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Beta Arctic Fuse 2

I was considering making another feature request but then decided these were more like suggestions, and maybe not even feasible ones (like my last feature request was). So posting them here for your considerationSmile

The suggestions are based on my use of the use of AF2 in the ‘menu-less’ sense with only widgets.

1) wouldn’t the back button be better if when pressed it would return to first item of a row, and if at first item of a row then to the top row (as it currently does from anywhere, kind of like a home button at the moment not a back button). And just to complicate things more so (sorry JM this is my ASD at work mid post) perhaps a long back press would replace the current short press and take you out of a row without resetting it to start.

2) when changing the style of a widget would a preview be possible? Perhaps a placeholder graphic or the first item in users own widget. This would allow easier customisation for those not sure what each style will look like.
(2024-11-05, 04:46)CouchGuy Wrote:
(2024-11-04, 23:42)Blurayx Wrote:
(2024-11-03, 22:49)CouchGuy Wrote: It's actually much easier to configure than AF1.
If you want Home with horizontal menu layout and fullscreen spotlight:

Choose an empty hub
Change mode
Use as home

Thanks for your help.
I managed to set up a horizontal menu. I have one more question, is it still possible to have the options menu, bottom of the home screen, similar to AF1?

You're welcome! Currently, there is no option for that.
For now, I'll stick with AF1. I'll give AF2 a few more months to mature because AF2 is lacking a few features Smile
Setup: LG OLED65B7 | Onkyo TX-RZ50 | OPPO UDP-203 4K Blu-Ray player | Nvidia Shield TV | Dune HD Homatics Box R 4K Plus | KEF T205
My Favourite Skin: Arctic Fuse mod
(2024-11-06, 19:04)TimboZero Wrote: @jurialmunkey

I was considering making another feature request but then decided these were more like suggestions, and maybe not even feasible ones (like my last feature request was). So posting them here for your considerationSmile

The suggestions are based on my use of the use of AF2 in the ‘menu-less’ sense with only widgets.

1) wouldn’t the back button be better if when pressed it would return to first item of a row, and if at first item of a row then to the top row (as it currently does from anywhere, kind of like a home button at the moment not a back button). And just to complicate things more so (sorry JM this is my ASD at work mid post) perhaps a long back press would replace the current short press and take you out of a row without resetting it to start.
If you go in skin settings, under behavior, content > back... you can change it to "previous" and it navigates like you've described... Although I'm not sure if it's exactly how you're describing
I have a weird issue with ratings not appearing. I use local metadata for my media which has IMDb ratings as default and also TMDB ratings. However when using AF2 ratings simply don't appear under certain movies/episodes. If I switch to default Estuary skin I can see them properly, so I think this isn't a metadata issue. What even more strange is that they can also just appear or disappear randomly, sometimes after a Kodi reboot ratings suddenly appear or disappear after library update. Sometimes they only appear for a certain season while the others are empty. I'm really not sure what's causing this.
(2024-11-06, 20:12)Rinicko100 Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 19:04)TimboZero Wrote: @jurialmunkey

I was considering making another feature request but then decided these were more like suggestions, and maybe not even feasible ones (like my last feature request was). So posting them here for your considerationSmile

The suggestions are based on my use of the use of AF2 in the ‘menu-less’ sense with only widgets.

1) wouldn’t the back button be better if when pressed it would return to first item of a row, and if at first item of a row then to the top row (as it currently does from anywhere, kind of like a home button at the moment not a back button). And just to complicate things more so (sorry JM this is my ASD at work mid post) perhaps a long back press would replace the current short press and take you out of a row without resetting it to start.
If you go in skin settings, under behavior, content > back... you can change it to "previous" and it navigates like you've described... Although I'm not sure if it's exactly how you're describing
Pretty much does for this yes and thank you. Long press idea remains, but currently goes to options which is fairly essential so forget that part of idea Smile
(2024-11-06, 20:47)TimboZero Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:12)Rinicko100 Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 19:04)TimboZero Wrote: @jurialmunkey

I was considering making another feature request but then decided these were more like suggestions, and maybe not even feasible ones (like my last feature request was). So posting them here for your considerationSmile

The suggestions are based on my use of the use of AF2 in the ‘menu-less’ sense with only widgets.

