IMDB scraper does not work
Apparently the search works but for every movie all that's retrieved is an empty page.
It seems to work again.
IMDB just changed the way they present the information... Shocked fun stuff...

Well anywhoo I just noticed that they killed MPAA ratings, unfortunately just did a re-scan on my entire library so I ended up deleting the ratings. Which the family uses to find G/PG movies for the kiddos. Not fun.

Here's the MPAA regex:
<RegExp input="$$1" output="&lt;mpaa&gt;\1&lt;/mpaa&gt;" dest="5+">
    <expression>MPAA&lt;/a&gt;\)&lt;/h4&gt;\n*?&lt;span itemprop=&quot;contentRating&quot;&gt;([^&lt;]*)</expression>

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