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[LINUX] HOW-TO use VAAPI HW Acceleration on AMD Zacate (Fusion) platform
First I would like to thank WytRaven for his excellent guide to get this working! Smile

There is just one problem left for me. When I connect the ASUS E35M1-I DELX to my Philips HDTV I have a strange problem with horizontal stripes rolling over the screen from the bottom to the top. Anyone else ever seen this before and maybe have a solution?

To clarify a short recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdN036OdEZY
@Janosh: For sure I have a lower power consume than you in the HTPC machine. I'm using the same board, but a 60w max pico PSU and no fans nor hard drives in the box.
The only 1.5TB hd is enclosed in a separate gigalan box and connected to the router.

I recently built my house and made it to my preferences, so I have a big tube that joins the tv room and the garage that is below. At the garage are the PSUs its Ininterrupted PSU (SAI) and HDs all of them only powered on demand. Only the HTPC box and router are at the living room.

Overall consumption may be higher, but the box alone its negligible. Smile

@Genibox: I had the same problem. But it does not seem logic to leave the "online" install for download a complete image. Just do a first cli install and then take a snapshot with DD command so you don't have to start from scratch if anything fails.
Also I don't see the benefit of compiling something on a different machine with different hardware. even worse trough double-core or 64b emulation from a VBox.

@This: Uhmmm... it seems to me vsync problem or acceleration not running.
Rapoza Wrote:@Genibox: I had the same problem. But it does not seem logic to leave the "online" install for download a complete image. Just do a first cli install and then take a snapshot with DD command so you don't have to start from scratch if anything fails.
Also I don't see the benefit of compiling something on a different machine with different hardware. even worse trough double-core or 64b emulation from a VBox.

Thx but if I understand you correctly from "But it does not seem logic to leave the "online" install for download a complete image" it is trying to install an entire image instead of only minimal? I'm sorry but i'm quite inexperienced with this type of install and as I said broadband is an issue as there is also a monthly cap on it. So I would appreciate if someone could just tell me what size i'm looking at downloading.

Thank you
Genibox Wrote:Thx but if I understand you correctly from "But it does not seem logic to leave the "online" install for download a complete image" it is trying to install an entire image instead of only minimal? I'm sorry but i'm quite inexperienced with this type of install and as I said broadband is an issue as there is also a monthly cap on it. So I would appreciate if someone could just tell me what size i'm looking at downloading.

Thank you

My entire installation with XBMC and all is now 3GB so it will be a little bit less than that Smile
See 3GB would be a bit much. Does anyone maybe have a solution to the pre compiled nemek(10.10) build that keeps looping on the installer or any other image I could try? Sorry for being a pain.
What version of nemek's iso did you download?

I've read that the only working version is the one with the partial rars.
The others might have been corrupted somehow.

Anyone else having issues with scraping in a build from DushManiac's PPA?
Or are all of you running from source?

I managed to compile an 11.04 build.

Upgraded kernel etc etc as OP

However installing Catalyst11.6 seems to be a problem.

I cannot get into vainfo to work, think the problem may be this:

xbmc@ubuntu:~/catalyst11.6/ati$ for i in ../*.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done patching file common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/drmP.h
patch: **** Can't rename file /tmp/poTpiPN8 to common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/drmP.h : Permission denied
patching file common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 1900 (offset 6 lines).
patch: **** Can't rename file common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c to common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/firegl_public.c.orig : Permission denied

I managed to compile xbmc as per OP however without the driver it doesn't work. Any help on this please?

trying to fix my vaapi configuration i added the following lines to the "/etc/environment" file, but this didn't worked for me.

Rapoza Wrote:

later i found out that, if u are using the vaapi packages from freedesktop, like mentioned in the OP u need du add these lines to the "/etc/environment" file

devil103 Wrote:

i think the first mentioned lines are needed if u are using the packages mentioned in this post


but i'm not 100 % sure
Using XBMC PVR build on Ubuntu Natty Narwhal
  • Case: Silverstone GD06
  • Mainboard: Asus E35M1-M - AMD Fusion
Genibox Wrote:I managed to compile xbmc as per OP however without the driver it doesn't work. Any help on this please?


Did you try it with sudo? It seems more like a permission problem than with the driver itself.
new lucid vaapi upstream if anyone wants it

Yay my system is dead again thx to an X update...

XBMC is now claiming no hardware accelerated OpenGL post Xorg update. I have tried reinstalling fglrx to no avail.
I'm trying to install XBMC whit this thread, when I paste
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xbmc --enable-vaapi --enable-libbluray
in my terminal I'm jam and ubuntu's terminal says:
checking for MMS... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.

Please, someone can help my?

(sorry for my english, i'm french.)
Thanks so much for all the effort here. I was tearing my hair apart trying to get rid of evil Windows and this live version was a godsend.

And yes, you are right. The other versions seem to have some issue with squashfs, tried them one by one ! The RAR's work beautifully.

Now if only the audio and video would not go out of sync everytime I forward, this would be a perfect solution.

RudolfR Wrote:What version of nemek's iso did you download?

I've read that the only working version is the one with the partial rars.
The others might have been corrupted somehow.

Anyone else having issues with scraping in a build from DushManiac's PPA?
Or are all of you running from source?
Pugnou Wrote:Hello,
I'm trying to install XBMC whit this thread, when I paste
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xbmc --enable-vaapi --enable-libbluray
in my terminal I'm jam and ubuntu's terminal says:
checking for MMS... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.

Please, someone can help my?

(sorry for my english, i'm french.)

Yo miss some dependencies. Check the readme
WytRaven Wrote:Yay my system is dead again thx to an X update...

XBMC is now claiming no hardware accelerated OpenGL post Xorg update. I have tried reinstalling fglrx to no avail.

Uhmm thanks for the info. Updates banned on my system.
But, how is it? I thought you populated black lists for the updates.
Did you go manual update?

Yesterday I saw an entire 24p film, from start to end. I started, then Press F, then pressed R, (so image stabilized) and then added 2sec to the audio sync.
Thats a xbmc bug, other things are wimp.

Does anyone found a "cure"? Even heared about one?

And on the subtitles. I read anywhere that .ass support as been dropped in late versions. If thats true, thumbs down for xbmc developers. No

The weird side: Past weekend I realized xbmc has started to load at console1 not 7 or 8 Huh

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[LINUX] HOW-TO use VAAPI HW Acceleration on AMD Zacate (Fusion) platform14