, so I thought I'd just rescan my whole library and convert the different versions that way.

Sadly, this feature produces a lot of false positives for me. It seems to tag about 25% of my library as being a different version of a film when the number is more like .5%. When it hits a false positive, the list of films it creates for "add a version to..." is just all the other false positives.

I'm on the latest nightly release.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this? It makes the feature unusable for me, sadly. Scraping 100 films took me about an hour.

Is it possible for the file to only be flagged when there's an exact TMDb match?

Disable it from doing it during a library scan and use the manual method.
Can you give examples of false positives? The code is supposed to find matches only for identical tmdbid/imdbid or name+year.
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(2024-03-24, 19:45)CrystalP Wrote: Can you give examples of false positives? The code is supposed to find matches only for identical tmdbid/imdbid or name+year.


Can you provide us your MyVideos database located in the Userdata (wiki) folder.
The images don't really tell us why it is happening, it only tells us that it is happening.
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Yes, it looks like there is something going on with what should be unique id for those movies in your database so a peek would be helpful. Just the latest revision 131.

Do you get the same matches in "Add as version to..." for all your false positive?
Which scraper are you using?
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Hello everybody,

I was looking forward to Kodi 21 mostly because of this feature, but there are things i do not quite understand:

 - When selecting a movie I prefer to at first enter the info-screen, and then start the movie from there. With the new movie versions feature when a movie has versions assigned selecting the movie will show the version selection dialog instead of the info screen. I'd prefer to enter the info screen and when starting the movie from this screen I want to be given the version dialog. Can this be done?
 - On the info page there is now always a 'Version: Standard Edition' entry for every movie. It would be nice if those would only be displayed for movies that have a version defined/assigned and stay hidden for other movies.
 - In Ember Media Manager there exists a field 'Edition' (and if used it gets added as <edition> to the nfo). It would be nice if Kodi could use this tag, but it seems to ignore it.

These are the issues which I hope could be resolved with somebody's hints (and which might just be me being ignorant).

The following issues seem to be a consequence of the way the feature is implemented:

 - I really do not understand why there only is a list of hardcoded editions instead of the option for custom versions. (And some of those hardcoded options seem strangely specific...). For example some of my versions would just differ in language and it would be nice to actually be able to name these versions accordingly instead of a list of technical details that are of minor interest when choosing a movie to watch.
 - Movies that are assigned as versions to another movie now again will in folder view be displayed as folders that are not added to the library. When manually browsing files this might tempt to add such a movie folder to the library. This might be due to the design of the feature but it still seems strange to me.
 - Opening the version selection dialog is significantly slow.
 - Would not a design closer to the way the movie sets are handled be a lot more comfortable?

I think there was something else I wanted to include in this list but I cannot think of it. Anyway, maybe someone can at least give me a hint concerning the fist three issues...
The hardcode list is there for the sake of convenience for remote users who might otherwise have to typing with the virtual keyboard, you can however also add any custom version name you wish.

You can find more details at https://kodi.wiki/view/Video_versions#Add_Version
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - When selecting a movie I prefer to at first enter the info-screen, and then start the movie from there. With the new movie versions feature when a movie has versions assigned selecting the movie will show the version selection dialog instead of the info screen. I'd prefer to enter the info screen and when starting the movie from this screen I want to be given the version dialog. Can this be done?
From the info screen you can click on Versions which will list the versions and allow you to play one.
Or enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder'.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - In Ember Media Manager there exists a field 'Edition' (and if used it gets added as <edition> to the nfo). It would be nice if Kodi could use this tag, but it seems to ignore it.
We haven't decided on a naming standard yet.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - I really do not understand why there only is a list of hardcoded editions instead of the option for custom versions. (And some of those hardcoded options seem strangely specific...). For example some of my versions would just differ in language and it would be nice to actually be able to name these versions accordingly instead of a list of technical details that are of minor interest when choosing a movie to watch.
That list is going to get trimmed down significantly in a later update.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote: - Opening the version selection dialog is significantly slow.
It's instant for me on Windows 11 and my Shield TV.
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - Would not a design closer to the way the movie sets are handled be a lot more comfortable?
See the 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder' option above.
(2024-04-10, 00:51)Hitcher Wrote:
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - When selecting a movie I prefer to at first enter the info-screen, and then start the movie from there. With the new movie versions feature when a movie has versions assigned selecting the movie will show the version selection dialog instead of the info screen. I'd prefer to enter the info screen and when starting the movie from this screen I want to be given the version dialog. Can this be done?
From the info screen you can click on Versions which will list the versions and allow you to play one.
Or enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder'.

Yes, I'd just prefer consistent behavior, that's why I'd like to enter the info screen when choosing a movie as Kodi does for all other movies that do not have versions. Then when starting the movie from there via the play button the selection of the version should be displayed. At least that's how I'd expect it to behave.
(2024-04-10, 18:18)vonson Wrote:
(2024-04-10, 00:51)Hitcher Wrote:
(2024-04-09, 23:20)vonson Wrote:  - When selecting a movie I prefer to at first enter the info-screen, and then start the movie from there. With the new movie versions feature when a movie has versions assigned selecting the movie will show the version selection dialog instead of the info screen. I'd prefer to enter the info screen and when starting the movie from this screen I want to be given the version dialog. Can this be done?
From the info screen you can click on Versions which will list the versions and allow you to play one.
Or enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder'.

Yes, I'd just prefer consistent behavior, that's why I'd like to enter the info screen when choosing a movie as Kodi does for all other movies that do not have versions. Then when starting the movie from there via the play button the selection of the version should be displayed. At least that's how I'd expect it to behave.

But there could be different info for the different versions!
(2024-04-10, 18:23)ksooo Wrote:
(2024-04-10, 18:18)vonson Wrote:
(2024-04-10, 00:51)Hitcher Wrote: From the info screen you can click on Versions which will list the versions and allow you to play one.
Or enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder'.

Yes, I'd just prefer consistent behavior, that's why I'd like to enter the info screen when choosing a movie as Kodi does for all other movies that do not have versions. Then when starting the movie from there via the play button the selection of the version should be displayed. At least that's how I'd expect it to behave.

But there could be different info for the different versions!

True (that's why I proposed a design closer to the way movie sets are handled). Still I'd prefer a consistent behavior (it would be nice to get this optional in the settings).
If you prefer the movie set method then enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder' as this replicates it.
(2024-04-10, 00:37)jjd-uk Wrote: The hardcode list is there for the sake of convenience for remote users who might otherwise have to typing with the virtual keyboard, you can however also add any custom version name you wish.

You can find more details at https://kodi.wiki/view/Video_versions#Add_Version

Sometimes I am incredibly stupid, I just have not noticed the 'add new' button (however this is possible...). Thanks.

BTW - Is there a way to filter movies with versions? Because now I have to go through all of mine to correct this...
(2024-04-10, 18:33)Hitcher Wrote: If you prefer the movie set method then enable 'Show videos with multiple versions as folder' as this replicates it.

I am torn between these options. Both have their disadvantages. What I do not like about this one is that there is no visual clue to the fact that I am now in a version selection. I might come about as nitpicky, but I see my wife getting confused ('Why does this happen now?'). (And then there is still the info screen issue...)

In my imagination I probably expected something like a 'dummy'-entry for a movie with versions, that could be set as a neutral entry just for the basic movie info, with a standard poster and just plot description etc. From there, when starting the movie, a selection screen for the versions would pop up, with version-specific poster etc. (probably with the option to either start the movie or see detailed version info).

Sorry if this comes about as complainy, I just think the layout is not ideal.
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