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Beta Arctic Fuse 2
Still working on trying to get the channels in the same box as the codec, but here it is

Insert Includes_info.xml at line 1235 right above the star rating section. 
Maven's Omega 21 nightly (arm64-v8a), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (, Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.2-72803
(2024-10-21, 15:51)AngryBird Wrote: Still working on trying to get the channels in the same box as the codec, but here it is

Insert Includes_info.xml at line 1235 right above the star rating section. 
Brilliant thanks, I will have a play with it later too.
(2024-10-20, 03:55)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2024-10-20, 03:08)amcottre Wrote: Might be a dumb question but Is it normal for some option to be available on one device and not another? For ex, on my firestick I can change the “wall orientation” between horizontal/vertical but the option is not there on my MacBook.

This option depends on your screen resolution.

You can only choose a vertical wall if your screen resolution has an 16:9 aspect ratio e.g. 1920x1080 (FHD) or 2560x1440 (2K) or 3840x2160 (4K).

That's because the skin is designed for 16:9 but gets away with working okay for other aspect ratios by only having views which expand on the horizontal axis. So a vertical wall would have weird alignment issues.
Ohhhh gotcha. Does the aspect ratio effect other things like turning off the profile picture/logo too? I noticed I have the option to do that on my MBP but not on the firestick.
Guys, I don't mind you making mods, but please keep the thread to questions/support for the base skin -- this isn't a thread for modding tips, especially since the skin is still in Alpha.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2024-10-21, 16:37)amcottre Wrote: Ohhhh gotcha. Does the aspect ratio effect other things like turning off the profile picture/logo too? I noticed I have the option to do that on my MBP but not on the firestick.

That option depends on whether or not you have search/options enabled -- need to have search/options enabled to disable profile because it needs something to put in its place.

It will also be hidden if you select a different hub to use as the home window because then the option is no longer relevant.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Hey jurialmunkey, is there a way to implement the code for when u install a movie addon it modifies the skin and get everything from that addon? I dont know if I explain it good. But for me is quite hard to implement it from zero, since there is a lot of buttons/configs possible.
@jurialmunkey, could you replace the Info and Web tags for something like Movie/TV/Episode? And could you explain me if it's possible and how, to change the wall with the empty posters when one activates a widget? Those are the two issues I feel upon changing form Arctic Fuse 1 to this new version. Otherwise, it runs smoothly, fast and remains beautiful. One other suggestion could be to give the chance to change the color of the side menu. Many thanks, Rui
(2024-10-21, 17:10)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2024-10-21, 16:37)amcottre Wrote: Ohhhh gotcha. Does the aspect ratio effect other things like turning off the profile picture/logo too? I noticed I have the option to do that on my MBP but not on the firestick.

That option depends on whether or not you have search/options enabled -- need to have search/options enabled to disable profile because it needs something to put in its place.

It will also be hidden if you select a different hub to use as the home window because then the option is no longer relevant.

Interesting. I’m on the default home hub in my firestick and have search/options enabled but don’t have the option to turn off the profile/icon. Under skin settings > menus, I only have a “side menu” option list and not the “home” option like my MacBook shows. I tried enabling another hub as home and turning the main hub back as home but that didn’t change it.
(2024-10-22, 00:13)amcottre Wrote:
(2024-10-21, 17:10)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2024-10-21, 16:37)amcottre Wrote: Ohhhh gotcha. Does the aspect ratio effect other things like turning off the profile picture/logo too? I noticed I have the option to do that on my MBP but not on the firestick.

That option depends on whether or not you have search/options enabled -- need to have search/options enabled to disable profile because it needs something to put in its place.

It will also be hidden if you select a different hub to use as the home window because then the option is no longer relevant.

Interesting. I’m on the default home hub in my firestick and have search/options enabled but don’t have the option to turn off the profile/icon. Under skin settings > menus, I only have a “side menu” option list and not the “home” option like my MacBook shows. I tried enabling another hub as home and turning the main hub back as home but that didn’t change it.

Check for updates. Possibly you have auto-updates disabled. Sounds like you're on an old version of the skin if says "Side Menu" instead of "Home".
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2024-10-21, 22:53)iamjavimp Wrote: Hey jurialmunkey, is there a way to implement the code for when u install a movie addon it modifies the skin and get everything from that addon? I dont know if I explain it good. But for me is quite hard to implement it from zero, since there is a lot of buttons/configs possible.

Sorry, no. If you do not use the library then you will need to config the widget setup yourself.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2024-10-21, 23:24)Rf67 Wrote: @jurialmunkey, could you replace the Info and Web tags for something like Movie/TV/Episode? And could you explain me if it's possible and how, to change the wall with the empty posters when one activates a widget? Those are the two issues I feel upon changing form Arctic Fuse 1 to this new version. Otherwise, it runs smoothly, fast and remains beautiful. One other suggestion could be to give the chance to change the color of the side menu. Many thanks, Rui

RE: Tags. I was discussing something like this with OfficerKD637 on github where the tag would be more descriptive -- it possibly might happen, I'm still considering whether or not the tags changing size while scrolling will be too distracting (it's the same reason I haven't implemented suggestion for HDR10 etc. tags in the info line either).

Not opposed to the idea of having more details in the tags here but I do also find elements moving around can be annoying. Plus I know that it's going to be one of those genie-out-of-the-bottle, toothpaste-out-of-the-tube things where if I implement it and then later decide I want to remove it I will never hear the end of it, so I want to make sure I'm happy with it first to avoid needing to backtrack on it.

RE: Wall. I'm not quite following what you referring too here.

RE: Sidemenu colour -- I assume you're talking about on the home screen and in search. In that case, it doesn't really have a "colour". It's just a transparent panel that slightly dims the background.
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Hey guys!

I'm glad and super grateful that a lot of my mods (HDR tags, Modified info labels like Movies/TV/Episode, etc.) are getting popular.
But this is not the right place to discuss this (trust me, I have been in the same boat haha). It hinders new users and people in general that want to experience this skin (and request features and report bugs) because their posts get buried and things get cluttered.

Please don't take this as me lecturing you or anything like that. I have made the exact same mistake and Jurial was kind enough to explain why it can affect other members of the community.

Since AF1 is now discontinued, l'll shortly be making a new thread for mods and I'd love if the community would join me there!

Although AF2 shares a lot of code/similarities to AF1, I won't currently be discussing about AF2 modding. 

Fuse 2 is a very very new skin (basically in it's infancy). Jurial is very active and features are being added daily (you might notice multiple version updates within a day!).
So if you feel you have a great feature in mind (or a bug you can't resolve), go over to his GitHub and make a post! There's a bustling community that's super helpful. Jurial also personally replies and discusses about the pros/cons of a feature and why it would/wouldn't make sense to the overall skin.

I personally don't want to encourage AF2 modding right now. I would rather that good new features be added to the base skin so everyone can enjoy! (and not just a couple of enthusiast geeks like us lol).

Thank you @jurialmunkey and everyone for all the support! I am extremely grateful to this community!

TL;DR I was selling illegal code from Jurial’s backyard and have decided to relocate my shop before the FBI or CIA puts me in prison.
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
Thanks for the reply. 

 Many thanks for you great work.
When you create the thread on mods for AF1, let us know. I have 2 setups, one with AF1 (where I've applied your mods) and another withe AF2. For me it's the info taglines and the fonts that I really find very usefull and aestetic more appealing
Do you mean this @RmdcF1967 ?

I think this is just the new widget/hub loading animation. On AF1 it used to be a single row and the title + info used to be persistent until the new content finished loading.
Arctic Fuse Mod - Now Available!
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