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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility
I have generated the tool as an EXE embedded with Python 2.7.18. This means that it is no longer necessary to install the old Python version.

The EXE works fine with all current Kodi versions 20 - 22.

Thanks @rainman74 I just used your exe to update all my artwork on my LibreElec Intel NUCs. (Ran the utility on one and copied the Kodi video and texture dbs and thumbnails to the 2nd NUC).

I have spent last couple of weeks updating my movie fanart to 4K images (and updating many posters) and this Texture Cache Maintenance tool ran super fast on my 2.5GBE NUC with NVME SSD. Started with a estimated duration of over an hour but did all 1300 movies in less than 15 minutes using 4 threads.

I still have a couple hundred movies to do, then I’m onto my music artist fanart.

BTW: Where I couldn’t get decent 4K fanart from TMDB I used Topaz Photo AI to upscale the best 1920x1080 fanart to 4K with great looking results although I got better images by lowering the auto settings in many cases (mainly over sharpening issues and Facial Recovery can remove detail causing over smoothing aka the ‘James Cameron effect’). Definitely worth investigating if anyone here is looking for better looking art images.

Edit: Link: https://www.topazlabs.com
Hello, is there a way to limit the imdb queries (I have a 1000 per day key limit for omdb) besides movies or tv shows?
(2024-05-13, 09:03)tfonias74 Wrote: Hello, is there a way to limit the imdb queries (I have a 1000 per day key limit for omdb) besides movies or tv shows?
I don't know of any way to limit the imdb queries in the script. But honestly, using a bulk tool with a limited imdb license is probably not the best idea ;-)
Hi to ll,

just discovered this script, although I intend to use it for a different purpose. Correcting corrupted images and other media isn't a great concern here; rather, I have a lot of movies lost when the hard drive holding them crashed and would like to know which ones before cleaning up the database. Given how unreliable are hard drives, I'm surprised there aren't any built-in function for that.

The main goal is to get a list of filenames that don't exist anymore despite being in the database. Simple as that.

As a first try, I used:
./texturecache.py s "volumeUSB6" | grep mkv > ex-USB6-mkv.txt

This is rather crude but simply keeps in ex-USB6-mkv.txt the lines from the database that contain .mkv as a filename. However, the output lines is very wide as it contains UUID, date added as well as full path.

Is there a way to clean up the output and only keep the filename?

Hello, I wrote a Windows bat file that created a simple selection menu.
This is how the Texturecache.py/.exe script can be executed for inexperienced people.

- The texture cache.cfg needs to be adjusted!
- Python does not need to be installed separately, texturcache.exe includes everything you need.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip

I also wrote an addon with which you can operate the whole thing in Kodi yourself.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui



ich habe eine Windows Bat Datei geschrieben, die ein simples Auswahl Menü erstellt.
So lässt sich das Texturecache.py/.exe Script auf für ungeübte ausführen.

- Die texturecache.cfg muss angepasst werden!
- Python muss nicht extra installiert werden, texturecache.exe beinhaltet alles notwendige.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip

Ich habe auch ein Addon geschrieben, womit man das Ganze in Kodi selbst bedienen kann.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui
Can this script be used to scan all my picture folders recursively to generate the Thumbnails?
Normally Kodi requires me to manually open each folder individually one-by-one and wait for the scans to complete.
(2024-09-01, 00:37)viking2 Wrote: Can this script be used to scan all my picture folders recursively to generate the Thumbnails?
Normally Kodi requires me to manually open each folder individually one-by-one and wait for the scans to complete.

Yes, of course
(2024-09-01, 10:35)rainman74 Wrote:
(2024-09-01, 00:37)viking2 Wrote: Can this script be used to scan all my picture folders recursively to generate the Thumbnails?
Normally Kodi requires me to manually open each folder individually one-by-one and wait for the scans to complete.

Yes, of course
Would you mind telling me how? Sorry, but it is not clear to me...
(2024-09-01, 10:40)viking2 Wrote:
(2024-09-01, 10:35)rainman74 Wrote:
(2024-09-01, 00:37)viking2 Wrote: Can this script be used to scan all my picture folders recursively to generate the Thumbnails?
Normally Kodi requires me to manually open each folder individually one-by-one and wait for the scans to complete.

Yes, of course
Would you mind telling me how? Sorry, but it is not clear to me...
This is all explained in detail on page 1 of this thread.

If you really need help with a specific case, I would be happy to help.
will this work running on RPi LibreElec?
does this seem normal? after running c tvshows
awful lot of thumb errors
Quote:Error         |      2      |      -      |      -      |      1      |      13     |       -       |       -       |     1987    |     2003
Hi, I need some help here. I'm trying to recache my artworks, but if I run the script it looks like my argument is ignored:

(2024-06-11, 12:08)peter0123 Wrote: English:

Hello, I wrote a Windows bat file that created a simple selection menu.
This is how the Texturecache.py/.exe script can be executed for inexperienced people.

- The texture cache.cfg needs to be adjusted!
- Python does not need to be installed separately, texturcache.exe includes everything you need.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip

I also wrote an addon with which you can operate the whole thing in Kodi yourself.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui



ich habe eine Windows Bat Datei geschrieben, die ein simples Auswahl Menü erstellt.
So lässt sich das Texturecache.py/.exe Script auf für ungeübte ausführen.

- Die texturecache.cfg muss angepasst werden!
- Python muss nicht extra installiert werden, texturecache.exe beinhaltet alles notwendige.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip

Ich habe auch ein Addon geschrieben, womit man das Ganze in Kodi selbst bedienen kann.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui

Hey, the archive you have linked is corrupted. I was able to download it from your Repo link though. Unfortunatelly I get an error using your bat file. It says something like the path could not be found or something like that. What path? The path to my userdata in the config file is correct, I double checked.

(2025-01-03, 15:51)Kupo91 Wrote: Hi, I need some help here. I'm trying to recache my artworks, but if I run the script it looks like my argument is ignored:

To make sure that something is wrong with your Python installation, please use the embedded EXE version:
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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility17
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