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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
thanks for program views!
Hi, congartiolation vor the real great skin ´Black. *cheers*

i have a littel question, how can i make a own home-menue-button "video-addons". I can make the Butten for seperate video-addons but not for the folder. I like a butten how in the sub-menu movies.Confused

Set type to Custom and path to ActivateWindow(videos,addons,return).
great it works fine :-D

now the last question (i hope): can i make a own backdrop for the setting-panel?
other den the global pictures.

Thx so much!
Thumbs Up 
Mikesch Wrote:I second that! I hope there will be an option for using visualization instead.

Excellent skin! Absolutely gorgeous.

My only request would be to start Milkdrop or any other visualization when listening to music.

I have found a easy way Laugh

I edit the startup.xml

<onfocus condition="IsEmpty(Skin.String(HomeSettingsSingleImage))">Skin.SetString(HomeSettingsSingleImage,special://skin/extras/backgrounds/settings.jpg)</onfocus>
damn i must say this looks even way better than marcos aeon mq3 skin ...does it fully support angelscry advanced launcher with its metadata display for games and trailers support for games?...if not please integrate it

and about the wall view could you make it so that i get a full wall view with bigger thumbs the thumbs are abit small and seeing the 2 buttons at the bottom irritates me and removes the feeling of being in a huge video library , id appreciate it a bunch, oh and as i see couple threads with mod this and mod that , is this the best version or should i use another one like xperience more etc. etc.....

p.s: i use file mode since i hate library´s guts......could you possibly make a layout like this and add video background support aka dreamscene for xbmc so to say xD , if you dont know about it go ask butch bay about it hell break it down to ya :

hentai23 Wrote:...does it fully support angelscry advanced launcher with its metadata display for games and trailers support for games?...if not please integrate it

and about the wall view could you make it so that i get a full wall view with bigger thumbs the thumbs are abit small and seeing the 2 buttons at the bottom irritates me and removes the feeling of being in a huge video library.....

......could you possibly make a layout like this and add video background support

OMG Stare

`Black Wrote:I won't do much work on this in the next couple of months... for me it's mostly ready, all I need is done and I have other things to do (XBMC skinning is very time consuming Big Grin). But feel free to add things yourself. Smile

I see if I can get program views done but that's it for now besides some small bug fixes now and then.
my bad xD

perhaps ill post this as a seperate thread then instead xD
Is there any way to turn the clock off when the screensaver (video fanart slideshow) is on? I'm getting some pretty bad burn in on my plasma. Also, when playing music how do I access the regular XBMC visualisation?
automated Wrote:Is there any way to turn the clock off when the screensaver (video fanart slideshow) is on? I'm getting some pretty bad burn in on my plasma. Also, when playing music how do I access the regular XBMC visualisation?
At present there's no solution to these issues (unless you know how to edit the skin yourself) I put a request in a while ago to have an option for the standard visualisation as a friend is also suffering from burn in on his plasma but nothing has been done as of yet.
hello everyone!
just a quick question: how do you change the color of the text in this skin? is this doable?
Hey, first of all: Stunning Skin, great work!

Now my little request Tongue Could you maybe add an option to show the xbmc visualization?
Is there anything I can do to increase e font size in addons, such as Navi X? I love the theme, but this makes it unusable(for my house set up)

PS - is theme is amazingly nice! Love it!
will always be grateful for XBMC and XBMC.ORG
Anyone managed to mod viewtypes in program views for Advanced Launcher support yet? Bit of a deal breaker for me atm, on an otherwise superb skin.

I had a very quick go at getting posterview to work, but I am not that familiar with xperience so I haven't had any joy poking around yet. Hopefully someone else can solve it Oo
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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