Win One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC

Here is my file, only slightly edited from the original. It is a 64-bit OS. This particular DVD is one that I believe was created from a movie file, and the creation proggy must have allowed spaces in the filename. The DVD name is Grown Ups, I got a folder "Grown". If spaces are an unsupported name convention, so be it, I just figured I would post it in case other people had similar problems or it was an easy fix. Let me know if you'd like me to try any changes.

@Echo offSetlocal enableextensions
::*** AutoRipDVD is brought to you by Spinalcracker
::***  Change the following variables to match your setup
::*** DriveLetter=The drive letter of your DVD or Blu-Ray drive ie. D: or G: etc
Set DriveLetter=D:
::*** RipDir=Where you want your DVD ripped to ie. your xbmc movie folder *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set RipDir=Z:\Shared Videos\Movies\
::*** IntDir=Where you installed MakeMKV to
Set IntDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV
::*** ScriptPath=Where the files for this script are located with trailing "\" ie. Where AutoRipComplete.vbs & Beep.vbs are located *BE SURE TO INCLUDE TRAILING \
Set ScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoRipDVD\
::*** RipMinSeconds=Minimum time in seconds that should be ripped off disk to avoid getting previews etc.  Default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour
Set RipMinSeconds=3600
::******* DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS!!!!!!************************************************

::For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do (
::        Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "CDROM=%%~d#"))
::If Not Defined CDROM call :NoDrive

for /f "tokens=6" %%t in ('vol %DriveLetter%') do @set volid=%%t
echo: %volid%

set str=%volid%
set str=%str:_= %
set volid=%str%
If "%volid%"=="_= " call :NoDrive

Echo:Ripping %volid% now...

mkdir "%RipDir%%volid%"

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"

cd /d "%IntDir%"
makemkvcon64.exe --minlength=%RipMinSeconds% mkv disc:0 all "%RipDir%%volid%"

SET _tmpPath="%RipDir%%volid%"
cd /d %_tmpPath%
for %%i in ("title*.mkv") do (set fname=%%i) & call :rename

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs

cd /d "%ScriptPath%"
cscript Beep.vbs

::Cuts off 1st 5 characters of fname, then appends prefix
ren %fname% "%volid%"_%fname:~5%

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-10, 23:22
New forum member is here - by Geatteevold - 2012-08-23, 03:11
[No subject] - by Johnnovision - 2011-07-12, 22:39
[No subject] - by patm95 - 2011-07-13, 05:03
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-13, 05:40
[No subject] - by realjobe - 2011-07-13, 13:30
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2011-07-13, 14:20
[No subject] - by publicENEMY - 2011-12-09, 04:40
RE: - by apr0mpt - 2013-01-16, 23:53
[No subject] - by Valdysses - 2012-02-25, 19:17
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-26, 00:30
[No subject] - by cank - 2012-02-26, 21:32
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-26, 23:45
[No subject] - by cank - 2012-02-27, 03:31
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-27, 03:52
any news? - by TheOutlawEzE - 2012-02-28, 07:44
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-28, 15:34
Updated version - by Spinalcrack - 2012-02-29, 06:46
[No subject] - by TheOutlawEzE - 2012-03-01, 06:24
[No subject] - by Spinalcrack - 2012-03-01, 06:38
RE: [WINDOWS] - One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC - by GJackson - 2012-03-16, 03:03
*** Major Bug Fix *** - by Spinalcrack - 2012-08-06, 21:42
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One Button DVD/BluRay Ripping using a Launcher from within XBMC9