1) wouldn’t the back button be better if when pressed it would return to first item of a row, and if at first item of a row then to the top row (as it currently does from anywhere, kind of like a home button at the moment not a back button). And just to complicate things more so (sorry JM this is my ASD at work mid post) perhaps a long back press would replace the current short press and take you out of a row without resetting it to start.
If you go in skin settings, under behavior, content > back... you can change it to "previous" and it navigates like you've described... Although I'm not sure if it's exactly how you're describing
Pretty much does for this yes and thank you. Long press idea remains, but currently goes to options which is fairly essential so forget that part of idea Smile
The long press to options is a kodi default... you can edit your keymaps to set it to SetFocus(300)
<key id="61448" mod="longpress">setfocus(300)</key>

Not sure if that's the key id for your back button but that's how the keymap would be
(2024-11-06, 21:06)Rinicko100 Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:47)TimboZero Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:12)Rinicko100 Wrote: If you go in skin settings, under behavior, content > back... you can change it to "previous" and it navigates like you've described... Although I'm not sure if it's exactly how you're describing
Pretty much does for this yes and thank you. Long press idea remains, but currently goes to options which is fairly essential so forget that part of idea Smile
The long press to options is a kodi default... you can edit your keymaps to set it to SetFocus(300)
<key id="61448" mod="longpress">setfocus(300)</key>

Not sure if that's the key id for your back button but that's how the keymap would be
Yeah I’d assume all are and the skin uses them as is or customises them to suit. I think long press change was a bad idea of mine upon reflection. In the widgets only mode I’m using there’s no other way to access settings unless I make a widget which I’m not keen on. More practical on a PC but on a tv box with just a remote not a good idea I think.
(2024-11-06, 20:34)Red_BY Wrote: I have a weird issue with ratings not appearing. I use local metadata for my media which has IMDb ratings as default and also TMDB ratings. However when using AF2 ratings simply don't appear under certain movies/episodes. If I switch to default Estuary skin I can see them properly, so I think this isn't a metadata issue. What even more strange is that they can also just appear or disappear randomly, sometimes after a Kodi reboot ratings suddenly appear or disappear after library update. Sometimes they only appear for a certain season while the others are empty. I'm really not sure what's causing this.
I think I figured it out. Apparently it's a conflict between my local metadata and TMDB Helper info. The show uses a different season group compared to TMDB default ( By default TMDB has all episodes as one season, but in my case it's split into 3 ) so anything beyond Season 1 doesn't have ratings since it expect all episodes to be a part of Season 1. But I still don't understand why it doesn't use my local ratings instead, other metadata information still shows up. I don't suppose I can do something about this since TBDM Helper is integrated into the skin? I have local information enabled in TMDB Helper settings but that doesn't seem to help. Estuary still parses everything normally but TMDB Helper is very picky.
(2024-11-06, 22:37)Red_BY Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:34)Red_BY Wrote: I have a weird issue with ratings not appearing. I use local metadata for my media which has IMDb ratings as default and also TMDB ratings. However when using AF2 ratings simply don't appear under certain movies/episodes. If I switch to default Estuary skin I can see them properly, so I think this isn't a metadata issue. What even more strange is that they can also just appear or disappear randomly, sometimes after a Kodi reboot ratings suddenly appear or disappear after library update. Sometimes they only appear for a certain season while the others are empty. I'm really not sure what's causing this.
I think I figured it out. Apparently it's a conflict between my local metadata and TMDB Helper info. The show uses a different season group compared to TMDB default ( By default TMDB has all episodes as one season, but in my case it's split into 3 ) so anything beyond Season 1 doesn't have ratings since it expect all episodes to be a part of Season 1. But I still don't understand why it doesn't use my local ratings instead, other metadata information still shows up. I don't suppose I can do something about this since TBDM Helper is integrated into the skin? I have local information enabled in TMDB Helper settings but that doesn't seem to help. Estuary still parses everything normally but TMDB Helper is very picky.

