Changing default player?
I have wireless network setup between my desktop computer (which has the movies) and my laptop which is running xbmc/connected to my tv.

When open this movie in vlc/gom player/windows classic player the movie runs smoothly with no jerky/buffering.

However running in xbmc the movie is extremely jerky/with jerky audio and is basically in slow motion. The file in question is MP4 and when I try to run it with windows media player I get it can't play it error.

So what is the deal? Why do other players play fine but xbmc won't. Is there anyway of changing the default player or something so xbmc is using vlc/gom player to run these files?
pls post your system specs, what xbmc do you use, what OS then people will be able to help you... here is link on external players setup....
Since this thing is concerning me also...
Yes as far as i know using this version of xbmc

XBMC Rev21816 moby-ext

you can change the default player by opening Notepad in windows and write this script




<filename>C:\Program Files\K-lite Codec Pack\Media Player Classic\mplayerc.exe</filename>
<args> /fullscreen /close</args>


Main thing to do here is to make sure inbetween the <filename> </filename> you put the
absolute pathway to your media player executeable.
If you are using Media Player
Classic that is all you will have to do to with this step...

If you are using a different player you may need to change the <args> that you pass into
the program you are opening...For media player classic we are telling it to open in
full screen, and close the program at the end of the movie (or ofcourse on window close)....

After doing this Save file as "advancedsettings.xml" I would saved this to My Documents.

Installing the plug in you made...

First off you will need to "Show Hidden Files"...its under folder options in control panel

then navigate to the folder

C:\Users\ <Your Computer User name here>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata

copy and paste a copy of your advancedsettings.xml into this folder...

thats all.

Well i dont know if you can do it with any other newer version of xbmc. If someone knows lets us know Tongue
I tried what you stated above but it appears that it did not default to media player classic. My movie was still all choppy. As the user stated above i can play full 1080p movies fine when playing directly through media player classic. im on xbmc 10.1. any other suggestions?




<filename>C:\Program Files\Media Player Classic - Home Cinema\mpc-hc.exe</filename>
<args> /fullscreen /close</args>

The very first bit of info we need is a debug log. This tells us exactly what hardware you have and (probably) what the error is. Get this first before messing around with external players.

Enable debug logging from System settings, System, Debugging then restart XBMC and play one of the troublesome movies then close XBMC again. You don't say what operating system you use. If it's Windows a quick way to open the debug log is to press Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:


(including the quotes). Click OK and the log should open in Notepad. Copy and paste the log into and post the link it gives you here.

If you use Linux or OSX see for how to get at the log file.

Here are two versions:
playercorefactory.xml (you need to change this directory ( <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 5\uTotalMediaTheatre5.exe</filename>)
advancedsettings.xml (you need to change this directory (<filename>C:\Program Files\Media Player Classic - Home Cinema\mpc-hc.exe</filename>)
thank you bluray
these .xml regarding the newer version of xbmc? it will be dream to can use the latest version of xbmc with any player that i want.
So in playercorefactory.xml what is the deal?what you change?
In advancedsettings.xml as far as i understand you just change this line (<filename>C:\Program Files\Media Player Classic - Home Cinema\mpc-hc.exe</filename>) with the player of your choice?
For playercorefactory.xml, you'll have to change your favorite media player and the player directory in these two lines:

<player video="true" audio="true" type="ExternalPlayer" name="TotalMedia Theatre 5"> <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre 5\uTotalMediaTheatre5.exe</filename>

You have to change the media player here too- <rule player="TotalMedia Theatre 5" filetypes="*.*"> </rule>. The playercorefactory.xml allow you to select a specific file to play using external player- " filetypes="*.*"> </rule>
How do you know he directory path for Android versions of Kodi on Fire tv? I’m trying to change music player to PAPlayer and this is what my advanced settings show.


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Changing default player?0