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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
I use TriPanel as my view for movies and BannerList for every TV show level. Hopefully you'll just be giving BannerList an overhaul as I'd hate to see that go...
Can you possibly add the support for a new view for TV shows that shows off a "TV Logo", similar to hitcher's Alaska Revisited skin? Also, can you add the support for using "TelevisionTunes" (addon) that let's you play the TV show's theme music while you browse through it? Thanks.
(2012-11-03, 04:30)tungmeister Wrote: I use TriPanel as my view for movies and BannerList for every TV show level. Hopefully you'll just be giving BannerList an overhaul as I'd hate to see that go...

I can second that the bannerlist is by far my favorite view in the skin, and is an amazing way to display the tv episodes. I would be very very sad to see it go. It is the soft edges, the way the episode ratings look, etc... that just make it a great looking view for browsing episodes. I also use it as my advanced launcher view of choice.
BannerList won't go, no worries. Smile I use that view myself for episodes. Maybe you misunderstood me... I would like to drop the "fat list" option in the default list view.

Don't know about logo yet but TVTunes is supported, you can enable it in the skin settings.
I understood you, I was just saying that since you are planning on dropping FatList I was just hoping you wouldn't be dropping BannerList Smile I Don't use list view at all so I have no issues with FatList being dropped.
Definitely a fan of banner list view, too.

What would be nice is to have the banners use up more of the screen (I.e. be bigger) when selected. A bit like refocus banner view. A mix of two would be my ideal.
Only thing I'm not digging right now are the watched icons, something about.. hmm not sure, but please do continue to keep us updated when you can. Smile
(2012-11-03, 19:17)Japaja Wrote: Only thing I'm not digging right now are the watched icons, something about.. hmm not sure, but please do continue to keep us updated when you can. Smile

I hope the watched episode indicators on banner view never change... best on any skin.
(2012-11-03, 11:52)`Black Wrote: BannerList won't go, no worries. Smile I use that view myself for episodes. Maybe you misunderstood me... I would like to drop the "fat list" option in the default list view.

Don't know about logo yet but TVTunes is supported, you can enable it in the skin settings.

I'm glad to hear it! Ya no need for fat list view, I'm curious to know how many people even use it Cool
I love this skin and love the banner list view!

My one recommendation would be to show what items are being added to your library when it's being refreshed.
Right now it just shows an arrow with a loading animation. Maybe it could just be a skin setting which defaults to off.
(2012-11-04, 18:51)skaara Wrote: My one recommendation would be to show what items are being added to your library when it's being refreshed.

The new update will show more information (see here)... top right corner is now the info area for now playing, library update, volume, notifications etc.

New info panel view similar to the new info list view:

Lovin' it more and more ... Smile
(2012-11-04, 19:48)butchabay Wrote: Lovin' it more and more ... Smile

Me too ... please more screenshots !! Cool
My reFocus mods : reAlaska & reAlaska (Dark)
Wowee the creativity I'm seeing in these views, there seriously is nothing like them. They are all so aesthetically different from their counterparts in other skins but yet look to easily navigate and present info. I can't wait to switch between them and not be able to just settle with one favorite!
A couple more things: in TV shows, when using the BannerList view, selecting "Use posters" in the view options causes the images to not display for me. Also there is an option to disable the RSS feed in in the Appearance settings (which I did because that was the only thing in this skin which was laggy for me) but when it's disabled the feed disappears but the bar where the feed displays doesn't go away.

Keep up the great work!
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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