Req One movie multiple sets
First off , this is my first post. I have been using XBMC for just over 2 years and have found everything I have needed on in the forums and wiki. I just want to thank everyone here that has provided solutions to all of the problems and/or questions I have had in the past.

Here is something I couldn't find in the wiki or forum and was miss directed by a google search:
I wanted to display one movie in multiple movie sets. I know that this doesn't apply to every movie, but if you have a movie like Freddy vs. Jason that belongs to multiple collections it is pretty simple to add it to multiple collections.
First follow the wiki about movie sets:
Next just add next <set> and <sorttitle> on the following lines. The end result should look something like this:

<title>Freddy vs. Jason</title>

<set>Friday the 13th Collection</set>


<set>A Nightmare on Elm Street Collection</set>



When you update your lib you will have the movie in both collections.

Hmm. same goes for Alien vs Predator....Is in An Alien or Predator movie.
Just saw this, and am trying it out. I have Star Wars episodes I - VI in my library. I want two sets to show up in my movie sets: 1 set, "Star Wars" is simply Episode I, Episode II, ... Episode VI. The 2nd set is "Star Wars (Suggested Viewing Order)", and it should go IV, V, II, III, VI (note the very deliberate omission of Episode I). So here is an example of my .nfo file for Episode IV:
Star Wars IV A New Hope.(1977).DVDRip.nfo
  <set>Star Wars</set>
  <sorttitle>Star Wars 4</sorttitle>
  <set>Star Wars (Suggested Viewing Order)</set>
  <sorttitle>Star Wars 1</sorttitle>

According to the wiki, the <sorttitle> tag "is used to give a secondary ’sort title’ that will be used to order the movies when sorting the movies by name."

When I sort the Star Wars Set by name, it's I - VI, but those are alphabetical anyway. When I sort the Star Wars (Suggested Viewing Order) set by name, it's II, III, IV, V, VI (alphabetical) instead of IV, V, II, III, VI as specified in my .nfo files.

Am I trying to do something in XBMC that cannot be done?
Only one set is supported
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(2012-12-07, 23:07)Martijn Wrote: Only one set is supported


Both sets do, in fact, appear in my list of sets, it's just the <sorttitle> tag doesn't appear to be functioning...
That's what I said. In Frodo even double sets aren't supported anymore
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Would you guys consider changing that back so that a single movie can indeed be in two sets? It really would be a good way to separate movies per member in my household.
Tags work for the purpose that I want. Sorry, still learning.
Would also like to put things into multiple sets in Frodo.
I am having my own problems with Frodo correctly detecting movie sets (see but would also like to see Frodo support a single movie belonging to multiple sets. I can see plenty of situations where this may be useful.

Should Alien vs Predator be in my Alien set, my Predator set, or both? I'd like to have it in both.
So does Eden support multiple sets for a single movie? Can't figure out why a useful feature like that would be removed. What is this, spotify?
There are numerous posts that describe the reasoning here on the forums. Most of the time sets were used in this capacity were not for what sets are designed for - tagging for example, which is available for n:m relations already.

You're welcome to continue using Eden if you don't like this, or indeed, change the code yourself to reintroduce the ability to have multiple sets.

With sets restricted to a single set per movie we can do things like automatically grouping items in the same set together in the appropriate order (i.e. automatically setting the sorttitle) if we wish to. Note that currently we don't do this, but it could be done with a simple change of the scraper. Further, the main provider of information (themoviedb) provides a single collection per movie as well.

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The problem with tags is that it doesn't seem to be possible to use them in the same way the <set> tag is used. I want to be able to view my complete movie list, but have sets show up as well, with the ability to have any given movie in one or more sets. *

Is there a way to do this with the <tag> tag? It only seems to work as a filter, which is completely different than what the <set> tag does. I know I can make a playlist for a given <tag> value, but that's a huge process if I want to do it for every movie set, and then somehow (not even sure if it's possible) make a "root" playlist that includes all my movies and all these "set playlists", updating it every time I add a set to my collection.

It'd be nice if smart playlists had an option to "group by tags", which would, for each <tag> it comes across, create an item named with the tag value, and add the video containing the tag under that item.

* I'd also like the set movies to show up outside of the set as well, so I could find "movie X" both by browsing straight to it's title, or by going to the name of the sets that it's likely in, but that's a separate request altogether.
You can't yet I don't think, but I believe it may be possible in the future with the mixed grouping stuff in smartplaylists/custom video nodes.
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Also would like to see movies in multiple sets


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