Playing DVD folders in XBMC

Finally took the plunge and installed and configured XBMC, almost everything is working beautifully, except I cannot get it to play ripped DVD folders.

I added the path to my ripped DVD collection to the videos manager and when I browse to them and select the folder, XBMC just opens the folder and shows m the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders and if I open the VIDEO_TS folder, it just shows me the files in there.

I'm also using MediaPortal which correctly plays those DVDs if I select a DVD folder.

I was kind of expecting the same behaviour in XBMC. Is it not possible?

Do I need to configure something differently for this to work?
enable stacking in the lhs menu. or choose the VIDEO_TS.ifo file
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the lhs menu :confused2:

I've looked around everywhere and see no mention of "stacking", but I do see an option called "Flatten" or something like that. Is that what you are talking about?

Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to configure XBMC to play an "exploded files" format DVD (VIDEO_TS folders) by just selecting its parent folder (as opposed to navigating down into the folder and picking the .ifo or .vob file)? I'm wondering if I can forego the conversion to .iso files for my DVD collection to be able to do that. Checked the online manual and searched the forum, but came up empty so far. I've seen reference to Set Content, which doesn't sound quite right, and also Set Type which does, but maybe was just a typo of Set Content, not sure (haven't upgraded to the latest version yet, will do that tonight).VLC MEDIA PLAYER...
If I've understood your original post correctly the problem you describe doesn't happen on my system. I have a ripped copy of "The Kings Speech" and the directory structure looks like:

Directory of D:\xbmc\video\miscfilms\The Kings Speech

06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          .
06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          ..
06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          AUDIO_TS
06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          VIDEO_TS
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

Directory of D:\xbmc\video\miscfilms\The Kings Speech\AUDIO_TS

06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          .
06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes

Directory of D:\xbmc\video\miscfilms\The Kings Speech\VIDEO_TS

06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          .
06/02/2011  09:18    <DIR>          ..
17/01/2011  10:06            12,288 VIDEO_TS.BUP
17/01/2011  10:06            12,288 VIDEO_TS.IFO
17/01/2011  10:06            59,392 VIDEO_TS.VOB
17/01/2011  10:06            90,112 VTS_01_0.BUP
17/01/2011  10:06            90,112 VTS_01_0.IFO
17/01/2011  10:06        16,838,656 VTS_01_0.VOB
17/01/2011  10:05     1,073,709,056 VTS_01_1.VOB
17/01/2011  10:05     1,073,709,056 VTS_01_2.VOB
17/01/2011  10:05        60,102,656 VTS_01_3.VOB
               9 File(s)  2,224,623,616 bytes

If I use file mode and highlight the "The Kings Speech" folder then press P (or Play on my remote) the DVD menu starts just as I'd expect. Is this different from what you see?

To get to the LHS menu just press the left arrow when you've navigated to the video. This will open a pane at the left of the screen. Having said that, I don't have a "stacking" option, but it may only apply to Library mode.

Thanks JR,

I know whats going on, after highlighting the folder, I'm pressing the enter key, but not the actual Play key. Enter seems to open up the folder without playing it's contents (which does make sense).

MediaPortal, which I am more used too does play the folder if I press enter.

I'm gonna try the play button, I'm sure that does the trick.
stacking IS available in file view Left Hand Side menu. you're likely running master jhsrennie, where stuff has changed. with that working, you can hit either enter or place - as we have replaced the folder with a single, playable item.

Finally found the stacking option and it was enabled. Pressing "PLAY" instead of "ENTER" did the trick. The DVD folders play correctly.

Thanks guys Smile
Is playing DVD folders still supported in Kodi as well? I'd love to play it all, streamed from my media server!

So, more to the point, can I play DVD folders over a networked file location (SMB) too?
Still works for me, as of Kodi v16.
(2016-04-21, 04:31)Ned Scott Wrote: Still works for me, as of Kodi v16.

I can't play DVD folder structure by right-clicking the folder and selecting Play. It displays "Working" and freezes forever

What is the correct way to play DVD folders?

Yes, I am doing that over SMB like the user above.
(2011-06-16, 10:14)jhsrennie Wrote: If I use file mode and highlight the "The Kings Speech" folder then press P (or Play on my remote) the DVD menu starts just as I'd expect. Is this different from what you see?

To get to the LHS menu just press the left arrow when you've navigated to the video. This will open a pane at the left of the screen. Having said that, I don't have a "stacking" option, but it may only apply to Library mode.


I'm trying to follow this. Which button on a Fire Stick remote corresponds to "Play"? Thanks.

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