You cannot get other ratings natively via the skin engine outside of the info dialog. I guarantee you cannot see this rating information in Estuary outside of the info dialog. That is why the skin must use TMDbHelper to display additional ratings.

The only ratings outside the info dialog which can be retrieved natively are your default rating (this is displayed as the "Kodi" rating in the skin since it isn't possible to know what the source is) and the User Rating (i.e. your own custom rating set from the info dialog button).
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2024-11-06, 21:06)Rinicko100 Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:47)TimboZero Wrote:
(2024-11-06, 20:12)Rinicko100 Wrote: If you go in skin settings, under behavior, content > back... you can change it to "previous" and it navigates like you've described... Although I'm not sure if it's exactly how you're describing
Pretty much does for this yes and thank you. Long press idea remains, but currently goes to options which is fairly essential so forget that part of idea Smile
The long press to options is a kodi default... you can edit your keymaps to set it to SetFocus(300)
<key id="61448" mod="longpress">setfocus(300)</key>

Not sure if that's the key id for your back button but that's how the keymap would be

It is better to use Action(menu) than SetFocus(300).

The menu action should work in other skins (so your keymap isn't skin specific) and it also works to toggle the focus (you can press it again to go from the menu back to where you were).
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Hey man, any idea about this one?
The widget I made is called "Titles". I tried renaming in the skin but it doesn't change the title on top of the widget. Any idea about this one?
(2024-11-07, 01:27)bamboozilla Wrote: Hey man, any idea about this one?
The widget I made is called "Titles". I tried renaming in the skin but it doesn't change the title on top of the widget. Any idea about this one?

In skin variables... go to the context menu of the folder > click edit filter > right under the path, change the name... that's the name that appears on widget titles
I just installed this and am really impressed. 

One thing I miss is in the live TV guide view the program plot description does not show unless I go into more information.  Is there another TV guide view that provides this?
Another thing is that my OMD and mdbList jeys are not saved.  After I enter them in the themovidbhelper v5.3.3 screen they seem to be saved but I exit and go back in and they are blank again.
not sure if this is a thing that’s fixable..
I am using the ‘widgets only’ style hub and I understand the reasons for the placeholder widgets whilst info is loading for them from your previous replies, but recently (might just be since I changed to this hub format) I am getting ‘random’ titles and backgrounds whilst this occurs. For example (in each case the shows are bookmarked in favourites and only whilst skin is loading the correct info which is only a few seconds) I exit a  show to go into another and the title shows as Anime (not the actual shows name, and tbh I never watch anime) and the background was for an addon (one I use to stream content to the player), the next time I made the same sort of change I got no title or background (expected behaviour), a third time and I got the title and background of the previous show (i.e. seems random if it happens and what it will display). Feels like something is being held in memory (or similar) and needs to be flushed sort of thing, if that makes sense.

Edit: I’ve also noticed (using behaviour back set to previous) that with favourites:// as a widget row, when pressing back from a favourited tv series it will (not sure it’s every time) exit favourites widget to the third item of next ( also last for me so maybe last not next) widget row.

Edit 2: experimented on previous edit, it doesn’t happen every time and it doesn’t exit to the next widget row, it displays the next widget row but a press up goes to row above favourites and a click down returns to favourites row with last used favourite highlighted as expected. Indicates the ‘cursor’ is correct but displaying a row below.

Is this at a point where you’d like me to raise a bug report, or rather two as edits are not entirely the same as original post issue?
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