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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
Perfect, thank you so much!
'm' brings up the media controls.
Aha! I've always used Return, so I didn't know that. Thanks!
I still have the problem with the watched flag not beeing updated until i leave the folder once.
Any suggestions for this?
I cannot reproduce the error with another skin...
Never had this problem... which XBMC version do you use?
Is it possible to somehow hide the little notice regarding the status of a television series based on the status itself? Say a show is cancelled, then I don't really need to see the sad notice reminding me of the fact that I'll never see new episodes…
with this skin, it's possible use local poster.jpg for movie?
(2012-04-07, 12:51)`Black Wrote: I don't know why that's happening... I think I'll remove that from the shutdown menu because as a user you don't need to reload the skin.

1. I included the fonts from Confluence in my skin so it should work. Please check if it works correctly in Confluence.
2. Settings -> Skin -> Home -> Manage custom home items
3. What problems exactly? They don't show? If it shows banners, that problem has been answered many times now.

3. It looks something like this (borrowed the screenshot from someone else with same problem)

I.e. the image on the right is "zoomed in". It's the same for all images.

I have all posters (poster.jpg) downloaded and I've selected prefer posters...
HTPC Zotac ZBOX HD-ID33BR (Intel Atom D525, NVIDIA NG-ION, 4xBD, etc), 2GB DDR2 RAM, 40GB OCZ Agility2 SSD, Win 8.1, XBMC 13.
SERVER AMD Phenom II X4 910e, Asus M4A785TD-V EVO/U3S6, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 6xHDDs, Win Srv 2012 R2.
A/V BenQ W1400 DLP FHD/3D projector w 104" motor screen, Samsung 40" LCD FHD TV, Onkyo 7.1 receiver, Infinity Alpha speakers, Supra cables.
Just installed this skin an I really like it. One question though: Do I need special plugins for the spotlight (in home) and recommended albums (in music) in the homescreen? For me these are just empty boxes.
(2012-04-10, 17:36)Cthugha Wrote:
(2012-04-07, 12:51)`Black Wrote: I don't know why that's happening... I think I'll remove that from the shutdown menu because as a user you don't need to reload the skin.

1. I included the fonts from Confluence in my skin so it should work. Please check if it works correctly in Confluence.
2. Settings -> Skin -> Home -> Manage custom home items
3. What problems exactly? They don't show? If it shows banners, that problem has been answered many times now.

3. It looks something like this (borrowed the screenshot from someone else with same problem)

I.e. the image on the right is "zoomed in". It's the same for all images.

I have all posters (poster.jpg) downloaded and I've selected prefer posters...

not enough i think, you need refresh the thumb for every show you add/scrap before you change the setting to "prefer posters"
i think xbmc keeps using the old banners he scrap before until you refresh thumb.
No, currently not possible, you have to edit Includes_TVGuide.xml.

No. Why would you want to use a local poster?

That problem has been discussed many times now, you have banners as thumbnail and not posters. Use posters and everything will be fine (banners are the default settings unless you have posters stored as folder.jpg or enabled prefer posters in the tvdb scraper settings). This problem will hopefully go away with the next version of XBMC.

You need globalsearch for spotlight and randomitems script for recommended albums. Both should be installed automatically if you install the repo version of the skin. If you use the github version, you manually have to install the scripts.
thx black for the answer.
i configured the tmdb scraper to download info in italian (my language), but the poster are downloaded too in italian, but i want use the original poster that i have in each movie folder not the italian cover that it is always in bad quality Sad
Then from now on add 'movie.tbn' (just rename .jpg to .tbn) to the movie folder before it's scraped by XBMC. That's how I do it.
(2012-04-10, 18:52)`Black Wrote: @Cthugha
That problem has been discussed many times now, you have banners as thumbnail and not posters. Use posters and everything will be fine (banners are the default settings unless you have posters stored as folder.jpg or enabled prefer posters in the tvdb scraper settings). This problem will hopefully go away with the next version of XBMC.

But is there a fix for it? I have posters enabled/preferred everywhere... Can't the skin just use poster.jpg if it exists?
HTPC Zotac ZBOX HD-ID33BR (Intel Atom D525, NVIDIA NG-ION, 4xBD, etc), 2GB DDR2 RAM, 40GB OCZ Agility2 SSD, Win 8.1, XBMC 13.
SERVER AMD Phenom II X4 910e, Asus M4A785TD-V EVO/U3S6, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 6xHDDs, Win Srv 2012 R2.
A/V BenQ W1400 DLP FHD/3D projector w 104" motor screen, Samsung 40" LCD FHD TV, Onkyo 7.1 receiver, Infinity Alpha speakers, Supra cables.
You probably did that after your tv shows were scanned... you have to do it before you add any shows or you have to re-scrape them afterwards or update the thumbnail manually. Skin doesn't use poster.jpg anywhere.
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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