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XBMC Constellation For iPad/iPhone by FSS.cc (unofficial remote)
isamu.dragon Wrote:That audio switcher ability may also be of use to anime watchers. I personally try to keep all my anime series in dual audio (English dub, English subs, Japanese dub). This may help for what ever mood the watcher is in (English dub right before bed, Japanese for normal).

Aaah the audio switching task Big Grin I know It wold be cool to have a button to switch audio channels... I will have a look at it now I think I just came up with something Big Grin
one more question - "update video librery" its mean - scan new movies in folder ??

And very need to mark the movies that watched, or unwatched (like in xbmc commander new films marked as NEW in right upper corner), very useful when more than 100 movies !!.
v1.4.1 Just hit appstore
What's New in this Version -Improved IPhone interface
-Addon / Plugin support
-Added experimental sync method (customizable via settings)
-Fixed movies sync for some ATV2
-Fixed Posters for some windows XBMC Hosts
-Restored WOL on iPhone
-Folders can now be added to favorits(long press a folder in files)
fss_dawid Wrote:just restore it on iphone. Just confirm the buy dialog if you bought it you will get another one saying that you have purchased this item before and its a free download of course if you are using the same itunes account on your ipad/iphone. Sorry for this sick logic but is the only apple way... Sad

kind regards!


XBMC on Acer Revo, Windows 7.
Intel NUC, Windows 7
Gateway Laptop when traveling...
tanglin Wrote:thanks!

The new version also contains the feature you have requested Wink witch is customizable menu on iPad. Smile
Thanks for 1.4.1! Still can't get movie sets to show with XBMC 10.1, I understood this version was supposed to do that...?
DomesticMachine Wrote:Thanks for 1.4.1! Still can't get movie sets to show with XBMC 10.1, I understood this version was supposed to do that...?

Movie set support is for nightlies only
Just downloaded the app, but it force closes when starting. I'm on an iPhone 4 with firmware 4.1 jailbroken.
Great app!

Is landscape/rotation support planned for the iPhone?

91dxcrx Wrote:Just downloaded the app, but it force closes when starting. I'm on an iPhone 4 with firmware 4.1 jailbroken.
Remove the app and install it once more... Did you change the software version of your phone ? i.e. you have v4.1 but you won't apps to think you are on 4.3 ?
isamu.dragon Wrote:Movie set support is for nightlies only
Yep, but I thought someone said earlier that movie set support for XBMC 10.1 was going to be added. My mistake then, no worries. Smile

(I tested a nightly build some time ago, and movie sets indeed worked fine in Constellation, but there were some other problems at least with that particular build, and I thought I'd stick with 10.1 until the next official release....)
DomesticMachine Wrote:Yep, but I thought someone said earlier that movie set support for XBMC 10.1 was going to be added. My mistake then, no worries. Smile

(I tested a nightly build some time ago, and movie sets indeed worked fine in Constellation, but there were some other problems at least with that particular build, and I thought I'd stick with 10.1 until the next official release....)

That was me that mentioned Movie Sets with 10.1 and I'm pretty sure I stated something like "If not this version, coming soon" so I guess I may have been off a bit. So it's still 'going to be added' just not there yet. Sorry about that.

As far as issues with Nightly builds... I've been talking to a bunch of people for various projects and there have been 'issues' with the Aug. 2-4 Nightly and I think it was Aug 7-11 or something like that, they all claim that builds AFTER Aug. 12 seem to be 'back to normal' and not messed up. So if you want to try them again, grab the latest. I run the Aug 17 on my HTPC (Production IIS Server) and Aug 18 on my X-Test system (laptop) and they both work fine.
HTPC 1: 64-bit Quad Core 3.4GHz Athlon X4 / 16GB DDR3 / (8) 2TB / 42" Vizio / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
HTPC 2: 64-bit Quad Core 2.0GHz / 8GB DDR3 / 1TB / Windows 8.1 (x64) / IIS 8.5
My Personal Blog - NewsDemon | Text size doesn't seem to be working anymore for signatures?
Archigos Wrote:That was me that mentioned Movie Sets with 10.1 and I'm pretty sure I stated something like "If not this version, coming soon" so I guess I may have been off a bit. So it's still 'going to be added' just not there yet. Sorry about that.
No problemo, my bad. Smile

Archigos Wrote:As far as issues with Nightly builds... I've been talking to a bunch of people for various projects and there have been 'issues' with the Aug. 2-4 Nightly and I think it was Aug 7-11 or something like that, they all claim that builds AFTER Aug. 12 seem to be 'back to normal' and not messed up. So if you want to try them again, grab the latest. I run the Aug 17 on my HTPC (Production IIS Server) and Aug 18 on my X-Test system (laptop) and they both work fine.
OK, thanks for the info! I don't remember what build it was that I tested, but the particular problem was related to DVD playback, which was somehow messed up (choppy video etc). Fortunately it's not that difficult to have two versions installed at the same time and switch between them, so maybe I'll give a more recent build a try!
@FSS_Dawid just wanna say thanks, 1.41 fixed the movie library issue! and you just got one more happy pro user Wink
mason Wrote:@FSS_Dawid just wanna say thanks, 1.41 fixed the movie library issue! and you just got one more happy pro user Wink

me too
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