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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2024-05-19, 17:05)Ingme Wrote: I do have moviedb helper enabled and the Extras/Next Aired setting on. Instead of the Next Episode info line on the Low List view, I get the Genre instead. The next episode is working on other views (just checked Logo)

I noticed the version of moviedb helper you're using is 5.2.24 but the latest I can get from Kodi is 4.10.14 (when installing from jurialmunkey repository I get a dependency could not be satisfied error). Does that matter? 

I'm using Kodi 21.0.1 and SiLVO 10.0.1

Until jurial has the time to update his scripts/plugins to the Kodi repo you need to use his repo versions for the latest and greatest.

If you don't want to mess with Kodi settings then you likely need to install his module.
You can do so manually by installing from zip using the link below:

Alternatively changing this setting from Official only to Any repo should also work.


The updated moviedb helper worked, thanks so much!

Ps..how does your Low List "not" have the Genre line below Next Episode? (would like to remove it as well)
(2024-05-19, 17:34)Ingme Wrote: The updated moviedb helper worked, thanks so much!

Ps..how does your Low List "not" have the Genre line below Next Episode? (would like to remove it as well)

Without a screenshot, my only guess is you're not using the smaller list option in the view settings... Huh
You're 2 for 2 this morning. I'm not using the smaller list; I prefer more info (but not necessarily Genre, but I can see how some may prefer to see it).
Thanks again.
(2024-05-16, 23:01)bobrap Wrote: Hi Mike.  Wanted to pass on a few things I noticed.  I have show time set to hour and minutes.  Infowall, tripanel, bigfan, bannerwall show time in minutes.  I can't tell any difference when changing the setting for prefer movie set summary.  Always see summary.  Thanks and really appreciate all your extra work.

When you can, please try the latest from Git and let me know if you see any issues Smile
For me, smart playlist statistics aren't working? I have my series split based on path. The playlists work, I have random fanart based on the playlist. All working okay, but the library stats don't. I get music video information? My playlists are for tvshows, so that shouldn't be the issue? 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <name>All TV Shows</name>
    <rule field="path" operator="contains">
    <rule field="numepisodes" operator="isnot">
    <order direction="ascending">random</order>

I do have an old variables.xml which does work for me, but with plugin://service.library.data.provider? instead of plugin://script.embuary.helper/?. I'm no skinner, so I don't know why embuary helper is the preferred option.

working code:
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31097])">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistCount),[COLOR grey]$LOCALIZE[20342]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistWatched),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[16102]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistUnWatched),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[16101]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistInProgress),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[575]:[/COLOR] ]</value>
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31098])">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistTVShowCount),[COLOR grey]$LOCALIZE[20343]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistEpisodes),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[20360]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistEpisodesUnWatched),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[16101]:[/COLOR] ]</value>
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31099])">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistCount),[COLOR grey]$LOCALIZE[20389]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistWatched),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[16102]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistUnWatched),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[16101]:[/COLOR] ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(PlaylistInProgress),[COLOR grey] • $LOCALIZE[575]:[/COLOR] ]</value>
    <variable name="PlaylistStatsContentVar">
        <!-- Ray: smart playlist library stats --> 
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31097])">plugin://service.library.data.provider?type=playliststats&id=$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(path)]</value>
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31098])">plugin://service.library.data.provider?type=playliststats&id=$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(path)]</value>
        <value condition="String.IsEqual(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(InfoLine),$LOCALIZE[31099])">plugin://service.library.data.provider?type=playliststats&id=$INFO[Container(9000).ListItem.Property(path)]</value>
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
(2024-05-19, 21:57)Raytestrak Wrote: For me, smart playlist statistics aren't working? I have my series split based on path. The playlists work, I have random fanart based on the playlist. All working okay, but the library stats don't. I get music video information? My playlists are for tvshows, so that shouldn't be the issue? 

I do have an old variables.xml which does work for me, but with plugin://service.library.data.provider? instead of plugin://script.embuary.helper/?. I'm no skinner, so I don't know why embuary helper is the preferred option.

Embuary Helper is more up to date than library.data.provider. Both are unmaintained but Embuary Helper is way more current.
Goes to show me for not double checking any of this and just blindly copy/pasting...

