- An Open Database of Video Games (wiki-based,register and contribute)
Hey guys, I figured it was time that I finally made a formal thread about this site. A couple of XBMC add-on's are already using it as a scraper resource.

This website aims to be the top resource for video game scraping via our API. We strive to have the highest quality available in our artwork and metadata. This site is open and entirely community drivin, and relies on user submissions for content. We host Fanart, Banners, Covers, and Metadata that can be incorporated into media center front-ends for HTPC's in various ways. Please feel free to contribute!

The site is very active and has been undergoing lots of changes and enhancements. We would love to see some additional contributors. Remember, top quality is what we want to set us aside from other sites.

Also, feel free to track things that we're working on with the site, and submit bug reports here:
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
Can this be made into a sticky thread please? Thanks.
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
Wow, great site! Just added a couple of games Smile
Kodi: Kodi 17.4, with Transparency!
50 TB Unraid Server: Docker Apps: SABnzbd, Sickrage, mariaDB
HTPC: Win10 (cause Steam), i7, GTX 1080
Watching on: Panasonic TC65-PS64 with lowend Sony 5.1 HTIB
Other devices: rMBP 15", MBA 13", nvidia shield
The site has been majorly updated today! Check out the blog for more info:
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
I have boxart for a number of games I made a couple of years ago, from high resolution resources. Would it be possible for me to upload better boxart for those games? I have them all in four different versions, PEGI, ESRB, no rating with studio logos and no rating no studio logos. Which one would be preferable?
Fiinix Design presents: Posters, for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Arcade etc.

» Latest Poster-Pack: The Silhouettes, TV Shows
» Upcoming Poster-Pack: To Be Announced

» Game & Emulator Poster, request here
» Movie/TV Genre Poster, here
asphinx Wrote:I have boxart for a number of games I made a couple of years ago, from high resolution resources. Would it be possible for me to upload better boxart for those games? I have them all in four different versions, PEGI, ESRB, no rating with studio logos and no rating no studio logos. Which one would be preferable?

We would love to have your uploads! Smile

If you're looking to replace existing covers, you can upload them to the game's page like normal, and then just make a post in the forums about whatever games have duplicate covers. A moderator will then go in an delete the old version. Sorry there's a few steps to it right now, but we're working on adding some simplification soon. Smile

The preferred covers are US region ones. So ones with ESRB ratings. Thanks for the help!
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
More updates have been added! Platforms can now be scraped via the API. And we also have two new types of art work: PlatformART, and ControllerART.
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
Made this sticky now.
Some suggestions

- Make the front page better, not sure I like the left corner popup so much. Why not list the latest 5 games with covers ect under the search box?
- Add some more graphics to the stats page like artwork
- The forums look so great, why not use that look on the entire site?

Otherwise great work, didn't really know this existed until now. Hope the front page announcement helped Smile
Hey, if you like you probably also like

We are still working on improving it, so feedback is always welcome!
So I see the site has had an update and big changes, whos in charge now?
I’m still in charge of the site. There’s lots of change underway. We also have a discord channel here for anyone that wants to chat:
Image - An open video games database. - Blog
How about partnering with the EmuMovies ( ) community to get access to their high-quality artwork for video console and arcade games?


PS: Remember to update your original post here to change source URL from Google Code to GitHub
Now I just have to mention SteamGridDB.

Despite the name, they don't host just Steam games. But pretty much anything can be requested, and assets made for it, so long as it can run on a PC where Steam can run.

It was originally intended as a Decky add-on for users looking for alternate ways to customise their games libraries, for non-Steam apps too, and it kind of grew from there.

Case in point:

Could come as a useful integration for people looking for a more Steam-like way to launch their content. But I'm just spitballing a bit.

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