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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
icky Wrote:<fastpasstv path="plugin://plugin.video.fpt" multi_part="true" recursive="true">

<subfolder name="all tv shows/friends/" type="episodes">


after the friends directory it then goes to /season1 episode1/divxden#1/play/

obviously i left it as recursive inorder to get the final video stream but all that happens is the video starts playing in xbmc when xbmc.mylibrary is activated
Looks like "/play" is not actually a file, but otherwise a trigger to start playing. Since the plugin was designed this way, it won't work with XBMC.MyLibrary. I've never seen a plugin like that and not sure why it's designer set it up that way.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
i feel that the "divxden" part is the actual part that starts the file playing rather than the play bit, is there anyway that xbmc.mylibrary can ignore the plan at the end and scrape the details from the divxden part?
icky Wrote:i feel that the "divxden" part is the actual part that starts the file playing rather than the play bit, is there anyway that xbmc.mylibrary can ignore the plan at the end and scrape the details from the divxden part?
Only if the divxden part is a file, not a directory. The way the plugin is programmed decides that. I'm guessing since there is a play option beneath it, that is is a directory. In which case you are SOL.
I could attempt to write in some sort of work-around for this, but it seems like an unusual way for a plugin to work, so I probably wont spend much time on it.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
have asked nixa, the maintainer of the plugin if its a file or a "trigger" and hope he gets back to me with the info/ if or when he does i will let you know. cheers for the help
I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work with the NZ On Demand plugin.

This is what I have entered for the plugin text, which I wrote based on examples for simillar plugins:
<NZOnDemand path="plugin://plugin.video.nz.ondemand/" multi_part="true" recursive="false">
    <subfolder name="TV3/Channels/TV3" type="episodes" suffix="(TV3)" download="true" max_videos="5"/>
Most of the process seems to be working as it finds the listed shows and creates the corresponding folders in the dropbox folders. However, it seems to be picking up the wrong URLs for the media files as it only downloads the thumbnail pics for the shows. If I enable streaming and turn off the download option, this is an example of what's in the .strm file:

Is this something I can fix through this tool or is it more a problem with the way the NZ Ondemand plugin is doing things?
hey bradvido88, search filter for muzu.tv... have got the plugin to scan but it returns that it cannot get artist/title from scrape... any way to fix this?
icky Wrote:hey bradvido88, search filter for muzu.tv... have got the plugin to scan but it returns that it cannot get artist/title from scrape... any way to fix this?
Never used that plugin, but is is Music Videos?
They have to be in the format {artist}-{title}.
I believe that if the artist is in the parent folder that works to but can't remember for sure.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
sorry i didnt update this thread, t0mmo had the plugin print artist: title, asked him how to change it, and changed the code myself, it now prints artist - title, and works fine with xbmc.mylibrary.

The plugin is for Music videos and for most music it seems higher quality than yahoo.

A british site so dont think there is any country etc on there but most pop/rnb etc music is up there Smile
MattNZ Wrote:I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work with the NZ On Demand plugin.

This is what I have entered for the plugin text, which I wrote based on examples for simillar plugins:
<NZOnDemand path="plugin://plugin.video.nz.ondemand/" multi_part="true" recursive="false">
    <subfolder name="TV3/Channels/TV3" type="episodes" suffix="(TV3)" download="true" max_videos="5"/>
Most of the process seems to be working as it finds the listed shows and creates the corresponding folders in the dropbox folders. However, it seems to be picking up the wrong URLs for the media files as it only downloads the thumbnail pics for the shows. If I enable streaming and turn off the download option, this is an example of what's in the .strm file:
Is this something I can fix through this tool or is it more a problem with the way the NZ Ondemand plugin is doing things?
I haven't used this plugin either, but it seems that the file path is just pointing to an image. The plugin may fire off an additional process when you click on the file that actually starts the stream. If that's case, we can't do much about it.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Is there best practice on how to have the script run to check for new content?

This is some of my XBMC launch code that I am running when my computer starts to load XBMC and the MyLibrary script. As you can see I have it on a loop so that the script checks for new content every 20 min(Normal will be 2 hours). However unless I close XBMC and reload my launch code it doesn't seem to find any new content.

echo Starting XBMC MyLibrary Refresh.
start /wait /min "XBMC MyLibrary" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\LivingRoom\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\MyLibrary\dist\XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"
echo MyLibrary update complete.
echo Waiting 20 minutes to run MyLibrary again.
choice /d y /t 1200 > nul

Also here is the log file http://thermodust.com/XBMC.MyLibrary.2011-05-16.log - Sorry can't post to PasteBin as the log file was to big or something as IE and Firefox said the page stopped working.