Try the latest from GitHub
Works! Thanks for the quick fix!
CoreElec on a Tanix TX3 (s905x3). Onkyo NR-656. Canton Movie CD-1000. LG 55B6V.

If it ain't broke: break it, fix it, repeat
Hey Guys,

Is there any chance to incorporate the source tag for movies? so that it shows DVD, BluRay, UHD BluRay etc.

I think it's already in for TV shows.

// Thumber
Running Kodi Krypton/Aeon Nox Silvo on Nvidia Shield
Is there a way to return the next episode option for the TV show?
It was on the top left with the series details but has been missing for 6 months.
Using Kodi 21 and the latest skin build.
(2024-05-27, 18:56)thumber Wrote: Hey Guys,

Is there any chance to incorporate the source tag for movies? so that it shows DVD, BluRay, UHD BluRay etc.

I think it's already in for TV shows.

// Thumber

Not 100% sure what you mean but whether DVD or BluRay flags show up is filename dependent.
It is based on the variable below so match whatever filename for the mediaflag you prefer to appear. If nothing matches it falls back to video codec (h264, h265, etc)

<variable name="SourceFlagVar">
<value condition="ListItem.IsStereoscopic">bluray3d.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.filename,pdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.filename,sdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.filename,sd tv)]">sdtv.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hd tv)]">hdtv.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hddvd) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hd-dvd)]">hddvd.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,dvb)">dvb.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,web-dl) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,webdl) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,webrip)">web-dl.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,dvd) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,ifo)">dvd.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,bluray) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,blu-ray) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,bdrip) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,brrip) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,bdmv) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,iso) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,remux)]">bluray.png</value>

(2024-06-03, 22:07)guandms Wrote: Is there a way to return the next episode option for the TV show?
It was on the top left with the series details but has been missing for 6 months.
Using Kodi 21 and the latest skin build.

Where exactly?

Screenshots are helpful but unless I missed something somewhere all next aired (episode) stuff has been moved to The Movie Db Helper so that needs to be installed and enabled for that to appear. The setting also needs to be enabled in Skin settings > Extras > Enable next aired info in library.
I just want to say thanks to everyone who played in role in putting this skin together. It has easily become my favorite! Thanks again for all the hard work and support.
Hey Mike,
V21 is crashing when updating skin.
(2024-06-06, 21:05)wpbpete Wrote: Hey Mike,
V21 is crashing when updating skin. here's a log https://paste.kodi.tv/leqaduvahu.kodi

Here's old log https://paste.kodi.tv/jodezeware.kodi

Both logs show you unloading the skin to update:
CAddonMgr::UnloadAddon: skin.aeon.nox.silvo unloaded
Then unpacking:
Unpacking zip://special%3a%2f%2fhome%2faddons%2fpackages%2fskin.aeon.nox.silvo-10.0.2.zip/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/ to
It never loads again. Unfortunately, that means the skin has nothing to do with this so it appears to be a Kodi or script/plugin issue.

EDIT: I also see this but have no idea what it means, might help with troubleshooting elsewhere tho:
virtual void CXBMCApp::onSaveState(void **, size_t *)
(2024-06-06, 21:19)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2024-06-06, 21:05)wpbpete Wrote: Hey Mike,
V21 is crashing when updating skin. here's a log https://paste.kodi.tv/leqaduvahu.kodi

Here's old log https://paste.kodi.tv/jodezeware.kodi

Both logs show you unloading the skin to update:
CAddonMgr::UnloadAddon: skin.aeon.nox.silvo unloaded
Then unpacking:
Unpacking zip://special%3a%2f%2fhome%2faddons%2fpackages%2fskin.aeon.nox.silvo-10.0.2.zip/skin.aeon.nox.silvo/ to
It never loads again. Unfortunately, that means the skin has nothing to do with this so it appears to be a Kodi or script/plugin issue.

EDIT: I also see this but have no idea what it means, might help with troubleshooting elsewhere tho:
virtual void CXBMCApp::onSaveState(void **, size_t *)
Thanks for looking. I'll post in the Android forum and see.... Solved!
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