The log shows it running and checking for almost 9 hours and it never found the new content till I quit the XBMCLoader(my batch file) and reloaded it so it ran the MyLibrary again.
ThermoDust Wrote:Is there best practice on how to have the script run to check for new content?

This is some of my XBMC launch code that I am running when my computer starts to load XBMC and the MyLibrary script. As you can see I have it on a loop so that the script checks for new content every 20 min(Normal will be 2 hours). However unless I close XBMC and reload my launch code it doesn't seem to find any new content.

echo Starting XBMC MyLibrary Refresh.
start /wait /min "XBMC MyLibrary" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\LivingRoom\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\MyLibrary\dist\XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"
echo MyLibrary update complete.
echo Waiting 20 minutes to run MyLibrary again.
choice /d y /t 1200 > nul
Also here is the log file http://thermodust.com/XBMC.MyLibrary.2011-05-16.log - Sorry can't post to PasteBin as the log file was to big or something as IE and Firefox said the page stopped working.

The log shows it running and checking for almost 9 hours and it never found the new content till I quit the XBMCLoader(my batch file) and reloaded it so it ran the MyLibrary again.
From the log, it looks like it's running every 20 minutes as you want. You can probably turn of DEBUG level logging, it's not needed unless we're doing some really detailed debugging. INFO should be fine.
Personally, I run mine on a scheduled task every 1 hour.

What problems are you having with it updating content?
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
Program? Command Prompt as it is setup with a batch file that loads all the startup items as I replaced my Windows shell with LoadXBMC.bat. I thought it looked like the script was running correct(both the batch file and your program) however I can add new content to Netflix or Hulu and it won't download the new content till I kill my batch file and start it again. As you can see all the batch file is doing is looping the 20min wait command which runs the MyLib script. So that isn’t much different than running it as a task. 'Cause the 5 videos that were added in the end were added before I went to work at 5 AM and it wasn't seeing the new content till I killed the batch file and ran the script again. It makes no sense to me why it isn't working. I was running the debug level as I was trying to track down any issues.
ThermoDust Wrote:Program? Command Prompt as it is setup with a batch file that loads all the startup items as I replaced my Windows shell with LoadXBMC.bat. I thought it looked like the script was running correct(both the batch file and your program) however I can add new content to Netflix or Hulu and it won't download the new content till I kill my batch file and start it again. As you can see all the batch file is doing is looping the 20min wait command which runs the MyLib script. So that isn’t much different than running it as a task. 'Cause the 5 videos that were added in the end were added before I went to work at 5 AM and it wasn't seeing the new content till I killed the batch file and ran the script again. It makes no sense to me why it isn't working. I was running the debug level as I was trying to track down any issues.
I'm not sure what you're asking with "Program?" at the start of your post.

You're using this with PlayOn, right? I have XBMC restart evertime before this script runs. This prevents caching issues. XBMC likes to cahe upnp listings, so when new content is added in PlayOn, XBMC actually doesn't seet it. PlayOn and XBMC are supposed to play nice so and be able to tell when a directory has new content to disregard the cache, but from what I've seen, this is not the case. For me, new content is added hourly from Netflix and Hulu because XBMC is always restarted before this script (I have a dedicated XBMC Instance that run in the background on my server, so restarting whenever it needs isn't a problem in my case)

I haven't dug into your log much, but this could be contributing to your problem.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
That has to be the problem. I wasn't sure which cache you were talking about in your how-to but that makes sense as that explains why when I kill both XBMC and the Batch then rerun it works 100%... Ha! and I just found your post asking the question about caching when I searched it just now.

BTW thank you for the quick replies and the great script!
ThermoDust Wrote:That has to be the problem. I wasn't sure which cache you were talking about in your how-to but that makes sense as that explains why when I kill both XBMC and the Batch then rerun it works 100%... Ha! and I just found your post asking the question about caching when I searched it just now.

BTW thank you for the quick replies and the great script!
Hope it works for your. This program is pretty great with PlayOn.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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